
The Invasion

Carnage complete and udder carnage. Yamma looks around to see people erased and blood flying everywhere.

"There's another right there." A wolf man says.

A group of 6 wolfmen jumped at him quickly surrounding him and cutting off any exit.

'There around 1,000-2,000 PL each but I feel one much stronger still in the ship around 5,000.' Yamma looks at the ship and they take the chance to charge him.

Yamma charged two Ki blast and slammed them into each other causing a huge explosion that sent the group back.

He dashed in front of one that was close to him and slammed him into the ground and a orange light was the last thing the wolfman saw.

"Dammit he is stronger than the others, we must attack together." Seeing one of their friends destroyed angered the group.

Yamma dodged under the first punch throwing him over his body before delivering a vicious punch to the next one's stomach going through the body and coming out of the other side.

The 3 wolfmen that were about to attack were shocked and stopped moving. Yamma grinned and fired a beam with his hand still poking out of their friends back. All 3 were caught in it and destroyed.

Yamma pulled his hand out of the body and sneered at the purple blood covering his hand. He walked over to the last one of the group and wiped his hand off on its clothes while it sat petrified.

"Weak." He grabbed its head and slammed it into the ground crushing it.

Frieza soldiers watched as the strongest among them ripped through the enemy boosting their morale.

Yamma was slaughtering wolfmen with ease he already ran through dozens. He was currently holding one up and crushing it's neck.

As he was about to finish it off a yellow light came down crashing next to him like a meteorite. Yamma was confused as a large cloud of smoke covered the impact area.

"Release him." A large shadow appeared in the smoke.

Yamma dropped the squealing creature as the strong signature finally appeared. He was much larger than the other wolfmen standing over 8 feet tall and he had yellow fur instead of the normal black or brown.

"We are part of the canine resistance force. We fight for the justice of all against Frieza's evil rule." The new and strong wolfman said.

"I am Bosok 3rd commander of the Canine Resistance Force and leader of this army. We will take out frieza planets one by one until the time is right and we can destroy him and his empire forever." Bosok said.

"Yeah yeah." Yamma said looking uninterested.

"Fine ignore me now but know that I will kill you and beat frieza." Bosok said.

Yamma smirked and motioned for Bosok to attack. He got his wish as Bosok charged towards him sending a barrage of fist and kicks.

Yamma dodged and blocked as many as he could be was hit a couple times. Bosok threw a quick Ki blast at him but Yamma hit it while with his tail.

"No wonder you smelled like a monkey. A saiyan haha killing you will avenge hundreds of planets." Bosok said noticing his race.

"Funny I can smell you too but I don't need a ugly snout for it you dirty mutt." Yamma shot back.

"Enough talking." Bosok shot 3 blast at Yamma.

"My thoughts exactly." Yamma shot 3 Ki blast each connecting with Bosok.

The explosions shook the surrounding area and causing everyone to look over. Yamma and Bosok locked hands pushing each other back.

"HAAAAA!" They yelled and their auras clashed.

Yamma pulled his fist back and punched Bosok in the face and used his other hand to sling him into the wall.

"Here have a blast." Yamma shot a huge orange Ki blast at Bosok who was stuck in the wall.

"Really that was the best you had." Bosok asked stepping through the smoke.

"The joke or the attack?" Yamma asked actually curious.

"Both." Bosok smirked.

"Dickhead." Yamma flex in energy and launched himself at Bosok.

Bosok pulled his head back and head butted Yamma's incoming punch. The attack broke some of the knuckles on his hands.

Seeing Yamma hurt he went on the offensive throwing a flurry of punches. Yamma blocked with his fist then used his tail to wrap on the wrist of Bosok pulling him close and firing a beam out of his mouth into Bosok's face.

"Argh." Bosok got blasted through a few buildings.

"What's wrong oh mighty hero can't keep up." Yamma taunted.

"I guess I should power up." Bosok said.

"A bluff." Yamma said not believing him.

"Is it really." Bosok said before shouting and blasting his energy out.

"Haaaaaa!" Bosok yelled as his aura increased like tornado. He unleashed his full power and another tail appeared behind him.

"Another tail?"

