


Looking at the UA facility, the place where I will be attending and the place where many unfortunate incidents happen, I cannot keep my grin as my mind suddenly think of something.

"If I remember, All Might hold the record of acquiring the highest point according to the media, with him get a whopping 115 points. Well, records mean to be broken so yeah I will at least get more than that .

Until he spots a familiar nerd who he scoffs seeing the nerd trip on his leg making him almost laugh and feel ridiculous seeing this.

" No matter how many time I see this, it makes no sense a person trip his leg? Maybe the nerd us too nervous or this is just a plotline for him to meet his love interest, Ochako Uraraka.

Seeing the girl help Izuku to float from making his face to hit on the ground, he snickers before he notices a familiar bully who has that scowl on his face.

"And that is Bakugou. Geez, probably he now pisses seeing Deku taking the entrance exam or scouting some of the participants here that are going be his stepping stones. Maybe I should greet him to just anger him."

Walking to Bakugou, I smile as I am now behind him.

"Hmm. Guess a bully like you also want to be a hero huh?" I say as Bakugou scowls seeing my face.

"Higurashi.Tsk. You come here huh?" He says as he glares at me as we both stares at each other.

"Just you know, I am going to be the one who will ace this exam and get number one in the exam. " I say to him as he grit his teeth hearing that.

"The fuck you say?! It is me who will get the number one in this damn exam, not you!" He says loudly as all the participant start to look at us both.

"Hey, isn't that the kid who scold the heroes?"

"Yeah, that is him."

"That ash-blonde guy meanwhile looks familiar."

"Stupid, he is the one who gets captured by the sludge villain."

"Ah, I remember. So that is him."

Hearing the whispers of the participants, Bakugou calms down but still glares at me.

"Hmm. Let's see if you or I will be the one get the highest point in this exam, you arrogant bastard." He says to me.

"Same to you, cocky walking bomb," I reply as he walks away from me but still, he sends glares to Deku who cower in fear seeing his best friend.

"Deku, why the hell are you here? You are quirkless." He says to Deku who just keep quiet making me shake his head. Coward nerd.

"Your friend here take want to take the exam but still, are you sure you can take this exam, Midoriya? No offence to you but your expression looks like someone who is about to pee their pant."

"I-I come here to take the exam because it is my d-dreamt-to to become an h-hero." He replies as he looks at us both making Bakugou narrows his eyes.

"Whatever. You, Deku will just fail the exam." Bakugou says to Deku as Uraraka is about to say something but I cut her off.

"Then at least man up or the others will lookout like a weakling," I tell him as he looks at the ground as I go into the facility.

There are many participants with some of the participants are familiar to me like that Monona Neito, who seems to keep touching another person making me whistle as I know that is his way, no rather his cunning way of using his work, Copy that the name goes, make him able to use other people quirk though I can tell he probably is searching for participants that have useful quirks.

If I remember, he only able to use one quirk at a time and has a time limit of 5 minutes of using the copied quirks.

Then I see a familiar redheaded who seems eager to take the exam, Kirishima who has a quirk, Hardening. Wonder if his quirk can evolve like the Armament Haki from One Piece?

Then a familiar purple haired boy van he spotted not too far away from me as I swear that this guy is like Eraserhead with that expression but I know that he is one dangerous guy is he decided to become a villain with his quirk, Brainwashing though it becomes dangerous if his opponent responds to his talk.

Averting my eyes I see a Pikachu, in a human form. Nah, just kidding, just Denki Kaminari who many people say Pikachu ina human form. Besides, both of them has the same power, but still, Pikachu is stronger than him, ain't Denki is just like a living taser. Besides his weakness is here his brain will cause his brain to the short circuit where he will become a real idiot person. Wait, he is an already an idiot person.

But then I see a shorty who is staring at many females participants making me feel disgusted.

Mineta, that pervert. I still cannot believe someone like him is in Class A. Wait a minute, many of the reincarnated people who live in this world replace him and that guy who talks to the animal.

Closing my eyes while taking a deep breath, I start to think about what power I should choose for this entrance exam.

I can just become Superman to easily destroy all those robots or become the Flash to disassemble those robots in a blink of eyes or worse, throw many Cruel Sun to all those robots.

Ha, so many powers for me to choose and yet, I still in dilemma to choose which one. One of the disadvantage when you have many powers in yourself.

As for my registration, I just fill the form by empty out the quirk section. I just want to see what is their expression seeing me who is supposed to not have quirk still have many amazing powers.

Then I notice 2 people sit beside me as I look who are they?

"Hello, you will not mind right if we sit here right?" A female voice sounded beside me as I look who speak to me as I am greeted by the sigh of 2 females that make me fascinated by their beauty but I calm myself to not make a fool of myself.

"Yes, you both can sit beside me. Besides, they are empty." I tell them.

"Ah. I never introduced myself. My name is Itsuka Kendo." She introduced herself as I remember this girl is the leader of Class 1-B as I look at this orange-haired girl and the black-haired girl beside her.

"Kodai Yui." She introduces herself to me.

"My name is Higurashi Kaito but you two can call me Kaito." I introduced myself to them.

