

Late April

As the song came to an end, and the Korean boy band concert came to a close, the crowd went wild, cheering for their idols. The men on stage smiled and waved at their fans. They looked proud of themselves as they looked at each other excitedly.

"L.Y.F.E, L.Y.F.E, L.Y.F.E!" The crowd, which was mainly filled with young women, screamed. Most were lifelong fans, watching the six men from their debut in 2014 until where they were now. On their second tour in North America.

Then there were people like me. I had no clue who these men were, but my best friend, Rachel, was one of the fans that have been following L.Y.F.E since 2014. I was just there so she wouldn't be alone. Although I could admit after seeing them perform live, I'd probably buy a CD or two from them. They were really talented.

"You guys, we want to thank you for showing us a great time in Houston!" One spoke up.

"That's Fred, the one you said was cute in the pictures." Rachel said to me, and he was. He had bleach blonde hair, earrings that went all the way up on one ear then 2 on the other. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color. His face was sculpted and his muscles were defined.

"For those who don't know Kwan and I are from America. We are both from New York so performing in the States is kind of a big deal for us." Fred said, as he looked over to the male who grinned. He had dark brown hair that was shaved around the sides.

"I've never been to Texas though. I'm glad you guys don't all ride horses." Kwan teased. The crowd laughed and cheered.

"We really thank you for coming out tonight," Fred said. Smiling, the six men got in line on stage looking over the crowd. Some of them wave at the fans in the front.

"Remember," Kwan said with a smirk. "Love Yourself For Eternity!" They cheer together and bow at the end of it.

"Thank you! Goodnight!" They all said together. Fans squealed in delight as a couple of them stopped to wave at them. Eventually, all six of them walked off stage.


"That was everything! King and Young Kim were so adorable!" Rachel squealed about the twins.

We had been out of the concert for about 45 minutes. We were from San Antonio so we had almost two hours left until we got home. We were on the highway going about 70 miles per hour. I was starting to regret the 3 pretzels I ate at the concert without a drink. My mouth was really dry.

"Yeah, they were," I agreed with her. Although they weren't my favorite on the stage, their jokes kept the crowd entertained. They were pretty funny. "Hey, is it okay if I stop by the gas station? I'm kind of thirsty," I asked as I looked over at Rachel.

"That's fine, I don't mind." She grinned, still looking at the pictures on her phone. I smiled softly and shook my head making the almost midnight spirals fall over my eyes. Removing a hand off the steering wheel and ran my fingers through my thick mane so I could move it out my face.

"Are you coming in?" I asked as I stopped at a small gas station.

"Yes!" Rachel looked up from her phone realizing we'd come to a stop. She giggled and I smirked at my friend. An adrenaline-styled blush appeared on her, similar to my golden face. Although, she was a bit more sun-kissed than me since both of her parents were black.

Grabbing our purses, we both got out of my black Honda Civic. The door dinged as we walked in.

"Hello." The blonde cashier said with a smile. His hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

"Hi." We replied back smiling, then walked around. My eyes went to the slushy machine. I walk over and grinned at Rachel as she shook her head at me.

"You know I'm obsessed," I said as I fixed myself a large cherry and blue raspberry slush.

"I'm going to get Fiji water." She said. I hummed softly as a response. This is a perfect example of why we were different. Rachel is a health nut. She loves working out and being healthy. She has a very athletic body, which I envied sometimes. I, however, was thicker. I had thick hips and my bust was starting to grow more than usual. I wanted to start working out with Rachel, but at the same time, I kind of liked the way I looked.

I followed her while sipping on my drink, when she suddenly squealed happily, doing some sort of happy dance, as the bell to the store rang in the distance. I looked over but couldn't see who walked in because of the shelves.

"What?" I asked while I turned my attention back to my friend.

"This month is fantastic, we went to Prom, we are going to graduate in two weeks, and we got to see L.Y.F.E in concert! Everything is falling into place greatly." She said twirling. I giggled as someone peaked to look at us. My eyebrows rose as I stared at Fred from L.Y.F.E, although he looked like a regular guy. He was wearing sweats, a plain white shirt, and Nike slides. His bleach blonde hair was brushed back. He wasn't wearing any makeup so I could see a pimple on his forehead by his hairline and a little mole under his eye. He smiled at me and I could feel my knees get weak at how beautiful he was.

"L.Y.F.E? Were they any good?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Rachel grinned and turned, thinking it was a fan. Her face fell and she covered her mouth as she stared at Fred. He chuckled then looked behind him. He suddenly started speaking Korean, I blinked in shock wishing I knew what he was saying.

"Oh?" I heard another male voice. Suddenly, we were surrounded by a whole bunch of K-Pop idols.

"Hi!" One of the twins said smiling.

"Young! King! Oh my gosh!" Rachel squatted covering her face. The twins laughed and kneeled down with her, trying to comfort her.

"I assume you're not that big of a fan." The leader, whose name I remembered was Kwan, asked as he and Fred walked over to me after greeting Rachel. I laughed awkwardly.

"Uh…. Is it that obvious? I mean, you guys are great, I'm just not that big of a K-pop fan...but I bought y'alls album if that makes up for it." I said as I put my hands behind my back. Fred chuckled and shrugged.

"It's fine, honestly, before I tried out for UNE, I wasn't a big fan myself. But I think it has great things to offer if given a chance." Fred said. I bit my bottom lip looking at Fred, he was more handsome up close, and he smelt so good.

