
Minecraft in One piece

!!!Attention!!! English is not the main language, please understand if there is wrong grammar or inaccurate word choices, my initial goal in writing this fanfic is to be better at English. I can read and speak English but I have a hard time writing it and I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic. Steve reincarnated into Steve with the power of Steve .inspired by a fanfic lord who visits another world This fanfic is more of a wish-fulfillment story so if you don't like stories like that don't waste your time on this garbage. disclaimer: I don't have any rights in this work. One-piece belongs to Oda Sense and Minecraft belongs to Mojang

Endless_Evolution2 · Anime & Comics
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03. Unlimited YEET Work

After her conversation with Steve, Marie chose to leave Steve and told Steve to rest because Steve had just recovered from the puppet control , Steve who was left alone decided to check his strength. and steve was shocked that he couldn't use his command source

steve is interested in his ability to change reality at will via the command source , but the only thing he saw was [no connection to the source world] which made him confused, how can he connect his command to this world ?.

steve kept thinking until he remembered what he said to marie, steve nodded and started to check his other strength.

[ Mode : Creative/Nerf version

1.super strength : 35,500 Ton

2.super speed :20km/m

3. super defense: can withstand the vice admiral's attack unscathed

4. super endurance : no damage taken = ∞

5.status to mob : Passive?

6.Resource : ∞

7.jump power : 100 Meters

8. resistance : temperature , debuff

9. Race : Homo-Supreme.

10. super smartphone RTX6969 :∞ ]

(A/N : those of you who read Marvel comics must know what race Steve is now)

'damn,I am very strong. with this power alone is enough to finish off one admirals, although I don't know their strength yet but it's certain if I multiply my strength a thousand times. they are no match for me even the Yonko will die in one hit, sigh*... I hate my wish , but wait...why did my smartphone became infinite? didn't i just wish one? meh...maybe loophole because i didn't say how much ' Said Steve while pondering this overpowering power

"So now I'm Steven Perrson, and I'm a royal prince of Goa, if it weren't for the double R in the name of the family I thought that my brother was a notch.they have the same name only two different letters. so now I have to go to ender again ... man I'm very lazy to go there, but for my survival I will do it, Behold!!, O minecraft player !!! , I'll finish minecraft in less than a minute...wait a minute, it looks like someone finished it in less than 30 seconds but I forgot who, but he used a cheat to finish it. meh .. never mind "

without thinking two time , steve immediately took out the enchantment table and steve took out a set of netherite armor, swords, and bows.He started one by one strengthening all the equipment with the best enchantment, after that Steve started using all the equipment.

Steve then takes out the ender portals and puts them on the floor, he arranges them in a 4x4 arrangement with the sides removed leaving 12 ender portal. steve then took the endereye and put it on the ender portal, immediately the portal lights up emitting light and steve can see endless darkness from the portal, without thinking steve immediately jumped into the portal.

ender dragon PoV.

'hey you, yes you, who was watching me.You know sometimes I wish I was something other than a dragon, and I'm not related to this damn dimension but it looks like those god damn gods made me guarding this dimension because of something.

are they afraid that someone will come and take something here? ,talking about this made me think of the past. There used to be a human who came here. He had a strange name, if I'm not mistaken, his name was Black D Dicky , and I don't know what is black about him because when compared to obsidian he can be said to be quite white .

when he first came he immediately hit me, and his hand turned black, yup it turns out that the black one is his hand and you think that's enough? no !!! .because the black one is not only his hands but his whole body, and when I attacked him you know what? he was dying instantly in one strike,like what the hell.I guess he more strong than brine but his power just meh.., yeah Brine was strong, very strong, but unfortunately he slipped into the void and died,wait how did i know his name again? i am curious....

ahem, now where are we .. hmm, ah yeah until black dicky die.You know that in this dimension there is no such thing as an enderman, here only myself and the void, and which creature could endure this loneliness !! wait a minute I think the ouroboros, that six three or whatever her name and the dreamer can do it, again why am I talking to myself again..

uh ... hey, there are new visitors, I ...WTF ...with this human....why is he so strong !!! now I know why I was put here to guard that thing.because they are afraid of these humans !!.'

ender dragon PoV end.

steve looked at his surroundings, he only saw one entity which was none other than Ender Dragon, he did not see Enderman or any other creature,At first he thought that his opponent would be Cthulhu or Azathot but it seems like only Ender Dragon he can fight here.

