1 Prologue

It was almost like a switch, it happened so quickly. Not even the girl herself knew what had been happening to her.

Cassandra Martinez, the word of the street. As the thick material of void black boots pattered the concrete, whispers could be heard tickling her ear. She always knew they were talking about her, they had nothing else to talk about beyond the rumor that the girl had gone from star student to the biggest nutcracker there was on the block.

Every day there was a new tale about how the neighbors could hear the girl screaming for help at the darkest hour, or see her conversing with something that wasn't there through her window.

Even her own mother had betrayed the young girl, talking to her friends about her own flesh and blood as if she had been a reality star for the world to give a half-assed opinion to. No wonder she had begun losing her mind—though it hadn't been lost yet.

What made her lose it though? Surely this couldn't have just occurred over one night or one small incident, this had been building up. This entity had been plotting, waiting, but not in the dark.

Over her frail shoulders and frizzy locks, she could often see figures that would vanish the second her chocolate eyes rested on them, leaving her to wonder what eyes peered on her from the shadows.

Unfortunately, that answer was left untouched, just outside of her grasp, not until she takes the responsibility of touching on a part of her life that had been hidden from her view since the day her cold pale skin touched the earthly air.
