
Chapter 2- Shattered Glass

Sam halted on the stairs. What was going on in front of her was a party, not a simple intimate dinner. She was determined to not lose her shit and go screaming back upstairs. So many eyes stared at her as she came down the stairs. The women wore a mix of envy and pity, but the men were all lust. She wished to God that her dress had at least been ankle length. The large teardrop shaped cutout allowed ample sight of her luscious breasts. Sam felt like a trophy on display. She was very aware of the whispers coming from both men and women in the crowd.

"She is what you get for billions of dollars! I'm in the wrong profession!", she heard a loud male whisper close by.

"She's probably got the personality of wet tissue and brains to match.", came a loud female voice.

Same held her head high and ignored all the venom and disgustingly provocative comments from people that didn't even know her.

"My dear Samara!", a loud shaky voice called.

Sam turned and headed toward the sound. The wizened old lech that pulled her close, put his hand on her butt. She looked at Mr. Midas, then pulled herself free. Sam's sight was greeted by a lecherous smirk with the smell of alcohol. He pulled her back into his grasp and tried to kiss her.

"This is an engagement party! We should be a happy couple!", said the drunken old man.

It took all of Sam's willpower to mask her revulsion. He was a lot stronger than he looked. His claw-like finger dug painfully into her side. Sam got the impress that escape was not an option for the moment. She was led around and introduced to so many people. Most of the women were superficial or half rude. The men always lingered a little too long with her hand. If this was upper society, then she was very happy that she had avoided it. Her head started to pound from her fake pleasantry.

"Tonight will be a preview of our wedded bliss...", said Mr. Midas.

"Wait... What?!", Sam said unbelieving what he just said.

"I will have my first taste of you tonight, my caramel goddess!", said Midas, licking his lips.

It was too much for Sam! She turned and headed swiftly back upstairs. She had to find a bathroom quickly, she was going to be very sick. Her eyes were blurred with tears of anguish and she didn't know her way around the large mansion. She turned the handle of the French double doors and sprinted into the room. She could hear people on the outside of the door searching for her. Sam looked around and dashed through a set of Oriental screen sliding doors. She was so focused on trying her damnest not to be discovered, that she didn't notice an arrogantly handsome face with a pair of stormy gray-blue eyes regarding her coldly as he lounge in the massive tub.

"Engagement! Marry that disgusting old geezer Midas! Fuck this! I am not having sex with him! I will stay locked in this bathroom and then I am out of here before dawn!", Sam was having her usual angry conversation with herself.

She sighed heavily and sat down to wait it out at the end of the tub. She was too lost in her own thoughts of the cost of a ticket to Baltimore, Maryland. She was planning it all out in her head and mumbling to herself, completely distracted.

"I can stay with my grandmother. She was always so kind to me. She did invite me to stay when my dad got ill. I can call her from the airport. I do have just enough to make it in savings..... What the.....?", cried Sam.

She didn't get to finish her sentence before being pulled into the tub by two very strong arms.

"Whatever the old pervert is paying you, I'll give you 10 times the amount for the night.", said the stunningly handsome man.

"He was giving me a million dollars!", Sam snapped back quickly annoyed by this strangers assumption.

"10 million? Deal!", said the man.

Before Sam could protest or correct his misconception, his lips were devouring hers greedily. Her brain picked that moment to cease all coherent functions. She was drawn into his body. Her wet clothing was no protection from the hard muscular man pressed to her. He began to kiss to her neck. She couldn't stop the moan that escaped unbidden from her lips. His hand caressed her left hip and pushed the hemline of the dress up enough to grasp her wet flimsy underwear. The lacy garments stood no chance what-so-ever as he torn them off of her. The only acknowledgement her brain allowed was a gasp. He positioned her carefully beneath him. She felt an impossibly large log just between her legs. Sam's alarm bells rang loud and clear then. That was no log!

"No!", screamed Sam.

She heaved the stranger off of her with all her might. It had obviously taken him by surprise. Sam scrambled out of the tub. The dress clung to her body. It was the way the man was staring at her that made her take a step back.

"I am not use to rejection or paying for a woman, but I do expect my money's worth.", he said stepping out of the tub and reaching for Sam.

Sam's eye widened and fear was tangible, especially looking between his legs. That was the type of thing that split a woman in damn-near in half and sent her to the ER. K-Y didn't make enough lube for that to fit in her!

"No fear. I'm exceptionally skilled. It's only a little pain, then nothing, but pleasure. I can assure you.", said the man, after following her eyes and seeing her expression.

Sam called upon her vast experience of running home from school to avoid the bullies. Her father had often teased her and said she should become an Olympic runner. All of that was paying off right now. Sam ran for her life. The devil is in the details, and he was packing all hell! She didn't stop until she was in an unfamiliar garden maze. An unkept enclosed gazebo, provided her with a decent shelter. In a cedar chest, Sam found some tools and even an old blanket. She hid herself in space that she cleaned up and cried to sleep.

Midas Zhang pulled on his robe before leaving the bathroom into the bedroom. He picked up the torn panties and shoved them in his pocket. He hadn't meant to scare her that badly. He had avoided the "engagement" party, because it was just another event play that was put on for the nosy masses. Midas despised the leeches and parasites of high society. The old man was more of a figure-head for the company, he was the real power. It had been his father's intolerance for social climbers and their daughters, that he had set up a contract for his son. He had met Gia and Samara Wei, when they were younger and he was 19. Gia had been primed by her mother, even at the age of 8, to land a handsome rich husband. She had practically been forced at him from "Hello". Samara on the other hand, was very different. Midas had called her "ugly", she hit him in the head with her umbrella and shoved him in the mud. Both of their father's had agreed not to discuss the terms of the contract for the loan, until the girls were of age. Seth had died a few days before the girls would turn 18.

Midas had been mildly perturbed upon finding out that Gia was not the one that woman sent. He had been so angry that he'd refused to accept Samara. He intended to let the doddering old idiot marry Samara, then he'd go to Ziyi and demand Gia. What a difference 10 years had made?! Samara had become an exotic vision. Her body had gotten his attention on sight. When she turned around, he had been hypnotized by a goddess that had stepped straight from heaven into his bathroom. He wanted her..... badly. Midas absentmindedly rang for Min Lo.

"Find her. Bring her back to me. She is mine. I claim her!", said Midas.

"As you wish. I'll have the men search the grounds with the dogs.", said Mr. Lo.

"And Mr. Lo, clear out the party. Make sure that the old man is taken to his room and have Miss Wei's things moved to the room adjacent mine.", said Midas with a smile Mr. Lo knew to well.

"I will get Mrs. Grumfield on it immediately.", said Mr. Lo with a bow, then he turned and left.

Midas eyed his empty bed. His mind imagined Samara laying their, her naked body exhausted and dripping with sweat from him making love to her. Just a mental picture of her was enough to excite him. He walked over to a small vanity and pick up the decanter to pour himself a drink. He was hoping the strong cognac would settle his body down, but it wasn't any help at all. The only way to sate his desire, was to possess the object of it. He could slack his thirst for her forever and still never be satisfied. Midas went to pour another drink, he hoped it would help this time. He'd been holding his glass in his right hand, then shoved his left hand into his pocket. Pulling his hand from his pocket, the delicate panties hand tangled around his fingers. An involuntary wave a of desire hit Midas so hard, he right hand convulsed around the glass and shattered it.

"How has one slip of a girl done this to me?!", said Midas angrily.