
Woman Milf ( second parts )

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

—"Ohhh. yesss, Ahhh"— I let out a loud moan as I cum inside Romina's bowels and completely flood her cave with thick, pearly liquid.

I wait until all my semen is completely released and I withdraw my cock slowly, while I push my arms over the cook's back..

Romina barely opens her eyes and immediately wants to continue our work saying.. — "My lord" — while she tries to get up, but her arms fail and her body falls to lie on the table..

With a somewhat slow breath, Romina tries to get up again, but her arms do not support her weight, failing again, it is like watching a newborn deer try to get up..

It's obvious that the lady can't go on so I tell her with a smile. —"rest"— The lady finishes opening her eyes and tells me. —"please my lord, just wait 5 minutes, in 5 minutes I'll be as good as new. "— while trying to look at my face and smile, but after a couple of seconds the smile on Romina's face began to deform until it became in a grimace...

Because ?

Honestly, I didn't have the slightest idea why and I don't have the mental powers to know everything either, but I'm not a son of a bitch not to have a bit of empathy either.

So I smiled and walked up to her back and slapped her behind and rubbed it tenderly. — "Rest Romina, I'm going to eat at the same time as always .." — I tell her and then I caress her behind again ..

At this point a clearer message is not possible, although I still had a very evident erection between my legs. Mrs. Romina calms down, nods a couple of times and adds. — "Of course, my lord, his food will be served." —

At the end of her sentence, her gaze falls on my cock, Romina's cheeks turn red and she lowers her gaze.

Seconds later the lady begins to sob.

I can see several tears run down her cheeks and then Romina wipe her nose. I slap her big round ass a few times before turning around to give her space..

She walked a couple of steps and before leaving the kitchen she took out a bathrobe along with some slippers to avoid walking naked through the villa with an erection proudly looking at the sky..

She pushed the door and I left the kitchen. the two twins are lined up outside with the girl named Karina..

The three girls are silent, looking at the ground and with both hands behind their waists, I stopped for a moment, to look at their Victorian dresses and greet... —"as they are you."— I see the three girls who raise their face with a big smile on his lips, but I don't wait for his answer and I continue on my way..

Although I honestly wanted to continue fucking, I had to control my impulses and use my willpower to avoid falling back into that spiral of sex and debauchery...

Upon entering the bedroom, I find Mercedes, my housekeeper, next to the bed with all the things she had asked her to buy in the market...

Mercedes lets out a sigh when she notices her lord enter her bedroom alone and points to the things on the bed. — "My lord, the things he asked me for are ready .." — pointing to the Academy uniforms along with the more than 20 force gems ..

Steve walked over to the bed looking at those bright red gems. — "Wow, the gems are beautiful" — he says and then turns back to look at his elegant black uniform..

Mercedes stood next to the bed, the woman looks at the bright smile on Steve's lips, letting out a sigh again, inhales a little air and she comments. —"It's important that he show up at the Academy tomorrow, because the mana management courses will begin. "—

Steve heard Mercedes' comment and there's no point in going to the Academy in the early days, because he could already shoot multiple fireballs at level 1 without any problem.

Seeing the young man's doubtful face, Mercedes clears her throat and comments. — "Unless the Lord wants to take advantage of his impressive learning and stand out among the young people of the New Generation." — Mercedes is silent for a few seconds to see the reaction on Steve's face..

Steve wrinkled his face a bit and asked doubtfully. — "Is that good? "— Mercedes shakes her head a couple of times and adds. — "My lord would have more problems than advantages" — Hearing what Mercedes says Steve raised an eyebrow and waited for the housekeeper to explain why he would have problems..

Mercedes clears her throat and patiently explains how society works in the Asura Kingdom, especially here, in the city of Indra. —"My lord, every young promise of magic will receive 10 to 20 requests for procreation a day and these requests increase if the candidate is a foreigner. "—

Steve could only open his eyes as well as his mouth when he heard the word procreation of the housekeeper..

Mercedes inhales another bit of air before continuing. —"not to mention the requests from families, clans and even the same hunting association or the council of magicians wanting to get the best deal putting their interests first, so I recommend having several companions to help you with your physical needs.."— Mercedes applauds a couple of times and the two twins enter the bedroom next to Karina in a row..

