
Talk with Liam

Dean was utterly pleased with the little beast's deed. He became even more interested in the little petite rebel.

"This was admirable, Mia! You have the guts to right what's wrong." He said giving a small smile. "Feel free to right me…anytime." He bit his lip.

"Because you allow it, I will not miss an opportunity." Was all she said, not even glancing at him. She didn't dare. Mika was watching them from across the class room. The bell rang and Mia stood up and left the room. She was still agitated from the event, hands shaking.

She was not used to confront adults, even her father. She started doing it recently since she decided she will live her live the way she wants. There will be many people who will try to step on her and make her obey, but she WILL NOT! She will be a strong and independent woman like her mother was before she died in an accident five years ago.

She went for the door, her phone in her hand, dialing "cousin" Liam. She had to talk to him, he had always his ways to comfort her or simply tell a bad joke to resolve her with his virile mind.

"Hi, Mia!" She heard his deep voice and smiled. She was already feeing better.

"Hey, Liam." She said, her voice awkward.

"You sound uneasy. What is it?"

"I did something unusual just now… " She was looking down to her feet.

Suddenly a tall figure obstructed her directly before the door. She looked up. Dean was leaning on the door frame with a teasing look in his eyes.

"Oh, Mia? You cheating already? You got a date? Who is he? What is his name? Oh, don't bush now you naughty girl!" she did blush indeed, but not for the reasons he tought.

He was repulsively too loud for her to keep talking on the phone. Thankfully Mika showed up. She was glaring at the two at the door, probably after she had overheard what Dean was saying. He looked away from Mia turning to her friend and smiled widely, providing an escape for Mia.

She just elbowed his ribs, so he moved from the door. She ran away, hearing Mika yelling after her something of the sort of: "Hey, Mia! What's up?!"

"Mia, who was that?" Liam asked not a bit disturbed by the shit he heard.

"That's Dean, the new classmate Mika's crazy about. It's not enough that he is a pain in the ass, but he is also seated on my desk, too. Uh!"

Liam giggled softly with his deep voice, a music to her ears. "He sounds like a spoiled brat, you might need to give him a piece of you."

At last she was already outside in the quiet. She heaved a sigh.

"Ah, I'd rather leave this to you. You have a natural talent for this." She chuckled.

"Sounds like fun. So what's the unusual thing?" He quickly switched to mode 'serious Liam'.

"We had Mr. Trung to cover for our art class. He was crossing off the student's drawings, so I made a little demo with the flier for his exhibition. He got it right, but I am still shaking from the adrenaline."

Liam was now lauging out loud. "Mr. Trung huh?! I bet his phiz was priceless. I'd have loved to see you kick his ass!"

She didn't know what to say, so he carried on after the pause:

"Take a deep breath, hold it, exhale…" and she did do.

"That's right, repeat till you start feeling better."

"I already feel better."

" I will come pick you up from school at six o'clock to cool the steam off."

"Thanks Liam, what would I do without you?"

"Heh, I know, I know… You're welcome. Always. "

"See you later alligator" she said.

"After 'while crocodile" he replied and hung up.

They had this greeting since forever from Bill Haley's song "See You Later Alligator". They both liked the song so much and sang it often together when they were children. "Yes!" she jumped from joy. They would spend some time together, she was looking forward to it.

She was always happy to be around him, because he was a sip of fresh air. He knew how to have fun, he was smart and handsome, never impolite, weird in his own charming way and something unexpected was happening around him every time.

She went back inside for her classes and spend the rest of her classes absorbed in her own thoughts about Liam and the evening they would spend together.

Dean saw her not 'being there', so he unsuccessfully tried to drag her attention to him. Alas he remained unnoticed and gave up somewhen.

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