
How It All Began

The sound of my steel shutters opening awakens me from my death like sleep. The automatic alarm sounding just as the breez starts to wafte into the wind, bringing with it the scent of the night.

As the wind and sents dances through, a gnawing hunger racks my body. One I've come to hate, one that can't be ignored, trust me, I've tried.

There are three things that have been made absolutely clear to me. 1.) Immortality has a price, 2.) There's no backing out of it, and 3.)if you have any questions refer to number 1. I have been an immortal now for 200 years.

During which, I've come to dispise my maker slash mate.

As I lie in my satin purple and black sheets on the Californian King bed I start to remanis on how it all began.

*** Texarkana, Texas 1990***

The laughter, music and banter were loud. Jace was doing what he did best, telling jokes and being the life of the party. My 18th Suprise Birthday party was in full swing. No expense being spared, my mom and dad, when asked why, responded with "you only turn 18 once"

I can remember walking upto the group where Jace and my bestie Erin were and caught the end of a joke he was telling.

"So, I said 'you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.' And she was like 'can I go home wif shu?' And I said sure, let me find him for you..." just then my father's voice was heard on the speakers.

"Everyone, may I have your attention." All the chatter subsides and everyone turns to the front of the room.

"First, I would like to thank you all for coming to my little girl's Birthday Party. Sasha, would you please come up here?" with a beet red face I make my way to the front. My dad's hand grasped mine to help me up the stairs.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"Isn't she just lovely" My father said,

ignoring my question.

My friends all clapped and most of the guys yelled "yeah!" This only deepend the redness in my burning Cheecks.

"Secondly, I'd like to say how it warms my heart that my little girl has such wonderful frinds for which the party would not have been as huge of a success that it is. Thank you. Please, return to your previous activites, the cacke and opening of preasents will comence shortly." With that the party resumed. As I started to go my father tugged on my wrist.

"Honey, there is someone I'd like for you to meet" and just for an instant I thought I saw sadness in his eyes.

"Dad, what's wro..." before I could finish my question a man walked up and my hand was taken by his gloved ones.

" 'tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance." His lips razed accross my knuckles. He was dressed in a silky white buttoned shirt, raven black over coat and matching pantce.

"Uh, umm.." I stammered, "Nnn..nice to meet you too, Mr.?" I made the mistake of looking into his eyes.They were a mesmerizing crystal blue, with little silver specks in the top corners.

"Oh, I beg your pardon, mi lady. My name is Chance Vyscus." he said and took a bow.

I giggled. "Ummm, are you a prince from a nother land or something?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off of him. Something about him was very mesmerizing, not just his eyes, but the way he moved; and the musical tone in his voice? So pleasing to the ear. It was like I could look at and listen to him for the rest of my life. Oh and that laugh, by the gods his laugh was infectious.

"In a manner of speaking, dear Sasha. Royalty does run in my family. May I dance with you?" and with that the matter was dropped. His hand extended. and reclaimed my hands, the music starting back up, but it was a waltze.

"Forgive me, Chance but..."

"just follow my lead dear Sasha, and don't look away from me." As the music continued to play I began to feel the rythum, my body began to pulse with it. I didnt look away. I couldn't. I didn't want to. His crystal blues seeming to take on an eitherial sheen to them, sucking me into them.

The room began to melt away and the only ones left dancing there was Chance and me. It seemed like an eternity, yet the waltz ended and my heart was racing.

"I hope that we may get to dance again before the end of your party. I must talk with your father now." As he finished his sentence he bowed and went over to my father.

"Daaaaammmn, who's Prince Charming, Sasha, and why didn't you tell me about him?" Jace asked as he made his way over to me.

"Uuummm... I.. I don't know. He's dreamy though, isn't he." Was that wonder in my voice? I couldn't stop thinking about him for the rest of the evening. My friends and I made several guesses as to where he was from as the party progressed, was he was truely from a royal lineage or was he new money. I myself come from old money. The Renshaw family were the founders of the city that is now known as Texarkana. My family ran into a little trouble 80 years before I was born, but an anonymous doner helped them get back on thier feet. He desiered nothing in return except for the town to be renamed. So the story goes anyway.

"... going to I Hop. Sasha, you paying attention?" Erin tugged at my elbow. I shook my head.

" Sorry Erin. what were you saying?" She huffed a little. "Arica, Jace and I are going to I Hop, wanna join us?"

"Oh, yeah sure. Just let me tell my mom and dad where I'm going." I turned to go find my mom and dad but ran smack dead into Chance.

"Sssorrr." I stammered. Deep thunderous laughter issued from his broad chest and a hint of cinnamon wafted in the air. A tail tail sign he had been drinking cinnamon shnops with my dad. "I must appologize, my conversation with your dad turned into a game of cards and then pool. Maybe you would like to accompany me to a club next weekend?" He smiled and the bright white teeth almost sparkled in the light. "That is, I mean it sounds lovely. Have you asked my father?" As I finished my sentence my dad appeared behind him. "I am the one who suggested it when he lamented to me about missing the last dance."

"Oh, ok. Well Erin has asked if I wanted to go to I Hop and I said I'd let you guys know I was going. So, umm, yeah. I'm gonna go now. Ok? Love you."

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