
facing facts

I don't know how it happened or even why. It defies all logic and the laws of science. A mirror shows you the truth. You can't hide from it. The mirror reflects who you are. You can't run away from the truth it follows you like a shadow always leering over your shoulder following you until the day you die...

There in the mirror stood a happy, young girl perfect, beautiful, cheerful. The mirror rippled like water and there in the mirror was the girl again. But her face was distorted, a smile filled with horror spread across her face nothing but misery. Cuts covered her skin; blood had dried on her ghostly pale face. Tears poured down her face like a river. But there was no feeling in her face no pain, no hurt just a black expression. Her lips transformed so they were stitched together like a doll her lips still stuck in an awful smile. She had her hands clasped to her neck her eyes screaming for help. She looked trapped in her own body.

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