
Will you be my friend?

Y/N : "Yeah mom I'm coming" I said as I woke up from my deep slumber.

Mom: "Y/N you have been saying that for the past 1hour! Hurry up otherwise we'll be late!" my mom shouted.

Y/N : "You didn't even tell me where we're going!" I said equally annoyed.

Mom : "We're going to meet our new neighbors" My mom said excitedly

Y/N : I'm not going"

Mom : "You have to come Y/N. They even have a kid of your age. (Y/N is 6 years old) You can play with him."

Y/N : "I'm not go- Wait What?! They have a kid of my age?"

Mom : "Yes. Don't you want to make a new friend?"

Y/N : "Yes!! ofcourse!!" I was very happy because I didn't have any friends who lived near me.

Mom : "Come on then. Go to the bathroom, refreshen up, get ready and come downstairs"

Y/N : "Yes mom!"

It took me about 30 mins to get ready. I skipped down the stairs excitedly.

Mom : "OK. Come and have your breakfast."

I went and sat down.

After breakfast, we went to our neighbor's house.

A beautiful lady greeted us and told us to come inside.

Mom : "So this is my daughter Y/N."

Lady : "Hello! My name is Park Jinhee and this is my son Jimin." She said as she smiled at me.

I smiled back at her and noticed the boy hiding behind her.

Y/N : Hello Jimin!

Jimin : H-hello...

Jimin's mom : "He's a bit shy. But I'm sure that you both will become good friends. Right Jimin? "

Jimin : "Y-yes."

I need to interact with him more so that he's comfortable with me.

Y/N : "Ma'am, can me and Jimin go and play in the playground?"

Jimin's mom : "Sure, why not?"

Y/N : "Thank you."

I grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him outside with me. But he yanked his hand back and ran towards the playground.

Y/N : "Jimin wait for me!"

I ran towards the playground but was shocked to see the sight in front of me. Jimin had fallen down and was sobbing loudly.

Y/N : "Omg what happened? Are you alright?" I said concerned. He didn't respond and kept on crying.

Y/N : "Jimin tell me how did you fall?" He looked at me but then averted his gaze.

Jimin : "I kinda stumbled on a rock and fell." He said as his eyes brimmed with tears again.

Y/N : "Don't cry. Here, take this." I said as I took out a lollipop from my pocket. At first he hesitated but then eventually took it.

Y/N : "Whenever I feel sad or hurt, I have a lollipop. It helps a lot."

Jimin : "Thank you." And for the first time I saw Jimin smile. He had a very cute eyesmile.

Y/N : "Come on let's go back now."

Jimin : "Yes. Umm.. Y/N?

Y/N : "Yes?"

Jimin : "W-will you b-be my friend?"

Omg did he just say that? I thought he was introverted? I myself was too shy to ask him.

Y/N : "Yes ofcourse!!" I said as we both walked to his house.

Y/N stands for Your Name. In this story Jimin and Y/N are both 6 years old. Thank you for reading this story. Love to all my readers :-) ^ω^

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