
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1584 Chs

-1294- Felt a bit happy?


This was the seed syllable mantra of Kundali Vidyaraja, symbolizing the expulsion of foreign invaders, with a very powerful repelling effect.

When Rozen chanted this seed syllable, a force erupted from his body, resounding like thunder.


Edelweiss's eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, she lifted her body in an instant, retreating like a phantom, seemingly ignoring gravity.


Almost at the same time, the force on Rozen's body burst forth, creating a thunderous shockwave that blasted the surrounding atmosphere away.

"Nice dodge."

Rozen raised an eyebrow, a half-smile forming on his face.

"But can you dodge so cleanly next time?"

As he spoke, Rozen raised one hand high.


This was a curse technique specifically for striking and subduing targets——the "Marici Deity Whip Technique".


With the chanting of Rozen's mantra, his magical power first transformed into spiritual power, then into jutsuryoku, continuously flowing from Rozen's hand and erupting, eventually forming a whip of light.


The curse technique whip, filled with jutsuryoku, was fiercely swung by Rozen, whistling through the air and striking towards Edelweiss's direction.


Not long after, a dull explosion echoed in this space.

The extremely powerful curse technique whip struck heavily where Edelweiss had been, shattering the ground and sending countless fragments flying.

But Edelweiss had already moved like the wind, dodging this downward strike.

However, Rozen didn't expect to succeed in one hit.

Thus, Rozen continued to lash out with the curse technique whip, making it whistle through the air and constantly strike towards Edelweiss's direction.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the vast shopping center plaza, one explosion after another resounded continuously.

The long whip of light danced wildly, repeatedly striking the ground and creating pits, with its momentum unabated, slashing towards the surroundings like a giant light blade, shattering walls, walkways, and corridors leading to the upper floors, sending debris flying, making it seem as though the entire shopping center was collapsing, teetering on the edge.

Facing such a fierce assault, Edelweiss remained utterly calm, her face maintaining a transcendent composure, her body moving like a phantom, unaffected by gravity, leaving afterimages as she flashed around, stopping abruptly or accelerating to top speed, dodging all the incoming powerful whips.

Until at one moment, Edelweiss suddenly charged forward, her entire body turning into a white meteor, darting towards Rozen.

At this moment, Rozen had just swung a whip, his curse technique whip still in mid-air, unable to strike down immediately.

Edelweiss precisely targeted this flaw, decisively rushing forward at top speed, raising her white sword high, preparing to strike down at Rozen just before reaching him, leaving Rozen no room to dodge.


"I knew you would do that."

Rozen completely ignored the whip still mid-swing and pointed a finger at Edelweiss.


Rozen chanted an extremely short mantra.

This single, short mantra triggered a significant phenomenon.


From Rozen's fingertip, an intensely bright and dazzling light burst forth, illuminating the surroundings.


Edelweiss, seemingly not expecting Rozen to use such a move, had her exquisite face slightly change, and then her vision was seized by the blinding light, along with all her senses.

This was the Radiant Light Mantra from Tendai Buddhism, considered capable of instantly blinding even demons and evil spirits, rendering them sightless.

Therefore, this curse technique not only affected vision but could also burn the enemy's spirit, robbing even a jujutsu user's spirit sight abilities.

When used by Rozen, this curse technique could make everyone bathed in this light lose all their senses, unable to perceive anything around them.

Hence, at this moment, Edelweiss had lost all her senses, including vision, hearing, taste, and touch.


Without any hesitation, Rozen chanted a new mantra, using a new curse technique.

This was the lightning method that invoked thunder energy through the seal of Indra.

Rozen's hand, extended towards Edelweiss, burst forth with lightning, finally forming a brilliant thunderbolt that shot towards the sense-deprived Edelweiss, striking her heavily.


The solid thunder strike hit Edelweiss directly, creating a blast and a shockwave that swept like a storm from her body, raising dust and enveloping her.

Through a variety of abilities and tactics, Rozen managed to land a hit on the world's strongest swordsman.

"Is it over...?"

Rozen lowered his hands, dispersing the curse technique whip and the flickering lightning, watching the dust-filled area ahead, muttering to himself.

Despite his muttering, there was no trace of victory on Rozen's face, but rather a look of interest, as if the real show was just beginning.

After all...

"If beating the world's strongest swordsman was this easy, I wouldn't have needed to summon a Beast Vassal and blow up a mountain two years ago."

Rozen smirked.

"Don't tell me you're done already, Edel."

—— Edel.

When this nickname left Rozen's mouth...


A white flash like lightning slashed through the spot where Rozen had been standing.

Upon closer inspection, the dust in front had been dispersed, spreading outward.

Edelweiss, with her eyes closed, had silently appeared before Rozen, slashing out with her sword.

"That was close...!"

Rozen narrowly dodged this deadly strike, exclaiming.

As for Edelweiss, her usually calm and beautiful face was now filled with a mix of anger and embarrassment, her cheeks flushing red.

"I told you not to call me that!"

Edelweiss protested, seemingly both angry and embarrassed.

Compared to her previous calm and beauty, this added a level of cuteness.

"Really?" Rozen retreated a distance, then smiled playfully, "Didn't you say this nickname was cute and no one ever called you that before, so you felt a bit happy?"

"That was before!" Edelweiss retorted, slightly flustered, "And I said only in private!"

"But this is private." Rozen shrugged helplessly, "Isn't it just the two of us here?"

"Even so... don't suddenly call me that!"

"Oh? Are you embarrassed?"

"Shut up!"

"No can do!"

The two Blazers, both enjoying the reputation of being the world's strongest, after the intense battle just now, started bickering like children.