Mercedes clears her throat as she points to the three girls and adds. —" By having your own escorts you will scare away all those below average girls, This is enough since most of the applicants are normal people and if any of the women catches your eye you can approach the woman discreetly and even the escorts themselves could talk to that person without arousing suspicion..."—

Steve takes advantage of the pause that Mercedes makes to ask. —"Why so many requests to get girls pregnant and what happens with the girls of the academy or the other women? "—

Mercedes listens to the question, nods and answers. —"because you are a magician, not to mention that you are a very talented magician and any woman will gladly spread her legs if you ask and with the girls within the Academy, they are based on previously established contracts and these contracts can vary depending on the circumstances where if you do not want anything serious with that woman, make it clear and in writing.

Now with women over a certain age you will not have any kind of problem since most magicians look for young, submissive and strong girls. "— Having said this Mercedes claps her hands a couple more times, Dana and Dalia enter the bedroom.

Steve is not surprised to see these two women walk in.

Mercedes clears her throat and says. —"Now my lord the only thing you shouldn't do in the academy is brag about your magical abilities and have good hunting equipment. "—

Steve had no problem with the first recommendation, so he immediately focused on the second point. —"how can I get good hunting equipment. "—

Mercedes immediately responds. —"Although there are several ways to hire a hunting team there is always the risk of being betrayed, robbed and killed by the infamous, hunting of novice.

For this reason it is always more advisable to hire people you trust completely and in cases like yours it is more advisable to create your own team from scratch.. "— At the end of her words Mercedes points to the three girls next to Steve..

Steve immediately looks at the two twins together with Karina and asks them bluntly — "they want to be part of my team." — the three girls don't even think about it a bit and immediately confirm with several head nods and in case Steve has any doubt they respond in unison. —"Yes my lord of course yes "—

Steve sighs and looks at Mercedes. the lady claps to get attention and comments. —"Okay my lord. Now there are only two other people missing to have a complete team. "—

— "My lord, I can be the team's cook." — Raises her voice Dana and she took a step forward. Steve doesn't answer, he just goes back to see Mercedes.

With a smile on her lips, Mercedes gave Dana the go-ahead and confirmed. — "That will help us my lord. "— Upon hearing Mercedes' response, Steve confirms the addition of Dana to the team.

On the other hand, Dana lets out a sigh of relief in silence and then a small smile appears on her face..

Mercedes points to the two twins, Karina and Dana.. —"Come on, we have to prepare some things regarding their training. "—

Having said this, the four women nodded and made a small bow to their lord and immediately turned around leaving the bedroom escorted by Mercedes.

The only ones who stayed inside the bedroom were Dalia and Steve.

Steve looks at Dalia and before asking, Dalia takes a couple of steps forward, saying. —"it's time for your bath, my lord"— pointing to the nearest window.

Steve turns a little and realizes that it was already late.

After seeing her lord confirm in silence, Dalia accompanies Steve to the bathroom.


Mercedes, Dana and the three girls went down to the living room to find Romina going towards the front door in a better state..

Romina greets the group of girls without stopping her steps, she advances a couple of meters, remembering something important, she stops, turns her head and asks them. —"John is outside? "—

The girls return to see Romina nodding and Mercedes immediately responds. — "John will remain outside. Until our lord authorizes him to enter the villa." —

Upon hearing this, Romina raises an eyebrow, for which Mercedes immediately declares. — "At the moment the only man inside the villa is our lord unless he, says otherwise." —

— "It seems perfect to me" — Romina replies and the other women listen in silence.

—"by the way, if you have some time I will need a little help, because our lord has killed all the fish in the pond.. "— They listen to Romina words in silenceand the response of all the women was not to believe in her words and They immediately run to look at the pond.

Because no one in their right mind would do such a foolish thing unless he wants to be in trouble against the Academy..

It didn't take long for the women to reach the pond where the driver named John was standing on the bank looking at all the mess.

Romina took advantage of the moment to say. — "Okay, now that you're all here please help get those fish out" — pointing to the huge amount and she adds. —"I will only take half for our lord"—

—"What will happen to the rest of the fish" — asks the housekeeper.

