
1. Virtual Relevance (Part 1)

It was the mid of the hottest month of the year, when I was spending my days mostly on bed curled up myself and was under medication. My days were passing by either watching movies online or using social medias which leads to interaction with many new individuals everyday. Few days back I got discharge from hospital, where I was admitted for nearly two days for tormenting from infection inside my whole digestive system.

It was the festive season, Ramadan, and people were indulge themselves in all the festive activities and the whole ambience was circulated with sparks and glimmer. Apart from happiness of the festival, there doomed in my heart a grief that I could not enjoy fully festive blessings due to my health conditions. There was another grief prevailing in my heart which was also making me feel so tensed and depressed. It was due to a person who was very dear to me at that point of time. It was his behavior towards me always pampering me and making me feel like a princess. He was the one who always thought about my happiness. Sometimes, we can't refrain ourself from the emotions and feelings which always makes us happy. We, the human beings attach ourselves to those kinds of emotions and feelings in which there is a lot of care, pamper and which makes us feel like being loved. Though there are many definitions of love and diversity in opinions. I never knew what kind of relationship and feelings I am sharing with that person, whether I am in love with him, or I admire him, or we are besties.

In those days, he suddenly stopped conversing with me. I was trying to figure out the reason behind such a sudden change, which was actually troubling me. Day by day, he was becoming impertinent. But I never knew that the upcoming days will change everything.

It was Friday, 15th of May, mostly afternoon, a bright and sunny day. I was as usual lying on my bed after a short nap. I opened my social media and saw a friend request. I am a kind of a person who does a little enquiry or a scant investigation about the person before accepting to add in my friend's list. I opened that person's profile and was scrolling his pics and posts. After examining a bit, and just grabbed the basic information, I added him in my friend's list. The most enthusiastic thing about that person that I discovered was his display pic out of nation. He was an Indian, but maybe stays abroad. Though I have quite some friends who resides abroad, but the vibes that I was getting from this person was different. It was distinguish in a way more attractive, or enthusiastic, the reason being the place or the person that I didn't know. As I was on leave from my job, due to the festive vacations as well as my unhealthy conditions, I was from my official teaching work. So, mostly I was spending time utilizing my cell phone and acquiring different knowledges, chatting with different people pursuing distinctive personalities, different opinions and perspectives towards life. Some of them became really good pals , whom I used to chat almost everyday.

In the eve of that particular day, around 7:19p.m , I got an unusual message, 'Hy.' Unusual for me in the sense that mostly and literally people write 'Hi', or 'Hii' , and I am always habitual with these greetings in social medias. Almost after an hour around 8:22 p.m , I saw the greeting and replied with a normal 'Hi.' My greeting was unseen by him for almost a day. The following day at night, when another day began, around 12:34 a.m, I was as usual active in my social media and scrolling and reading some splendid quotes and watching funny videos. Simultaneously, I was getting many messages, some from my pals and some from strangers. But suddenly, a message arrived from the unusual person who was vanished for almost a day, not even saw my greeting. I hurriedly hopped in and saw the message stated- 'How r u?'. Immediately, I replied, "I am not so well " and asked him, 'What about you? ' He replied, ' I'm fine', and further added, ' What happen to you?' After hearing this, there I started to explain every detailed and every bit of my health conditions and how I suffered. Though honestly, he was the first person whom I explained in so much details, in fact, I never explained my pals regarding my health sufferings. I felt that he became quite upset or was feeling pity for me. Then he enquired, 'Are you taking medicines? ' I replied casually, 'yes.' Then with a bit concern he told me, 'You should take rest and sleep early.' on which I just gave a casual reply, 'Hmmm.' This much was the conversation between us for that day, and after that I went off to sleep and maybe he as well. Then the next day, during the evening time, I myself greeted him with 'Hi', Besides I really didn't know why because I never used to message anyone in social media from my side. He also greeted back with 'Hi', this time in a usual manner. Then a normal conversation about our well-being was going on.

Next chapter