"Then it is nice to meet you, Kaito," Itsuka says to me.

"Same here, Itsuka and Kodai," I say to them before I look forward as both girls chat with each other.

Then, it goes with the written exam where I know I can get a decent grade, not to waste my power to use Tony Stark or Peter Parker's intelligence to answer these simple questions.

After finishing taking the exam, we are then asked to get ready for the practical test.

The test that many students are eager to take part in since it is their time to shine and used their quirks to destroy those robots.

Many students decide to use clothes that are suitable for them to wear but I just wear a simple black tracksuit and still pondering what power I shall use.

Taking a deep breath while the feeling of eager start to overwhelmed me as I am now too excited to show my powers to those Quirk heroes and examiners.

I almost revealed a wide grin but I calm myself while looking at the location of my practical test.

"Battle City C. Ha. What a drag. And here I am wanted to steal the main protagonist chance to be in class 1-A." I thought in my head as I just sit and start to close my eyes.

What do you expect me to do while waiting for my turn? Analyse everyone quirk like the protagonist, Midoriya Izuku? Or picking a fight with other participants like Katsuki Bakugou?

But then someone touches my elbow making me open my eyes as I see a familiar blond who probably think it is the best to copy my quirk.

Well, bad luck for you copycat since I did not have a quirk.

"W-what?" He mutters but I stand up and glared at him.

"The fuck did you do to me huh?!" I ask him as I tower him as I am slightly taller than him making him flinch.

"N-nothing." He says but I grab his collar and bring him to meet my eyes.

"You lie. Now tell me, the fuck is you just do at me huh?!" I ask him but he tries to free himself from my grip but still, I did not budge.

"L-let me go." He says to me as I let him go.

"You. You will not possibly try to do anything ti my quirk right?" I ask him with a loud tone as everyone started to look at the blonde who just hung his head down.

"None of your business." He says to me.

"After all you did not have a quirk in your body so you are worthless for my quirk." He says to me before my eyes turned into the red with both of them start to form a shape shuriken making him wince in fear as I start at him with Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Your quirk must invoke something that requires physical contact? I guess your quirk let you to somehow imitate other people quirk right?" I ask him as Monoma also as his eyes drop out from their socket hearing my accusation as ut is true.

"Hmm. You faker." I insult him as he is the one who dares to cross path with me and say I am worthless.

Well, sucks to be you, you damn faker.

"Must be a convenience having that quirk? Using other people quirk as you own them to pass the exam. But take those copied quirks, you are just a loser who did not know his place." I mock him as he glares at me.

Yeah, I never like him anyway with his attitude of hating another clas when I watch the anime and read the manga.

Besides, with him acting all smart and arrogant, it is time for him to meet one person who can trample his pride and well you know, embarrass him for his smartass attitude.

"Know your place loser." I say to him as I heard the announcement for the participants in Battle City C.

Walking away from the blonde who I did not care about his expression, I enter the waiting area as I stared at the gate waiting for it to be opened.

My actions seem to make the others whisper about me but like the hell, I care about what they said about me.

Ignoring President Mic about the description of those robots, I ready myself to destroy all those robots with Amaterasu as I can spam the attack much time as there is no backlash of using this ability and I have edited a little that these eyes also grant me a huge pool of chakra and Itachi's memories

" Now the exam will start right now!" President Mic announces as I already blast myself surpassed the participants.

Putting chakra on my feet, my movement becomes faster as I see 3 pointer robot.

Well, time to do one of my favourite attacks from Naruto.

"Amaterasu," I mutter as my right eye shined as the robot got envelopes by a black flame that make the robot to explode seconds after being hit by that black fire.

A 2 pointer robot which look like a scorpion appears in front me as it taol lash at me but with my Mangekyou Sharingan, I can see that movement easily as I avoid it's tail before my right hand now has lightning coated it.

"Lightning Blade." I slash it's tail separating its from its main body before slit it's nape as it stopped moving. And to confirm of the robot is truly dead pierce it's head to make sure I got the points.

Flickering away while searching for a robot, I found a 3 pointer robots and 1 pointer robots as my hand make a hand sign.

"Fire Style:Phoenix Flower." I spit out may mini flame to the robot eyes as it start to frantically move to escape but black flame surround both robots they exploded at the same spot.

"With my current pace, it is still not enough to beat All Might's record. Time to use Naruto's favourite jutsu."

Crossing my hand, I use one of the jutsu that Naruto like to use.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu." 6 clones appears beside me as they all wait for my orders.

"Destroy the other robot but do not destroy that 0-pointer robot. Help others in need." I say to my clone who nodded their head before they flicker away.

Two 1 Pointer Robot appears in front of me but with. glance, both of the robots got enveloped by my Amaterasu.

"What the heck is this black flame?" I hear some students say but I ignored his remarks.

But surprisingly, the other robots also got destroyed by my clones who mostly destroy 1-2 Pointer Robots with fire jutsu since it is more destructive and useful attacks against those robots.

Anyway, I keep spamming Amaterasu toward 1 Pointer robots, 2 pointer robots and 3 pointer robot making me realise how strong this flame is as it will envelop the robot before said the robots exploded as it got enveloped by the black fire.

