

Alex POV

After leaving sir Jesse's place I asked Ander to teleport us to my house. Disappear in purple particles and appearing inside his room, "The pie was great who knew sir Jesse was a good baker" I said

Yes the pie me and Ander ate was baked by sir Jesse. Ander finding out that he was the one who baked it clung onto his leg and it took a while for me to remove him.

"Yeah and I got his recipe!" Ander said in a victorious tone, I found his antic cute that I pinched his cheek without even realizing.

"Alex my cheeks!" He exclaimed in pain, realizing what I did I removed my hand from his cheek and laughed sheepishly, "Ehehe... Sorry, you just looked cute when you said that"

I said, Ander pouted, "I'm not cute you're cute" He pointed at me, silence was all that was heard in the room.

Ander's face slowly turned bright red as mine did the same, "C-cute m-me?" I said, Ander looked away and covered his face with his hands.

Waa~ Ander thinks I'm cute!! I looked at the hiding Ander and pulled him into a hug, "You think I'm cute huh?" his face turned into a more brighter red as he teleported himself into the closet.

Chuckling I stood up and walked towards the door, "Get some sleep Ander we have something to do tomorrow" I said.

"What are we going to do?" He asked, I turned my head to look at him, "You are going to accompany me to the Arena and register for the positon of Head Guardian" He hummed, I slowly close the door but not before saying.

"Night Ander" he waved goodbye as I closed the door, I then skipped towards my room.

Having arrived in my room I jumped onto the bed and giggled like a little girl finding their favourite food, "Ehehe Ander thinks I'm cute"

Ander's POV

After Alex left I immediately covered my face, why did I have to say that?! What was going on in my brain to day cute outloud! Sure she said I was cute first but I just wanted to get revenge on pinching me. I thought as my face grew increasingly hot.

"Ughh I need to sleep this off" I said, I silently walked towards the bed and laid down on it, "Maybe by tomorrow Alex would already forget I called her cute" I muttered, Slowly I drift off into the dreamworld

Timeskip (Yup Finally using it)

Waking up to the sounds of the chirping birds I slowly got up. I still can remember that I called Alex cute and it's still kind of embarrassing. I thought, slapping my cheeks I walked towards the bathroom.

"It's okay Alex probably forgot about it by now" I muttered to myself as I took a bath.

Alex POV

Waking up I stretched my arms out and got up. I may have slept late last night thinking of Ander saying I was cute.

To be honest I'm way too brutish to be called cute by people. Instead of having interest on beauty appliances like other girls I usually spend my time training my body. So being called cute by someone I know kind of made me happy.

I thought, looking at the mirror I saw how messy my hair was. Some of it was going all over my face and even on my mouth, "Can't go to the registration looking like this"

Going into the bathroom I took a bath. Closing the knob for the shower I took a towel that was hanging beside the bathtub.


Finished with dressing myself I exited my room and went to the dining table. On my way there I saw Ander who looked like a dead fish, "Hey Ander" I said.

Ander looked at me and waved, "Hey Alex" he said, "So what happened to you?" I said in plain curiosity.

"Couldn't sleep last night thinking about something" Ander said while he yawned, "So to the arena?" he said.

"Yes but let's eat first" Entering the dining hall food was already prepaired for us, Hailey and a blonde boy with mismatched eyes greated us with a bow, "Good morning Lady Alex and Sir Ander" they said in unison.

Looking at the boy my brow raised, "Hailey who's this?" I said as Ander already started eating, Hailey then introduced the boy.

"This right here is Leo he is what the players call a Noob or an inexperienced person. We found him one day in the streets of hotspot looling for a job. We then asked if he knew how to cook as you can see right now he is wearing a chef's outfit" Hailey said, I sized him up a bit and saw that he is average at most.

"Did you cook these?" I said pointing at the food that Amder is currently eating. Leo nodded, he grabbed a chair and pulled it back for me to sit, "Although I am confident with my cooking my lady I am still in need of guidance from the chefs inside the household" He said with a kind smile.

"hmm I see, well Leo although I have not eaten the food just yet, based on Ander's face right now I am very sure that it is delicious" I said, grabbing a slice of a chocolate cake and putting it in my plate I sliced a small part of it and ate it.

What is this?! I thought as my mind went blank from how delicious it was. I looked at Leo with stars in my eyes.

"Can you bake more of these?!" I said in excitement, he chuckled and nodded, "Yes I can" He said in confidence. I stood up and pat his shoulders.

"I want this to be baked every day" I said, Leo then looks at me seriously, "I'll bake it once a month" he said, I was shocked, "What why?!" I exclaimed.

He shook his head, "I learned from the people of this house that you aren't supposed to eat too much sweats in a month so I'll be limiting it to once a month" He said, I grumbled but agreed. I sat back down and enjoyed the meal.

Brain has officially stopped working.

I'm refreshing my brain with the minecraft story mode timeline the characters and where to introduce the antagonist ughhh so hard

Chihiro_Kanzakicreators' thoughts
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