


"Where are you going Midoriya?" Higurashi asks me as my brain start to work to find an excuse to lie to him.

"I-I a-am t-taking a w-walk a-around the a-area," I answer his question with a nervous tone as he narrows his eyes making me scared if he knows I am lying.

"Walking? And here I thought you went for jogging around the area."

His reply made me curse my mind as I think I should reply to his question by saying I am jogging around the area.

But then, he will ask me why I am jogging? Then he will suspect me I am probably training myself for the UA exam. Then he will suspect that I am a late bloomer. Wonder what he will react to m--


Higurashi is enough to make me stop muttering.

"Dude. You are muttering very fast." Higurashi says to me making me almost slap my forehead as I almost reveal my secret of training at the Dagobah Beach.

Not it was not a training rather cleaning the beach full of the ashes.

"By the way, Midoriya, do you also apply for UA?" He asks me making me nod my head as I look at the ground as I am nervous with afraid to look at the same person who is like Kacchan.

"Hmm. I guess I am not the only person who apply for UA. Bet your " Kacchan" too apply for UA right?" He asks me.

"Y-yeah," I reply.

"By the way Midoriya, do you think you can enter UA?" He asks me as I meekly nod my head to his question.

"Not to insult you but you are weak." An arrow pierced my heart when he says that.

"Also a coward." Another one pierces at heart.

"And lastly you are a nerd too." The last one almost made me cry as I know all the insults are true.

"Do you apply for the Hero Course?" He asks me.

"Y-yeah," I reply.

"I do not believe you. You could have applied for the General Department you know with that smart brain of yours. Not to insult you but based on your personality, I am not sure how you will be able to pass the UA exam." Kaito tells me as I bit lip in frustration hearing his remark toward me.

"Besides, you are weak." I look at him as I feel a bit angry hearing his sentence but he just gazes at me back with his undetectable expression on his eyes.

"Look at us both. Everyone knows I am the strongest in our school without having a quirk while you are a nerd who cannot stand up for yourself. Tell me Midoriya, why the heck do you want to be a hero?" He asks me.

"I-I w-want to be a hero like A-All Might. I-it was my dream since I am an l-litlle kid." I reply.

"I am unable to see how you will fare in the UA entrance exam. I mean you are quirkless." He says to me as I just keep my mouth from speaking if I am the inheritor of All Might's quirk.

"No matter what everyone says, you still want to become a hero huh? Bad news for you Midoriya since I am going be the number 1 hero and no one can be beneath me as I will trample them." He then walks past me.

"Just do your best and good luck in the UA entrance exam Midoriya." He walks away as I immediately run to Dagobah Beach as I bit my lip in frustration as Kaito tells me there is no chance for me to enter UA.

"I am going to prove him and the others that I can enter UA. I've got All Might and my mother that supports me. I will not disappoint them!"

That day, Izuku Midoriya does his daily training more pumped up than usual because of our protagonist.


After meeting Deku and bid goodbye to him, I have to admit the closer I inspect this nerd, the more I notice how his body grows a little taller with him his body now has muscles.

I guess cleaning up the Dagobah Beach made his body to abruptly changes his thin and frail-looking body.

But one thing I notice how bad his social skill is when he talks to another person as he will keep stuttering when he speaks to a person who is like Bakugou and me.

So I decided to give a piece of my mind toward him as I can see determination and firey gaze in his eyes when I ask him what his dream is.

Good. Keep pumping up since I know the moment you and I enter UA, it is going to be a tough and interesting competition to see who is the strongest student in UA.

Currently, if I count the current strength of my possible rival is class 1A, only Todoroki, Momo and Bakugou may or may not challenges me.

Yeah, challenges me with the battle will end with me gaining a victory.

Remembering all these world character's quirks and their modus operandi, I can identify ways on how to immobilise them.

Entering my living place, I throw my school uniform into the washing machine as I take a bath to wash away my sweat.

After finish bathing, I wear short pant and wear blue singlet only body.

Turning in the television, I once again got greeted by the sight of this world hero rescuing them as I keel switching the channels.

"Oh, man. Why are there no animes here? All the channels keep live streaming if the heroes actions. Damn it." Turning off the television, I summon the World for it to get me a glass of water.

It fills my glass with water and then approaches me. It then gives my glass of water as I sell it down.

"UA exam. All I know is the exam also has rescue points that are worth a lot of you rescued people from the die and hurt like when Izuku execute his " Smash" on the Zero Point Robot. But one main problem occurs to me right now when I am going to participate in the UA entrance exam.

