

Azaire activated his Ki Azaire watched as the fur like a star-speckled night sky appeared on his arms and legs and the canine fangs elongated from his mouth. It was interesting and he would surely do his best to learn about this "legacy" later but for now he needed to focus on using this new found ability to lift the boulder.

'It seems he really did automatically call on it again. Relying on a new power so easily....' Master Talya examined her apprentice with sharp eyes ensuring she didn't miss a second.

Azaire went forward again and attempted once more to pick up the huge boulder and once again he used all his strength. He pulled....and pulled....and pulled.....and finally there was a barely perceptible shudder but other then that there was no sign of the boulder giving at all and no matter how hard he tried Azaire could not get the damn thing to budge.

Azaire was hopping mad and he almost felt a feral sense of anger overtake him and he realized his legacy was affecting him after overusing it so much. He felt like he was only moments from howling in anguish and the sun was steadily lowering meanwhile his body had worked up a serious sweat.

Azaire just stared at the boulder as if he could move it with his will alone. He felt the cool and collected since of pride he'd developed from all his years of being know as a prodigy suddenly burn. Inside his heart an inflated since of burning pride was born that mixed with the cool and collected ice his pride had been before. This day a cold flame of pride was born but at this moment that cold fire shined bright and burned unbendingly!

The passion in his heart exploded and his Ki was suddenly rushed into his eyes. With his vision now augmented by life energy Azaire finally saw what was so strange about the boulder! It was covered in a thin veil of orange aura. When Azaire looked even closer faint illegible scripts could be barely seen on the boulders surface.

With this and the feeling the revealed aura was giving off, Azaire could now guess what was going on. After all his intelligence had always been his greatest strength! The scripts that made the aura was definitely designed so anyone who could use life energy should be able to easily lift the boulder but obviously there would be a counter script so that this wouldn't be extended to Ki which he had already unlocked.

However that wasn't all. The aura around the aura gave off a specific aura. Like a fiery burning strength and unchecked power. Azaire was almost sure that this was the power of chi! If he could imitate this power maybe he could change his Ki to be closer to chi and lift the boulder.

Master Talya looked at the charge in obvious surprise, as if she was just seeing Azaire clearly for the first time.

"Is this.....second sight! Still so full of surprises! Ah.....maybe I've underestimated him?"

This was muttered under her breath but Jared and Titania who were nearby and had superior senses due to their race felt a warm satisfaction run through them.

Azaire felt the fiery pride burning in his heart soar as he stared at the fire-like aura and it thrummed and burned. Azaire pumped up his Ki and started trying to lift the boulder again but this time he kept his eye on the boulder and roared with all the burning pride in his heart that was unwilling to be defeated. His aura began to change and the fiery aura of the boulder was suddenly overpowered by the sudden golden aura that exploded from Azaire's body. His prideful roar changed into an actual feral roar and the golden aura of sun energy shone bright wrapping itself across Azaire's chest, abdomen, head, and from his bottom.

The energy imitated a lion-like body across his torso and back area, a lion's mane across his head, and a lion's tail waggled from his bottom. This beautiful golden aura body made a surprisingly wonderful contrast to the starlit midnight fur from Azaire's Ki. This created an even more beautiful contrast of day and night with two different energies.

Besides the new beautiful energy the results was just as clear as Azaire triumphantly held the giant boulder above his head effortlessly. Pride gushed throughout his heart. The same unstoppable burning pride seemed to hug his very spirit ingraining itself in him for good. Meanwhile his body had gone through a qualitative transformation and his every muscle burned with this new energy that embedded itself deeply into him.

Azaire somehow that this new power was his now and his body was now finally strengthened from structure to foundation. This power should be more then sufficient to practice the Life Diagram's Body Cultivation.

"Unbelievable! Legacy of the Lions and another full breakthrough with one test. Is this brat a monster?"

Master Talya and Jared, Titania, and Roran look on at the shocking sight with exasperation and slight incredulity. Must this guy always give people such shock? Roran didn't even know much about cultivation and could still tell his little brother had done something monstrous again.

"It seems we'll have to change things after all," master Talya walked toward her charge and Azaire threw the boulder to the side accidentally throwing it into another boulder and smashing both boulders.

"Master I...," Azaire started before with a wave of master Talya's hands he suddenly reverted to normal and the strength his body had come to be adjusted to already was suddenly gone dispersing both auras.

Before he could complain or bemoan the loss master Talya produced a book from thin air presenting it to Azaire.

It was the Life Diagram!

"You win. Have it your way. Let's get started seriously now."

Master Talya looked into Azaire's eye's with a serious determination. Azaire knew he had earned a newfound respect from his master and that just might have been his happiest accomplishment yet.....

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