1 Little life ♡

Sometimes I wonder why I came to this world. Why these people, why this family, why this country, and why this fate. I used to spend my free time at my nights with my headphones in front of the window. Looking at the sky, daydreaming and waiting a miracle from the stars. Maybe this miracle would never happen, but I was hoping anyway. What did they say, a person would die when hope was exhausted. But I was still alive and I still had hope. Even if a little...

A few months later, I was going to take the exam that would pay off for my years of work. This exam was important for me, my life, my future. If I could get into the university I wanted, maybe I would soon get out of this damn place. South Korea ... The second biggest unintentionally mistake in my life - was being born in this country. The first was being born in this family. I was tired of seeing the same view every day. An alcoholic father and a mother who tired from her life. If it wasn't exist, they wouldn't even look at the house. At least my mother was working and bringing money home, but my father was buying drinks with that money.

I couldn't decide whether my mom or dad was worse. Is it worse an alcoholic father or a mother who has no hope for life, is angry, and has not shown affection for her daughter even once. Oh, I guess they're both bad or not.

They are not, because the more I look at them, the more I gather power to get out of this garbage dump. Working more and getting out of this damn place. I made my entire plan when I was 10 years old. The day my mom slapped me. When I heard those hateful words from my mother. When I seeing my father just watching us. I made my decision that day. That's why I worked non-stop. I became one of the best students at school. But if you ask, neither my mother nor my father are aware of this. Even when they called from school, they wouldn't pick up the phone.

My only excuse would be: "They work so hard, sir, so they couldn't come." They could not come to my appreciation ceremony. They could not witness any of my achievements. This is my family. I disappeared for them the day I was born. Why did they raise me up to this time? Why did they give me life...

Therefore, I will enter university and make a good life for myself. If I could be accepted to the University of Seoul, I could go from this country later. Because in this country I have nothing to keep me here. Nothing...
