
Chance's P.O.V.

My eyes met hers as she walked into the parlor. 'By the gods, she's beautiful.' I thought to myself. Even after 200 years she still took the breath right out of my chest.

The simple baby pink sundress she was wearing flowed loosly over her porcilen skin. Her honey gold silken locks bounced about her sholders and the laceup flats cradled her lovely feet. There was a deep sadness in her amber eyes. One I knew not even time would completely erase.

No matter how many times I ran the scenario in my mind I would never have been able to save her and her friends and parents. I was forced to choose and without hesitation I chose her, and sadly, if faced with the same choice, I would do it all over again. In the short amount of time I knew her I knew I would give my life to protect her.

Which is funny because when I was first told I was to marry a mortal I was furrious, to say the least. I didn't even see or talk to my parents until 4 days after the party, and I was told a good year before that.

So, to say I was dreading it is putting it mildly. However, when our hands touched and our eyes met for the first time I was completely shocked and taken aback from the sheer force of the instant connection we shared. It was that connection that kept me from hesitating when it came to rescuing her.

I was still in the house when I heard the shrill scream from one of Sasha's friends, it took me only a moment to realize what was going on as Jonathan and Olivia ran out side to help. In a flash the creatures in the black robes were upon her parents before I even reacted, then I heard Sasha's cry. That spurred me into action.

Though I can move fast, I am not the Flash. The creatures that had Sasha and her parents were in the drive way ,and the ones that had her friends had moved them into the street. They had already bitten into them all except for Sasha, as if they were waiting for me to come out. Thier venom poisonus, I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to save her. It took me only a meer minute to get to her and disengage the creature's teeth from her neck.

As she approached I was drawn back to the present. I couldn't help but smile at the knowledge of being blessed with this eternal beauty. Tonight she would finally be inducted formally into the Vyscus Family. I can't wait.

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