


Creature Shop-

Companion Shop-


Lewis Smith


HP-25 (Vit x 5)

HP Regen- 5 per hour (Str per Hour)

MP- 25 (Int x 5)

MP- 5 per hour (Wis per Hour)

Str-1- 1 Heart of damage per hit. Base body has the rough equivalent of 0.012

Dex-6- Can run 18 meters a second, which is faster than a base Minecraft character by roughly 1.2 meters a second. With your speed and muscle added on top of this you can achieve roughly 18.2 meters a second.

Vit-10- How many hearts you have. Plus with your base health this is actually slightly higher.

Int-5- This will increase the speed of your learning and magic amount with later mods.

Wis-5- This is a representation of given speed for a person to use their knowledge effectively. This is the given amount by the system. But you did have a little bit to help you before in comparison.

Luc-100- Your were chosen by the system, why would your luck be bad. Seriously, are you a glitch in the matrix. Realize your reality and stop thinking your unlucky you ungrateful toothpick.


32 Blocks of Minecraft Verse Dirt- This type of dirt is one of the most fertile within your corner of the Omniverse. This is here in case you end up in a apocalyptic world only to die of hunger. You may take this out of your Minecraft world instead of using these 32 blocks there.

Minecraft Wooden Sword x1- Just a cubed wooden sword which can magical damage percentages into existence. The norm in a world of craziness.


Vanilla Minecraft Body- You have hearts as health on top of your body's health. Breath bars to represent breath on top of what you have. Satiation bars on top of how your body actually works. With the potential for more things with mods and other features. All effects of any kind on your body are visible from attempted body control, and mining haste...



3.14 Minecraft Dungeon

Hidden Leaf Village

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