Using so many powers like using many different kinds of elemental attacks will make the UA staff and teacher suspicious of me especially a certain blond hero.

Besides, I already said that I am quirkless which will cause misunderstanding since I will display powers during the exam.

Pfft. Like the hell, I care. I mean, have evidence that shows me I am quirkless.

If they did not believe my words, I do not care. Besides, Aizawa's quirk, Erase cannot erase my power since he can only erase quirk.

And if they decide to use force, well, let's just hope that I change from becoming a hero to the world strongest villain.

Besides, the Heroes will feel happy and shall be honoured for having me at the Heroes side since if I am not the villain'ss side, well his world is screwed up.

Deciding to just have around, I open my smartphone and start to play some mobile games that can entertain me.


"Heh. Guess a loser like you still have the balls to attend the school despite losing to me many times." I say to Katsuki who fumes in anger hearing my remark.

"You arrogant bastard," Katsuki growls as his quirk start to activate but then it turns off as I know if Bakugou ever repeats the same stance and action like yesterday, he will be expected from this school.

"Just you wait for the arrogant bastard. I am going to pummel you one day." Katsuki says to Kaito.

"Like that day will ever come." Kaito thought in his head as he keeps laying his head ok the desk.

"I want to sleep right now. This is what I got for playing mobile games for a long time and did not have time to sleep for 8 hours."

"Hey. Do you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard that Katsuki Bakugou got defeated by a student who is the same age as us."

"Seriously? Who is brave and strong enough to lick a fight with Katsuki.

" It's him." A student points his finger towards me as I try my best to ignore the students gaze directed toward me.

"Higurashi is the one who defeats him?"

"Yeah. He sure is strong."

"What the heck is even his quirk?"

"You fool. He is quirkless you know?"

"You are lying? We all know Quirkless cannot defeat Bakugou."

"Yeah. Maybe he is a late bloomer."

"About time someone teaches Bakugou a lesson."

Hearing the muttering from the students make me realise now everyone in the school probably knows about my fight with Katsuki.

And I seethe explosion boy with his lackeys who quickly walk away when they see me making me smirk.

"Of course they are scared since their fate of staying in this school is in my hand albeit as it is only a few days before we end our studies here."

2 days pass as I am now playing with my power, Fictional Mimicry by trying to think a catchphrase that let me use my power in my own house as I am sitting on my bed while thinking a catchphrase that benefits me

"Saying Install is not so cool since it will be like me using Class Cards. And it will be weird to say it when I am about to use Class Card.

Let's just go with "Equip" then. It is a simple word and an easy word to say. But what should I equip on?

But first I need to classify what I am going to say.

"Just saying " Equip" is too general and it will make my power to "accidentally" gives Sharingan without having chakra in my body.

That is why when I say that one word, my mind will start to work by saying what exactly the powers I want. This action also can be classified as a surprise attack as my opp ent will not know what kind of abilities, weapons or attack that I use to attack them.

But first let's just how with one of my favourite Mortal Kombat characters: Scorpion.

"Equip Character scorpion." I thought in my mind as my body feel hot as my mind got assaulted with his memories.

What feels like minutes is seconds in the outside world as I am now Scorpion but not without his suit.

I lit my hand with his Hellfire but then I notice my bed is on fire making me control the fire for it not spread to the entire if my bed as I manipulate fire to disappear making me marvel at my skills of manipulating this hellfire.

"I am so going to rub this power at Endeavour and piss of Shouto if I ever meet them both." U then started by training this character powers and abilities by constructing many weapons with hellfire.

Swords, geysers, shield, spears, bows and arrows, whips, ropes, kunais, shurikens, katana, balls, knives, hammers, axe and of course a big hellfire fist.

Which cause his bedroom to be caught on fire as he regrettably had to use his power again.

"Equip Zatara." He equips another character which comes from DC and it was the father if Zatanna, Zatara.

He wants to experience using this family unique magic which is logomancy where anything he says backwards, the backward words will happen magically.

But then again, he will be having difficulties to say the words in backward but luckily, he decides to be Zatara himself without his appearance did not change into an old man.

Just his young body who has Zatara's memories, power and abilities.

His mind which previously did not know magic now fills with his mouth is ready to do Zatara's famous magic, logomancy.

"Xif siht moor ckab ot lamron. (Fix this place back to normal)".

The surrounding changes as my burned bed revert to normal with no dust on the floor making me feels awed at this character's magic, logomancy.

" I really cannot wait to participate for the UA entrance exam and get the first place in the exam."

Next chapter