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James woke up that morning as he always did, and made himself a cup of coffee. he had no family left and an allowance of 300 a month to cover living expenses. though this was the standard, it was because he couldn't be employed until his soul awoke.

Some awoke amazing gifts from their soul that allowed them unbelievable abilities, some were more commonplace. none really knew why the Souls began to awaken but it happened around the same time as creatures began to evolve, seemingly awakening their own souls.

humanity and the creatures fought and fought but mankind had a difficult time fighting them back. many ignorant lives were lost to arrogance and the human race felt the first real threat they had in many years.

"I wonder what my soul will be like?" James mumbled to himself, seemingly depressive. he had forgotten it was his 16th birthday, but he had spent most of his time playing on BATTLE MASTERS ™ On the PC he had talked his ex girlfriend into giving him.

*knock knock*

"who the fuck?.." James mumbled again as he went to open his door

In his doorway were two military figures. this wasn't unexpected but did come as a bit of a surprise as he didn't have an ability from his soul yet.

"it's time. come with us. your two years of military school begins now" said the larger man, with a hint of arrogance about him.

"no, I have no ability I'm useless to yo-"

the larger man pulled his sword, bashing James in the temple with the hilt, as he passed out.

[system install finished. reboot in progress. have fun :)]

the words appeared in front of him as he fell unconscious, he hit the floor dazed and confused as he slipped out of consciousness