"What's UNE?" I asked curiously.

"UN Entertainment," Kwan said with a half-smile.

"You really don't know much about us huh?" Fred said with a smile that could kill me. I blushed and was about to reply when my phone went off.

"Answer the phone! It's your mom! Answer the Phone!!" My phone screamed at me. I quickly picked it up, ignoring the K-pop stars that laughed at my ringtone.

"Hi, Mom," I answered.

"Hi honey, are y'all on your way back?" She asked.

"Yes, we just stopped at a gas station," I looked at Fred as he talked to Rachel. Kwan, Young, and four other members went to look around the store as Fred and King continued to talk.

"Ok, well be safe, I love you." She said as Fred walked in front of me. I looked up at him then look away.

"I love you too. See you later." I pressed the hang-up button and my phone was suddenly out of my hand.

"Yo! What the heck!" I exclaimed, reaching for it. He held it above his head.

"Is this the new iPhone?" He asked, looking at it in the air.

"Yes, now gimme." I held my hand out with a dry expression.

"Why? Got some secret stuff from your boyfriend in here?" I huffed with a blush. I glared at him as I spoke.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and if I did it wouldn't be any of your business Fredrick," He looked down at me.

"I have the iPhone XR." He said pulling out his phone to compare. I rolled my eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be rich or something?" I crossed my arms.

"Or something. I'm on a two-year plan… I can't update yet." He pouted and I laughed, then looked at Rachel as she squealed. King picked her up and hugged her happily.

"Here you go, thank you." He said looking mischievous. I narrowed my eyes at him and sipped my slushy.

"Uh-huh…" I took my phone back.

"Have you ever tried Corn Nuts?" he asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked and he gasped.

"The disrespect. Come now my child, let me bless your life." He said and walked. I rolled my eyes but smiled following him to the chips and snack section.

"Ranch Corn Nuts. These things could save a life." He said seriously. I laughed at his wording.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes, they are a bit crunchy, but it's really good. I'll buy you a pack." I blinked.

"Whoa, um you don't have to." I replied as he looked at me and walked backward to the register, he gave me a boyish grin as he turned away from me when he got to the register.


"The slushy, too," Fred said. I shook my head.

"Please don't."

"Please do," Fred said, taking out his card. The cashier looked at us amused.

"Never denied free stuff sweetie." The cashier told me. "Your total is $7 even." He said. Fred paid for my stuff and I slumped in defeat.

"Thank you." I said softly as Fred gave me my Corn Nuts.

"You're welcome. Will you take a picture with me for Instagram?" He asked with a smile.

"Sure. If you tag me in it, will your fans go crazy?" I asked with a smirk as his arm went around me and pulled out his phone as we moved closer to the exit.

"Maybe, but I don't think it will matter that much. I have to get it approved anyway." He said and I turned slightly so I could rest my hand on his chest gently. I smiled and we took a couple of pictures. I giggle as he kissed my cheek. I blushed looking up at his hazel eyes.

"Thanks...Oh my gosh, I don't know your name." He said and I laughed as he looked mortified.

"My name is Audrey." I shrugged and grinned at him. He smiled softly.

"Audrey, it's nice to meet you. I'm Fred." He said as we walked out of the store. I could see Rachel talking to the boys next to their tour bus.

"It's nice to meet you too Fred." I grinned as they called him and said something in Korean. He sucked his tongue and responded.

"I have to go…" He said, looking at me with gentle eyes. I felt really sad for some reason, so I hugged him. He held me close and chuckled.

"We'll meet again. I promise." He said and looked down at me. I bit my bottom lip, not really believing him.

"Sure, we will." I stepped back. He smirked.

"When we meet again, that means its fate; alright Audrey." He said and kissed my cheek before walking off. I watched him a bit shocked and then placed my hand on my cheek. Rachel walked over.

"Wow." She said dreamily as we watched the bus pull off. I nodded, in a slight trance, in agreement.


After dropping off Rachel, I went home and was greeted by my mom.

"Thank God you're home safe and sound," She said, hugging me. "I hate when you drive at night." She said as she pulled away. Her hair was covered by a bonnet and she wore a fluffy robe she got from Walmart. I giggled at her.

"I like it, it's fun." She shook her head at my response.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight baby girl." She said, kissing my cheek.

"Good night mom," I replied as I went up the stairs to my room.

After taking a quick shower, and getting my clothes ready for the next day, I lay in bed to go to sleep.


When I woke up, I stretched in my bed. Then stared at the ceiling with a dry expression.

"Why was the concert on a Sunday? Why can't I skip school today?" I groaned out loud and squeaked as I stretched once again. I relaxed and grabbed my phone that was still connected to its charger. I checked my Instagram and Facebook before I get a message on Snapchat.

"Who the heck is DragonAngel?" I mumbled opening the snap. I gasped and almost dropped my phone on my face.

'It's Fate.' read a picture of Fred in a muscle shirt, laying on a small bed.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the introduction to one of the first novels I've written. Fun fact, I've been working on this novel for years...since my sophomore year of college...I'm 25 now...yikes. Anyways, I put a lot of love and dedication into this novel. You have no idea how much research I've done for this. Of course, the story has changed a bit since its original birth, but I think it's at a stage that I'm comfortable sharing it with you guys. I hope you end up falling in love with the characters and the story as much as I have. Thank you! Leave a review and follow me for updates!

- Adrianna

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