Steve realized that Ender Dragon was shocked to see himself, and before long the dragon immediately attacked Steve, this made Steve a bit shocked.steve immediately jumped on top of the obsidian tower and destroyed the ender crystal which made him bounce off but steve was ready to direct his body to one of the obsidian towers.

Steve quickly destroyed all the end crystals, this made the Ender Dragon who had seen Steve dumbfounded.how is he not dumbfounded, while steve beat the record of 2 his predecessors in identifying his weaknesses made him think where steve knew his weakness ?.

steve saw Ender Dragon who was stunned, and immediately took advantage of this opportunity by directly attacking Ender Dragon, Ender Dragon who had been stunned became conscious when Steve's sword touched his scales.

immediately the sword sprinkled fireworks which indicated how hard Ender dragon's skin was, but who was Steve. he is the definition of cheating, although dragon's skin is hard but netherite is harder and stronger than dragon skin,Steve immediately jumped backwards using a moment made of friction from Ender Dragon and Steve.

Steve quickly changed his weapon to a bow and fired a poisoned arrow at Ender Dragon's right eye which made him hurt, Ender Dragon who was in pain spat out his fire at steve.

steve immediately dodged the fire and shot his arrow at the ender dragon, using damaged eye of ender dragon as advantage steve threw the ender pearl towards the right side of ender dragon.

This made Ender Dragon shocked because he saw Steve teleporting and before he realized where Steve was, Steve quickly switched his weapon to a sword and jumped aiming for left eye of ender dragon.

Ender Dragon quickly lost his two sights, this made him go berserk, spitting fire in various directions making Steve have to jump into one of the obsidian towers.

'looks like I have to use my strongest attack, I'm sure he can't withstand this attack !!! ' Steve said to himself

steve took out many swords from wooden swords to netherite swords,Steve took a deep breath and prepared with both swords in both hands, Steve adjusted his breathing and prepared to attack

"O sword, let him feel your strength, Unlimited YEETed sword !!! "

In a matter of seconds ten swords shot towards Ender Dragon which was immediately blown away due to the hardness of the dragon's skin, but steve did not give up and kept throwing his sword because he was sure the dragon's defense would not last long, after all the stones that were hit by continuous water drops would have holes.

Ender dragon PoV

'bastard !! , do you think I'm not in pain? luckily I learned the technique that Black D Dicky used.... wait when did i learn this?, hmm ... this technique is good enough to defend and attack, mueheheheh .... you won't be able to hurt me bitch not today and not even a hundred years away you can't beat me. Wait, what's that thing? oi oi oi !! You're not planning on throwing that thing, right? right?i ... i feel pressured by that thing !!! What is that thing !! Wait!!! do not throw me that thing!! I'm begging you !!! Aaaaaaaaaaa !! ..... '

I don't know what happened to me at that time, all I felt was the pain that made me lose my life.

ender dragon PoV end

back again to steve, he felt his moves were not enough to produce damage to ender dragon, steve racked his brains until he remembered that he still had anvil made of gold, nodding his head steve took out his secret weapon which is golden anvil which weigh 3 times heavier than a block of gold.

"heheheh ..... hahahah ... feel my power, you overgrowth lizard !!! Unlimited YEET Work !!"

Immediately, many anvils flew towards Ender Dragon, and Steve could see the fear in Ender Dragon's face, Steve kept doing it until Ender Dragon was covered all over his body with anvil leaving only the head unscathed.

steve came down from the obsidian tower and approached the ender dragon, he took out his ultimate weapon called [Kill Da Hoe] with all his strength steve hoeed the head of the ender dragon. make Ender Dragon's head cut off from its body.

"wait a minute, WTF ... are these hoes so powerful that they can separate this dragon's head? "


(A/N : I am back!!!, the village is a very pleasant place, although there is rarely a network there but the air there is very fresh.

back to topic ....

actually I'm still confused whether having 3 wives is usually called a harem?

if yes then we will finish there and stick to one or maybe 2 wife's after all he will be a king at least that what i think.

but if the answer is no then i will consider adding some girl to be steve's wife

maybe steve won't save ohara ..... who knows?)

drop some stone will ya!!


some reviews will ya!!!

Endless_Evolution2creators' thoughts