
Deeper the well.

It hurts...

It burns...

I can't see... why can't I see...

It was then that I felt my body drop, it was as if my body disappeared and was becoming one with the floor as my sense of self lowered with it... until finally I opened my eyes and saw a brick room. It felt gloomy and abandoned so I tried to investigate till suddenly my body fell apart.

I could finally see my body, it was horrifying. 'Where's my hands!', I tried to shout but was met with silence. I tried to move but was met with resistance as my entire being moved with me as if it clung to the floor.

I tried to relax...

I tried to think...

Until finally... I gave up on remembering who I was as I didn't know where I was. I looked around but weirdly I could perceive everything around me as if I had eyes all over my body but I couldn't see any at all. My body was just made of a weirdly unnerving goo that felt somehow unnatural.

I tried to move with my body as it I was a slug and pushed myself... 'yeah I'm not going anywhere anytime soon' I thought in despair as I moved slower than I had imagined. 'Then again this looks more like I prison cell than a home so there must be someone here' I began to ponder, hoping and wishing someone could explain as my own thoughts were clouding my mind.


I heard a loud crash as the door was smashed by a large club. Bits and pieces of a creature along with the door scattered the room as a huge figure of rocks and gems loomed in to confirm its prey.

I felt fear, I felt the insides I didn't have were twisting at the thought that I was next. The creature came I to the cell after having destroyed the metal door and turned what looked to be a wolf on its side but there was no response from the poor animal. To my surprise my body moved on its own, I tried to will it away, to run from my potential death but it didn't listen.

'Are you trying to get us killed!?', I yelled in my head as my body rolled?... slithered?... I wasn't sure, all I was sure about was that I was dead if things continued like this. I looked up at the huge golem yet it didn't seem to look down at me as it shuffled out of the room leaving me in complete confusion.

'Huh, I'm not dead, but I'm feeling something fluffy but I don't know if slimes are exactly the most fluffy beings...', I look down and see my body started to consume the wolf like an acid pit and not looking that pretty. 'Now to find out if slime can puke', I said as I was feeling green contrary to my deep purple body.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain that overtook my body as it started to rise and shift and my vision darkened as I lost concentration and passed out...


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