Every time my eyes sees a pointer robot, I quickly attack them with Amaterasu as no other examines unable to do anything to steal kill point from me as the black flame hinder them from attacking those robots.

" 50 points. These are the points I had right now. But still, this did not act with Rescue Points as my eyes then see Itsuka who just destroys a 3 pointer robot with her life fists but never she noticed a piece of the building is about to fall on her head.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." I spit a fireball toward the piece of building surprising her as she stares at me.

"Be aware of your surrounding Itsuka. " I say to her.

"Thanks for the rescue." She thanks me as I nod with us separate to search for more robots.

"Doing this so many time make me kinda bored. It is not my main goal to just get many points from this exam. Rather I want to make a new record in this school. Enough of this fire attacks. Time for me to destroy these robots with my fists." Dispelling the clones, I received their memories as half of them destroy the robots and half of them rescue another examinee.

By my calculation, I now exactly had 79 points before an announcement can be heard through the city.

"5 minutes remain folks. Hurry up destroy robots." President Mic announces making examines to increase their pace searching for the robots.

Meanwhile, I just stops walking asthe I stand straight the in the middle of road as my Mangekyou Sharingan disappears as I have picked a power that surely will make all the occupants of this facility remember me and my actions today.

I bit my right hand as it now has bleed before orange lightning hit me as I grin knowing become a Titan, an armoured one will make me become the talk of all the people here in this school.

My body becomes bigger as I noticed I am now taller before with me looking at the mirror of the building near me making me view my Titan body which looks exactly like Reiner Braun, the Armored Titan except the hair is black.

"Rarghhhhhh!" I release an inhuman roar as I now notice the huge robot that is not too far away from me.

"Now, it's showtime." I start to move as I notice of my lack of speed in this Titan form.

"What did I expect from a fully armoured Titan? At least I will become like a tank that destroy anything in its path." I mutter as I also take a precaution to not harm the students who freak out seeing my Titan form.

Noticing the 0 Pointer Robot, I quickly deliver a straight punch to its head which got penerated by my armoured fist as I smiled seeing my strength increase a lot when I become a fully armoured Titan.

Retract ing back my fist, I then deliver a right hook that separated its head from the main body as its body fell to the ground.

Then I start to smash the robot on the ground many time as the ground shake many time because of my smashing before I notice the robot is about to explode.

Grabbing the 0 pointer robot, I throw it to the air quickly as it exploded making me sigh in relief since Kodai and Itsuka is nearby and they may get caught by the explosion from this enormous robot.

Turning my body, I see Kodai who is struggling to move as her legs are under the rubble of the building as Itsuka is trying to live the rubble of building with her giant fist.

I crouch down making Itsuka flinch seeing my Titan form and back away a little bit as I easily move away from the rubble from Kodai's legs.

"Get her to the infirmary quickly for her to get treatment," I say to Itsuka with my voice which has become rough which make her surprise hearing it.

"That voice. Sounds familiar. Where I have heard it. Wait for a minute. Kaito? Is that you?" She asks me.

"Yeah. It is me." I say to her before a new announcement once again being announced in this battlefield

"The examination is over folks!" President Mic announces making me feel relives as I know I probably got many points from this action and my spot as number 1 in the exam is guaranteed.

I then kneel as my Titan body slowly dissolved to steam as I get out from this large body leaving my body to steam away to nothingness.

"Whew. That is one huge robot I defeated." I comment before look at both girls who look at me with astonishment.

"Y-you sure have an amazing quirk," Kodiak says to me as I just smile wryly hearing that.

"Haha. What can I say? I am full of surprises. Anyways, look there is Recovery Girl. Excuse me, we have someone here that need treatment." I say to her as she approaches us three.

" Oh my. That looks, painful young lady. Here, let me heal that for you." She says as she smooches Kodai's both leg making her injury disappear.

"Thank you very much Recovery Girl. " Kodai thank her.

"It is just a small matter. Anyway, did both of you have any injury that requires my help?" He asks me and Itsuki but we shake our head.

"Good." She says before she takes out something from her left pocket.

"Here. Some candies for you 3." She gives us as we 3 take the candies. Kodai licks the green candy while Itsuka tack the range candy. As for me live the purple candy.

Recover Girl then walk away leaving us 3 who now is eating the candies.

Mine is a grape flavour, which is my favourite. I guess Kodai get the apple flavour and Itsuka orange flavour.

"So, the exam has ended right?" I ask them.

"Yup," Kodai replies.

"All we need to do now is to wait for the result," Itsuka added as we 3 exit the battlefield.

"Oh, by the way, Kaito, may I have your phone number?" Itsuka ask me making me give her my phone number.

We then bid goodbye to each other as I look at the sky.

"And just like that, my journey as UA student will begin in the next week. Ha. I hope my points exceeded All Might points and get number 1 in this exam." I say while walling back to my living place.

Sorry guys, my schedule is tight with online classes and today is my only free day. So yeah, I hope you enjoy this story.

Do not worry as he will use more of his powers from different characters.

In the next chapter, it will be about the Pro Heroes reaction to him who is a quirkless person who has astounding powers.

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