Romina explains in detail the instructions of the Lord and although the housekeeper knew that it would be a great loss of income for not selling the fish, this is the best option to avoid attracting attention within the Academy..


I pushed the door and entered the bathroom first... Mrs. Dalia was three steps behind, I take off and put the robe on the nearest coat rack, leaving myself completely naked again...

When I turn around to go to wipe my body, I find myself a couple of meters away with Mrs. Dalia face to face...

I can see perfectly when Mrs. Dalia's eyes look down for several seconds at my evident erection and even how she swallows a little saliva and she looks at me again...

We look at each other's faces for several seconds and the lady nods her head a couple of times and seconds later she lowers her gaze and shakes her head from one side to the other trying to find something...

For anyone in my position, this would mean nothing, if it weren't for the fact that Mrs. Dalia began to babble various things in a low voice, while she tried to hide her face, which was extremely red...

I don't hear what Dalia is trying to say, so I try to get closer to the lady

Seeing that I was approaching, Dalia took a step back and collided with the wooden platform In the shower.

Dalia threatened to fall backwards on the platform, so I rushed over and grabbed her hand and instinctively pulled her body towards me and hugged her waist, preventing the lady from falling to the ground..

While we embrace, I felt how Mrs. Dalia's body trembles like a scared rabbit. —"Are you okay? "— I ask to break the silence..

Mrs. Dalia nods and adds. -"I'm fine. "-

Seconds later as Mrs. Dalia raises her face to look at me between whispers she says.. — "My lord, if you want I can." — The lady does not finish her sentence and her face immediately turns scarlet..

She threatens to get out of my arms so I hold her body tightly causing my erection to extend over her dress to the height of her belly..

I prick her belly a couple of times with my cock to make my intentions clear, because at this point in the game our words are unnecessary...

When Mrs. Dalia feels my cock on her stomach, she automatically lowers her gaze, she swallows a little saliva and nods, confirming a couple of times because of my clear intentions...

I will not deny that I wanted to tear off her dress, but my actions will scare my prey, so I am doing things very calmly..

I remove the three buttons from the top of her dress on her back and then move to her shoulders where I slowly unroll the sleeves and without much suspense, the Victorian dress falls to the floor revealing an old-fashioned beige lingerie set. ..

The lady tries to cover her breasts and intimate parts of her with her hands, but the bra cannot cope with her breasts, which are plump and more than half of each breast comes out..

Not to mention her lush black pubic hair sticking out between her panty and crotch...

I stayed like an idiot admiring her figure for several seconds. — "You don't like my lord" — the frightened lady asks me with her broken voice.

I smiled and looked at her face saying — "why do you think that?" — while I held her shoulders and took her to the shower area..

We walk in together, but I let go of her shoulders and move a little forward so she can help me wet my body. — "There are women younger than us, my lord" — Mrs. Dalia tells me, while she throws a little water on my head..

I look back at Dalia over her shoulder. — "If it bothers you to be with me, I can call Dana" — I answer, for which Mrs. Dalia immediately begins to shake her head and adds. — "No, my lord, I'm going to take care of all her needs." — Having said this, I get up and answer. —"well, I hope so. "—

I walk in the direction of the bathtub, while behind me Dalia takes off all her underwear and she rinses her body quickly..

I go in and lie down in the bathtub, I see how Dalia finishes throwing the last bucket of water over her head and slowly gets up, but when she places the wooden bucket on the platform, she tilts her body at 25° degrees giving a perfect view from his butt...

I think Mrs. Dalia felt my gaze, because she immediately stood up and turned around trying to cover her breasts and crotch with her hands...

— "I think I'd better call Dana" — I say out loud, this causes Mrs. Dalia to take a couple of steps forward, while she removes her hands from her body and begins to wave them repeatedly. — "No, no, no, my lord, no, I'm going to take care of everything." — Saying this, Dalia goes forward to the bathtub without covering her body, but with her cheeks completely red..

Dalia holds on to the edge and slowly enters the bathtub. but instead of lying down she walks towards me. — "Let me clean it my lord" — the lady tells me and without waiting for my answer she leans over and puts her breasts on my face and shakes them from left to right horizontally..

