
Into The Forest

"Ellen Run! We need to get out of Here!" Said

Mark as they keep running deep into the woods,

While the clashing of metals can be heard not far away.

"But Brother how can we leave those people behind?"

Mark stop and look straight to the eyes of her Sister, " Ellen Look , Do you think i want to do that!? Do you think i dont want to help those people!, Do you think a single person can do a difference in that fight?

Ellen! The more important think you should think now is how we can survive this, so instead of thinking about others, you should think first about us!!", said Mark angrily to his sister.

Ellen almost couldn't held her tears, its the first time she saw her brother become that angry.

"But bo-Brother..."

"Ellen Stop! its not time for that, Come on lets keep goind before they saw us" as he held the hand of ellen and continue running.

But unexpectedly, These two didnt notice an eye watching them as they run deep inside the woods.

a couple of minutes pass by as they were running when suddenly they hear a roar

"Ellen Hurry Up, i can Hear them , they should be near us"

"But brother im so tired now, i dont think i can still run" answered ellen while panting

Mark stop suddenly and said " Okay ellen , Hop on my back just like what you always do when we are little"

as when Ellen were trying to cling to her brothers back,

^Whooooooshh...... an arrow Flew pass them

Mark Stumbled to the ground as he didnt expect that those arrow almost hit them

while Ellen had a scared look in her face as they were almost dead if that arrow didnt miss

while trying to Stand Up, the sound of hooves can be heard when suddenly they saw that the thing they were trying to outrun were a few meters away from them

^Guaargrgrgga!!!!!!! ...

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