
Blending In.

I heard a rustling sound then voices. The people had come to take the little sheep away. Quickly, I scuttled from my place beneath the tree, the one with the tether and moved further away back from where I had.

The voices drew closer and soon I could see the three boys dragging a flock of tethered sheep behind them. Their skin was caramel and their hair kinky with very small tight curls that I could see even from this distance. Two of them looked to be my age while the third was taller or older, I really could not tell. Apart from their physical differences such as height and body size, I found that I could not tell their faces apart and for that reason I assumed that they must have come from the same family. What with their same type of caramel skin, small round noses, full lips and black eyes that glinted in the afternoon sun. They also wore the same kind attire. Long Khaki shorts and a matching long shirt while their feet remained bare and cracked, possibly due to the shoeless lifestyle that they had adopted.

I looked down at my own clothes and at the golden sun insignia on my chest that called out to me.

No.That life was now behind me. I thought even as infused some strength into my grip and pulled out the material that had carried the embroidery. The garment made a ripping noise as the insignia detached and I threw it away from me.

"Nonū?" The boys perked up as one of the trio called out in the direction of my hiding place.

I remained silent cursing myself for my thoughtlessness that would eventually land me in a heap of trouble.

"Noari au?" The boys called out again in that same strange dialect that I could not place not matter how hard I tried. After a moment of silence, the boys whispered fervently to each other as one of them untied the sheep before ambling away in a quick walk, every once in a while throwing a look behind at the place where I had originally concealed myself.

I slowly shadowed them out of the woods and into a path that seemed well worn. This time I had enough sense to keep away from their suspicious eyes. They walked on further southwards, leading the small herd to a much wider road that led out of the forest. Only then did they seem to look somewhat relieved and I felt a little amused even as reviewed their scared antics. I imagined what must have been going through their minds even as they chatted away noisily, gesturing and laughing, probably at their own reactions in the face of fear.

They soon left the forest and I found myself at odds not knowing where to go as there was nowhere else I could hide myself. Neither did I know anyone here nor the language that the natives spoke. I was yet to find water or food but I was sure that that problem would be soon be solved if only I could speak their language or another language that this people understood.

I looked down at my outfit. The long flowing white cloaks and matching pants that were a far cry to the khakis and various floral prints that my eyes witnessed even from this distance. My bronzed skin peeking out from beneath the sleeves was some what closer to their caramel but not the white mane that I had on my head for hair.

If I wanted to blended in, I would have to change some of the things that made me Phelian and quite drastically at that starting with my clothes and then that mane.

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