
Chapter 2

Looking around, Kai noticed that it started to get more crowdy, with many people of his age walking through the huge gate with proportionally big "UA" letters at the top of it. He looked at the school logo for a minute, lost in his thinkings. He found it a little ironic that he, as a murderer, got enrolled in a school that is famous for creating the best of the heroes.

Seeing the constant flow of new people walking towards the building, he turned up the volume in his earphones and with a sigh followed after the crowd. As he was about to step on the stairs, a familiar voice rang through his head.

[Look around! So many! I want to taste them all!]

'If you do, then we will probably be executed on spot by SSU. Chill out and go back to your slumber or whatever. I'll call you out if necessary.' Thought Kai, talking with his quirk.

[Impossible! We spent so much time in that place! I want to see more of our world.]





He didn't even manage to ask what it means when he saw a person beside him falling. Out of reflex, he extended his arm and put his hand on the person's back, supporting it.

"You all right?" He asked and took his hand away when the person regained his balance. Now that he had a better view and time to look closer, he noticed that it was a girl who he catches.

She had auburn brown hair reaching her shoulders along with auburn brown eyes. As well as he, she was dressed in school uniform consisting of a gray jacket with a white shirt and red tie and dark dress. He looked down at her, as she was shorter than him. Hearing him speaking, the girl snapped out of the shock and looked at him in the eye, still a little bit startled by the fact she almost fell all way down to the ground.

"Y-yes! I'm fine. Thank you for your help. My name is Uraraka Ochako, I'm sorry I bumped into you." The girl spoke rather fast as she bowed her head and thanked, then apologized in one sentence. She thought that he is angry at her and will scold her, but contrary to her expectations he just casually waved it off.

"It's all right. Just be more careful." It was all he said before he puts his right earphone back in its place and walked away.

Uraraka was standing there, on the stairs, watching his silhouette disappears behind the entrance door and then among the crowd. "He didn't introduce himself..." Mumbled the girl with all her earlier nervousness gone. Soon she followed after him, searching for her class.


"Hmmm... 1A...1A... It is 1B, not my class..." Kai mumbled under his nose as he was searching for class 1A to which he was assigned. He politely asked some people on his way for directions and get to know that this was a building part where all first-year students were placed.

When he was about to turn right on the hallway, suddenly a big figure walked out from behind the corner. Kai immediately stopped to not bump into another person again. The person also stopped, visibly startled by Kai's sudden appearance. Kai noticed that the man in front of him was too old for being a student, but there was something familiar in him like he was sure that they met in the past. He took a glance at the man's attire and suddenly all became clear. This man along with four others captured him at his family graves. Vlad King.

It looked like the man recognized him, as there was no trace of his previous calm expression. It was replaced by a grimace and visible contempt and disdain coming from his eyes, he didn't even bother to hide it. Kai on the other hand remained calm, on the outside almost indifferent. Not wanting trouble on his very first day, he nodded in greetings and stepped aside, making a way for Vlad King. The man's expression deepened seeing Kai's reaction, but he just clicked his tongue and walked past him, without returning the greeting.

[I recognize him! He humiliated us back then! Let's return the favor, rip out his kidneys!] His quirk's growl echoed inside his head. Kai could feel its anger and desire to fight Vlad.

'First, he didn't humiliate us, we let them catch us. Second, if we don't want to return to that boring cell we have to behave, no trouble making. And once again, bracelet.' Responded Kai.

[You let them catch us. We could destroy those puny humans.]

'So now it's "me", not "us"?'

[Every action that makes us looks weak occurs because of you. You are weak, we are the strongest!] An excited cry spread in his head, making him wince in pain.

'Shut up! You are too loud... And I'm not weak, asshole.' He felt a little offended by his quirk's comment.

[Whatever.] The indifference in the deep, raspy voice he heard pissed him off. He felt that he is treated like an idiot who isn't worth the time to convince him that he is wrong, so you just agree to whatever he says to end the discussion.

Turning up the volume in his earphones, even more, Kai decided to continue to look for his class. And to his surprise, the next door he met had a "1A" written on it. He stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. It was a long time since the last time he was in school.

'I wonder how my class is going to be...'

[Doesn't matter. Food is food, now go in.]

He sighed helplessly at his quirk attitude and slides the door open. The class itself as a room was rather spacious, at least much more than those he was in. On his right was a huge blackboard with a teacher's desk, on his left were was something that resembled lockers, though he wasn't sure. In the center of the class were around twenty desks, all set in even rows.

The moment he opened the door he immediately gathered attention from the people who were already there. He received glances from almost everyone, but two people who were arguing about something. The class wasn't fully packed yet, a part of the students was about to join them. He spotted a dude with spiky red hair, a girl with short pink hair with skin in the same color, and two other guys, one with black hair and another with a blonde. The four of them formed a group, it seems that they perhaps knew each other or they are just sociable people, hence it was easy for them to already form a group of friends. The rest was either sitting alone doing nothing important or they were chatting with a person next to them.

Closing the door behind him he walked to the back of the class, choosing the desk the closest to the wall. On his left, there was a boy with half of his hair being red and the other being white. He also had a scar over the left side of his face. For Kai, that guy gave a rather cold feeling, like someone who prefers when he's not bothered by anyone. With similar calm and indifferent expression, Kai nodded at him in silent greeting. The boy observed him for a moment and returned the gesture.