It was only a matter of time to feel the nipples on my lips and I immediately open my mouth and stick out my tongue to try to lick the nipples along with her breasts...

The lady stops her movements and lets my lips capture one of her nipples. — "Sss-Ah" — the lady moans, but with one hand she holds her chest and directs her breast towards my mouth. while her other hand brings it to the back of my head and presses it against her chest..

It is very obvious that Dalia wanted her lord to devour her breasts right there...

After several seconds Steve moves his mouth away from the nipple in search of air..

He inhales and exhales rapidly for several breaths before burying his face on her tits again. but this time the boy pounces as if he were trying one of the most delicious delicacies on the other nipple...

Steve floods most of the surface of the chest with a layer of copious saliva, the boy even sucks a couple of times between the skin and the nipple. *ssgph, ssgrph*

— "God" — Dalia shouts with force, while both arms cling to the head of her lord.

After sucking on both breasts, Steve puts his hands on Dalia's waist and slowly lifts her up and lowers her hand to hit the lady's inner thighs. — "put your foot on the edge "— Steve tells him pointing to the bathtub.

Dalia successfully lifts her foot and places it as her lord indicated her, Steve does not take long to stand in front of the lady's cave and he gave himself enough time to brush away all the pubic hair in her path ..

As if Steve were a cat, he began to lick from the bottom up and leaned in with both hands supporting Dalia's thighs.

"Sss-Ahh" Dalia moans loudly and clings onto Steve's head. Like a true porn professional, the boy helps himself by taking his fingers to the edges of the cave and licking them intensely like a thirsty dog.

While the lady's body writhes and moans like a worm in a hot pan...

Dalia lets out a louder scream and her body trembles, to later have several spasms filling the entire contour of the boy's mouth with a thick and transparent liquid..

Steve takes advantage of the moment when the lady was disoriented and guides her body to sit on her lap, while he supports the base of her shaft with one hand..

Dalia's body was lowered on Steve's thighs, while the lady hugged the neck of her Lord with both hands..

Feeling the dragon's head at the entrance to her cave, Dalia closes her eyes and sighs, while Steve's cock slowly slid into her entrails.

When the base of the dragon hits Dalia's thighs, she didn't feel like moving,…

Steve puts both hands on Dalia's hips and begins to lift her up, but the space inside the bathtub is limited.

This makes it difficult for her body to move. —"Hold on tight to my neck"— Steve tells him and begins to get up little by little from the bathtub.

When he manages to stand up.

Steve gets out of the tub to avoid having an accident, seconds later he grabs both of her lower thighs and drops the lady onto her cock.

For every swing of cock, the poor lady's buttocks rang loudly. *Plash, Plash, Plash*

At the same time, the woman hugging her neck, lets out a moan for each of her lord's thrusts...


While Steve and Dalia fuck like rabbits, outside the villa the first group of hunters receives two fish at the hands of Romina, among these hunters stands out a young blond man who wears leather armor and a sword sheathed at his waist named Bryan and tries to call Karina's attention...

The girl continues in her own world and ignores the hunter who performs various poses, — "hey Bryan stop being ridiculous and better tell me what you'll do with your part." — Asks one of her groupmates.

— "Obviously, I'll sell it and buy gems to raise my strength level," Bryan says confidently, while he fixes his leather armor.

All his hunting companions were amazed by the skill of this boy named Bryan who barely had three days coming from the portals.

Bryan sadly remembers the boy who arrived at the same time and sneers, because was sure that filthy boy was still in that town killing wild beasts.

Suddenly Bryan remembers the words of those three arrogant young men who met on the way escorted to the girl. — "Hey, what do you think about selling this information" — he comments, pointing to the fish.

—"do you think those bastards are trustworthy"— asks one of the boys in the group.

So Bryan shrugs and adds. —"I wouldn't know, but those guys will pay for this information. "— pointing to the fish again.

Also, this is the main reason why they came to the city of Indra, to serve as informants to those magic students...

With this idea in mind, Bryan looks at Karina and chuckles imagining the face this girl will have when she finds out that she works for a magic student...

Without saying anything else, Bryan and his group disperse to go sell the information within the city...


To be continue....

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