"Yes that is my races special ability our power doubles with each added tail with every tell our multiplier doubles as well 1x-2x-4x-8x all the way up to a 256x. I might only be able to add one tail but that's enough for you." The now two tailed wolf said.

"Shit." 'I was barely able to fight him before and now he is twice as strong.

Bosok threw him into a wall then punched him in the gut as his body was bouncing off the wall making him spit up blood.

Bosok stood over him with arrogance in his eyes. Yamma became enraged and unleashed a massive orange beam sending him flying back.


"His power level sir it's risen over 7,000." A wolfman landing next to Bosok.

"It still doesn't matter mine is a little over 10,000 he is nothing to me." Bosok roars shooting yellow Ki blast.

"HAAAAAA!" Yamma's body bulked up considerably and his power level increase by 50% and the shockwave destroyed the incoming Ki blast.

Yamma had both his hands outstretched to the side and orange Ki ball charged in each one. Bosok roared and charged towards him with great speed.

"Star Fury!" Yamma slammed his hands together and the blasts combined and shot forward in a massive beam

Bosok's energy formed a shield around him and he pushed forward as the beam clashed against him.

"Fool your only coming to your death." Yamma said trying to push him back.

"I won't be defeated I will earn my brothers attention." Bosok yelled pushed the beam back farther.

"You only have one fate and that is destruction at my hands. Maximum power!" Yamma yells and puts more power into the blast.

Bosok tried but was helpless and overpowered. Yamma kept the beam up until his entire body was eradicated.

"Commander Bosok has died retreat." A wolfman yelled.

"Don't let them retreat capture or kill whoever you see." Yamma yelled firing a beam of Ki and sweeping it over the sky destroying many wolfmen.

He quickly got out of his bulky form as it was very energy draining. Clenching his fist Yamma vowed to get stronger once again he almost died.

After a while all their ships were either gone or on the ground. Thousands of bodies laid on the ground of frieza planet 435 but at the end of the day it was a victory for the frieza force.

-With Frieza-

"My lord it appears that another one of your planets were attack." Zarbon said holding a tablet

"Was it those filthy mutts again." Frieza anger rose.

'Those dirty damned dogs dare to oppose my rule and attack me. If only they would gather together I could erase them without a second thought just like those saiyans.' Frieza though to himself.

"Yes it was but unlike other times our troops won including killing a large part of the force, taking hostages, and most impressively killing Bosok a commander." Zarbon said.

"Good those dogs we learn that my empire is to be feared and to whom do I owe this victory I doubt regular fodder could have beaten that mutt commander even if he was weak." Frieza asked curiously.

"Apparently it was a Saiyan by the name of Yamma." Zarbon read off his tablet.

"Oh a Saiyan I was under the impression that Vegeta's little gang was all that was left." Frieza said surprised.

"It appears that two saiyans were still off world when the extinction occurred and they had a child which is Yamma but both parents have died since then leaving just him and team Vegeta."

"Tell me about him." Frieza said.

"He is 13 years old and has a power level of 4,392 which I assume grew after the battle but probably not by much." Zarbon said.

"Hmm only 4,000 how pitiful no matter as thanks I'll let him join teams with his filthy monkey friends. Maybe during a mission they can all die together hahahaha." Frieza laughs.

-With Yamma-

After a rather long torture session Yamma got some good information about the CRF. Firstly there are millions of soldiers from multiple different species and planets. Secondly Bosok had 2 brothers both far stronger than him and the stronger one could fight Frieza. Lastly they plan on weakening Frieza's fearful image and getting others to revolt with them.

"We have learned a consider amount from this mutt let him go." Yamma said.

"But sir." A soldier said.

"Do it." Yamma glared and he complied.

The wolfman was uncuffed and quickly flew into the sky but realized there was no ship to get off the planet. He turns around to see orange and his life ends.

"I had to practice my aim the next time I tell you something you do it understood." Yamma said.

"Yes sir." He said.

"My power level was risen once again but this is crazy it took me months to increase my power level a few thousand but in a single battle it grow double that. Saiyan truly are the best warrior race." Yamma said.

'Right now am at 8,920 and stronger if I bulk up. I think I should wait for the moment before getting another update on my card. No point and telling everyone how strong I am let them underestimate me and they will pay the price.' Yamma smiled.