

history is not about just the facts and the dates .It is about the names and the stories behind them too.It is just not empty stories .It is about the reason behind those happenings which turned them into history for us and made their ways into golden carved letters .It is not a tale from women next door rather it is a tale of millions of years showing their fragments today .In those fragments lies the tale of numerous stories both of love and angst ,the story of hatred and empathy ,the stories of separation and reconcilation,the stories of sacrifices and greed,the stories of devotion and superstitions,the stories of legends and monsters and many more faces of history is still uncovered ,many more puzzles still unsolved ,many more mystery still unraveled and many more ways still unmarked.But one thing we should never forget about the history is that its all in the past but it never fails to mark its presence in our present.That is how history never fails to astound us.So never forget past cause it makes the history and once it is a history whether you want or don't it will follow you forever not leaving your side ever!!!!!

well its not the part of story but its really the part of facts that is needed for you to understand the story....sorry for being bookish guys...but i assure you future chapters are going to entertain you bless me and support me because its my first creation

miss_jane_pipicreators' thoughts
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