

Wake up little princess its already 8 !! i hope you don't wanna be late for the first day of your college said raziya's mom waking up her little princess who was no more little anymore ofcourse she was big girl attending college now! Razia woke up quickly and ran to the bathroom to get freshen up,Razia was fast as hell she got ready in 10 min and reached downstairs for grabbing her favorite sandwiches ,she stuffed some in her mouth and waved everyone and left for the first day of her college .

Princess did everything fast almost gagged herself from sanwiches but still missed the bus ,the moment she reached the bus stop the bus already left ,but whoa hold on she was a princess and she was fighter how could she let that happen ,she ran with all her might and the bus driver saw her vigourous effort and slowed down the bus .She hoped into the bus fighting for breath but she realised after a moment that whatever she did that made her to hop on the bus but that act ruined her first day at college when all of the students burst into a laughter. Fine !!! urghh!!! i ruined myself thought Razia .

Silently she went to a quiet seat in the back and prayed for her day.Rest of the day was nothing special full packed with boring lectures.At the end of the day professor decided to have a formal introduction as nobody was willing to listen to lectures anymore.But for Razia it was as hellish as the lecture ,listening to everyone's blabbering about their things .It irritated the hell out of her ,she was half dozing when she heard a voice ,a familiar one which was so delightful to hear ,a vioce so sweet that she woke up from her sleep to look towards the owner of that melody like voice.There he was,Yaqut ,he indeed was as beautiful as his voice actually stating him beautiful was unfair to his masculine aura .He was a truely hansome man in his early 20's .The radiance of his face lit Raziya's eyes and it happened .Zing?? the thing that happens once in life and once you loose it, can never have it.yes the love at first sight.