Kai placed his elbow on the desk and rested his chin on his palms. Doing so, he glanced at the person in front of him, a little to the left. She had long, black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. He couldn't see her face as she was looking toward the window but seeing her body shape that couldn't be hidden by school uniform, he assumed that she also has a pretty face.

Then his sight fell on two guys arguing. Feeling pretty curious about what was going on on the first day, he lowered the volume in his earphones and listened to their quarrel.

"As I said earlier, please, take off your legs from the desk! It's disrespectful to the one who made this desk, as well as teachers and to us!" Said the blue-haired boy with glasses, swinging his hand like a robot.

"Piss off, glasses! It's not your damn business what I'm doing with my damn desk! So scram!" Responded blonde-haired guy in an angry manner, pretty loudly in Kai's opinion. It looked like this was going on for some time, making the blonde-haired guy angry more and more.

'I thought it was something more interesting, but it turns out it's just a quarrel between the new teacher's puppy and the class delinquent.' Thought Kai while turning the volume back to the previous state, closing his eyes.

[That loud brat is annoying. If we only could free him from his lungs... What a waste...] His quirk sounds rather disappointed.

'Can you stop trying to eat everything with a humanoid appearance? You know that I won't let you eat any of them, right?'

[Tsk. I'm aware of that. I was just thinking. But! It's another story if we speak about the villains, right?]

'Listen, we know that NORMAL food is enough for you, so we'll stick with that. End of discussion.' Kai was already tired of that topic. He won't eat a human out of his free will, ever! Just thinking of being cannibalism was disturbing.

[We'll see...] It grumped in dissatisfaction.

'We won't. You really are bored, aren't you? That's why you can't stop talking.'


Just then Kai felt someone approaching him. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar girl standing in front of his desk. She was looking at him with an embarrassed expression.

"Yes? Did something happen?" Asked Kai, sitting properly in his chair. He took out his earphones as it was rude when having them while talking with someone.

"No, no. Etto~... I don't know if you remember me but my name is-"

"Uraraka Ochako, right?" Asked Kai with a faint smile. Her expression turned from shy to relieved after she heard that he did remember her.

"Yes, that's right! I'm not interrupting anything right?" She asked with a troubled expression.

He wasn't doing anything in particular, so he didn't mind having a small chat with someone from the same class. In the end, they will be stuck with each other for the next three years.

"Not at all, please sit here. I feel bad when you stand and I sit." He gestured to the free seat in front of him. "By the way, my name is Shinuzagawa Kai, nice to meet you." He offered a handshake when she sat down.

A little surprised by the sudden gesture, she shook his hand. 'His hand is cold!' Though girl. "Un! Nice to meet you, Shinuzagawa-Kun!"

"So? Did something happen?" Kai asked for a reason why she approached him because they don't know each other so he didn't know why she came to him.

"No, no! It's just... I don't know anyone here and you are the only one I'm familiar with... sooo~..." She started fidgeting, with a small blush from embarrassment.

It was like she said. She joined that school but she didn't know anyone there. Thus when she spotted a familiar face, she decided to approach him and start a conversation. She had the same thought as him, they will spend three years together, so they may get to know each other right now anyway.

Like that they started chatting with each other, little awkwardly at first, as time went on they were talking more freely and openly. She asked him about his hobby, interests, his favorite music, and so on. It turned out that they like the same type of music so they spent some time talking about it. Sometimes his comments or jokes made her giggle, turning her in the center of attention. She would then turn red and hung her head low, which makes Kai laugh, much to Uraraka's embarrassment. 'She is funny.' Thought Kai.

Though from much of the conversation she was mainly speaking about herself, that didn't bother him. Kai was a better listener than a speaker, so he was silently glad that she carried on the conversation. But it wasn't like he was all silent. Sometimes he inquiries about something she said, occasionally speaking about himself, but taking his past into an account, his answers were rather vague.

When the two were talking, more and more people started gathering in class, until few minutes before the bell's ring all seats were taken, in the end making Uraraka sits near Kai. Not that he was against it.

During their chat, there was a moment when one boy walked into the class. He had green hair and big green eyes. Overall in Kai's opinion, he looked nervous, even scared. When the boy looked in their direction, his expression turned happy for a moment, but then he noticed that Uraraka was talking with Kai, making him look dejected. Uraraka didn't notice him as she was facing Kai. But in the next moment, the delinquent from earlier spotted the green-haired boy and started making a ruckus again. 'Oh, the guy with glasses is talking with him. Hmmm, maybe they know each other?


At the same moment when the bell rang, the class door opened. Everyone turned their attention towards the man who just walks in. He had long black hair with matching clothes in the same color. He looked kinda sleepy as if he was staying late at night. But Kai instantly recognized him. That man was Aizawa Shota, the man captured him at his parent's grave, turned out to be his teacher...

Yeah, kinda don't feel comfortable while writing it, sorry for the quality. I know I was supposed to post other Fics but I started working part-time, so I have little time for writing and I also want to have some time for myself and my friends, so sorry once again.

I hope you enjoyed this boring chapter!

Ice_Pillarcreators' thoughts
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