
Chapter 1

A year earlier

Changing my life seemed impossible until a few days ago, but a letter completely upset the course of things.

I am in my room and thrown on the bed, with an absent look, I look at the ceiling. I should arrange the luggage as per the instructions, but I just can't do it. Not because I was afraid to move or all this desire to stay, but something inside me advised me to memorize every detail, because I would never see it again.

A stupid idea when you think about it because it would have been only me to move and mom and dad would have stayed, so I could have come and visit them on vacation, even though I'm still mad at them.

They continue to deny that they are involved in my selection in this subspecies of the millennial college, of which no one knows the precise location. All this, however, is impossible, as it can be that a school that boasts that prestige begins to examine all school-age children in the world.

They take me for a fool that's for sure ...

Then I could understand if I had any subspecies of abilities, but I don't have any.

At school I'm average ...

I have few friends and not even very close ...

And last but not least, I'm too lazy to play sports.


Well the answer is very, very simple ...


That's why I repeat my parents take me for stupid and they are also liars. However, despite my reluctance and lack of will, they have arranged my exile in a place abandoned by the Lord in which it is not possible to even have a mobile phone, as underlined by the very elegant regulation that was sent to us with the letter of admission to Hell .

I look at the clock ... 5:10 pm and jump into the air

Man, I only have 20 minutes to change and pack my suitcase

Now, like it or not, I have to give myself a move, otherwise at 17:30, when they come to pick me up, I'll be more or less without anything. With this awareness, I look around in search of the few things I'm fond of: my first soft toy and the photo of me and my family in front of Disney's French castle. I take them, throw everything necessary inside the suitcase and close it without too many ceremonies.

At this point there are only ten minutes left and I just have to get dressed ...

I put on a black Nirvana t-shirt and skinny jeans, my usual outfit practically, and finish the outfit with the greatest joy of my life, my real leather boots with metal studs. As can be easily understood from the premise just made, I only wear them for special occasions, but since I don't know when I will be able to return, I might as well take them with me.

I walk towards the door very slowly and when I am in front of it I turn around and as my inner voice said I memorize. It is not the largest room in the world nor the most beautiful, but it is mine, in every single detail ... from the posters that fill the walls to the bookcases and the colors that characterize it, black and white. I don't know how to explain my natural predisposition to sharp contrasts and contradictions, black and white, Good and Evil, everything that is apparently opposite fascinates and completely captivates me, preventing me from choosing one of the two.

All this philosophizing, however, is interrupted by the insistent sound of the intercom, which announces the end of my life.

- Vi, Vi, get out the car has arrived - Mum calls and calls, but I can't move, I'm as if blocked and I can't even answer.

Worried Dad gets in and seeing me shocked decides to take me by the arm and accompany me downstairs and then towards the car, which is on our driveway. But my situation doesn't change even when we go out, so my dad stops and examines me carefully. He is not a type of many words, but he is one of the best observers I know, not that there are many ... Returning to the point, however, once again he does not say anything and instead of holding my arm, he takes my hand, as when I was a child and I was afraid of something, and she accompanies me in front of the car.

At one point, which amazes me enormously, my father speaks.

- Vi, we love you so much and I hope this experience makes you more aware of yourself and how special you really are -

The grave tone used by my father makes me even more confused, so much so that I get into the car without nodding either to my parents or to the driver.


Minutes pass and I recover, there is no longer even a shadow of the house ... I regret not having greeted my parents properly, but for the moment the only person who is here is the driver, so I apologize for the rudeness shown up to now and thank him.

At the same time, however, I mull over my dad's words ...

Why did dad have such a grave tone of voice? Aren't they afraid that I will go away forever?

After all I think they have always had this fear since they found me in front of their newborn door, it was as if at any moment I and these last eighteen years had been an incredible dream, but it is not so .. I love them more than anything in the world and even if one day I ever find my biological parents I would not leave them, let alone replace them.

Doing these thoughts slowly and unconsciously I doze off.


I am surrounded by fog and in the dark.

Nothing is seen but an ethereal figure swaying.

He looks at me intently, but it's as if he doesn't really see me.

I do not speak and neither do you, all of a sudden, however, a part of the landscape that surrounds me clears up.

She seems to wake up and turns to a blinding light.

After a while two figures rise on the horizon: one tall, dark and wild and the other smaller and more luminous. The two do not notice my presence and that strange girl, perhaps because they are too busy looking at each other intensely.

Let's be clear not an intense in the romantic sense, but more of the "I'll be the one to take your head off first" type.

A few moments later, however, the luminous figure, who looking closer has the appearance of a woman, interrupts the game of glances with the dark one and approaches the other and ...

At that moment I wake up in the car out of breath and sweaty.

Here is the first chapter, I hope you like it. I ask you, if you like, to comment and support me with a thumbs up.

Thanks for reading!

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