
Love looks good on you


Six is the highest roll on the die, the Lovers in a tarot deck, and Virgo in the


My sixth poetry title, Love Looks Pretty on You, is a celebration of the female

spirit. In this book I weave the threads of my past to complete the tapestry of

my present. I reflect on my life to this point, as a woman and a creator who

has come full circle.

In this book I pay homage to my mother and to my sisters, all over the world.

I celebrate the synergy of our work and relationships.

The love we have for each other and, most importantly, the love we have for


Love looks pretty on you, and you should wear it with pride.

x Lang

At Last

Love looks pretty on you. Makes you soft, tender, proud. Makes you sit up

and take notice. Gives you a home to set down your things.

What a blessing it is, to have music and dancing and poetry. What a gift it is,

to look at someone and say,

I'm so happy to have found you—at last, at last, at long, long last—you're here.

The Long Way

You're the girl who takes the long way home. This is the way you do it. This

way you will have stories to tell. About lovers and liars, thieves and kings.

You will have spine-chilling tales to spin.

You will see the ones who rose so fast, dazzled for a moment before they

crashed back down to earth, crawled back into the dust.

But not you. Never you.

This is the way you've always been. A hook at the end of a long, long line.

Waiting patiently. You will get there and believe me when you get there: you

will be glad you took your time.

Endless Cycle

You want to hurt your father for all the times he has made your mother cry.

Because you're the only one in the world he loves more than himself. So, in a

weird, fucked-up way, you find yourself with someone just like him, and just

like you wanted, you see the hurt in your father's eyes. But it ends up hurting

you too.

This Year

I am starting this year barefoot in the sand. Moonlight on my skin and sea-

wind through my hair. Love in my heart and murder in my veins.

This is not the year I leave to chance or karma. It is not a year to live and let


If we have unfinished business, the wolves will be howling your name. If

there is blood on your hands, you will get what you deserve.

If you think you're safe, all you've done is bought yourself time. If you think

distance can protect you, I can cross oceans in a heartbeat.

And if ever you find my name slipping from your memory, I can promise

you, by the time this year is through, you will never forget it again.

Sunday Afternoon

We keep each other

while the lilacs bloom outside,

while coffee spills like inkblots

on bone white sheets.

We keep each other like cats,

lazy and warm stretched by the fire,

like secrets told in the dead of night.

We keep each other in love and light,

in our darkest hour,

we keep each other safe.

Why You Fell in Love

You said you never wanted a girl like me, that I was too much. You said

being with me was like looking right into the sun. But I don't know how to

be what you want, when this is why you wanted me in the first place. The

very thing you want to change about me is the reason why you fell in love.