

Name: Mihawk Mormont

Height: 195cm

Strength: Super Soldier

Agility: Super soldier

Balance and reflex: Super Soldier

Sword skill: Great Swordsman (Barristan, Arthur Dayne and Daemon Blackfyre I)

Hand: Ambidextrous (can dual wield)

Sword: Yoru (Door Door Fruit), (spoilers: Two future star metal swords that he'll get from a meteorite.'

Abilities: Hawkeye, Voice of all things, mind reading, future sight, Conqueror's coil,immortal soul and parallel processing.)

Inventory Dimension: Size of Alabasta in One Piece.

World Ranking (as of chapter 16): 13th strongest in the world.

Arthur dayne: 11th

Yellow Emperor: 3rd

Night King: 2nd.

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