
Any Man Can Be A Father, It Takes Someone Special To Be A Dad



It's in auxiliary btw. Let me know if it is missing anything you want to know


~~Giyu POV~~

"Do you have any advice?" I asked Endeavor as he lay down on his hospital bed with a strange expression

"Tempest…you…have a kid?" He asked me slowly

I looked down and my son looked back up to me with a nervous look, "Come on, say hi," I told him

"H-Hello sir, Endeavor, sir," Giichi said timidly, bowing slightly

"I-Yes hello young man," Endeavor said to him

"Hello," Giichi said again towards the rest of the Todoroki family

They all just continued to stare at us shocked until Rei, the mother, spoke up, "Hello, young man, what's your name?"

"M-My name is Giichi," my son said to them

"So cute!" Fuyumi, the daughter, said suddenly, rushing over and going down to Giichis eye level

"How old are you little guy?" She asked him gently, giving him a nice smile

"I'm 7!" he shouted with a big smile, "I just turned it last month on February the 8th!"

I was shocked when he said that, however, I smiled on the inside. We shared the same birthdate

"Oh! So you're grown up huh?" Fuyumi said to him, putting her hand up as Giichi gave it a soft high five

I left them to talk to each other and went to sit next to Endeavor. There was a chair that was placed next to his bed

"Tempest-" "You can call me Tomioka," I interrupted him, handing him a piece of raisin bread

"Alright, Tomioka," Endeavor started, "I saw,"

"Saw what?" I asked

"The videos, of you and…what went on last night," he said

"Ah, okay…I'm sorry," I started

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked, looking slightly confused

"I had betrayed everyone…there may be no coming back for me from this but…I just want to say sorry…and thank you. Thank you for doing such a great job until now," I said to him

"Great job huh? Is what you see right now a great job?" He asked

I exhaled slightly and said, "I didn't fully watch it but I have a small understanding of what Dabi had said on the TV…about him being your son, actually that's all I know, to be honest, I don't know what happened for him to get to that point…I'll have to watch it later,"

"I guess that's why you are asking him for advice on being a father," Natsuo stated as he put down a plate of food

"Hm? What?" I questioned

"It's nothing, continue," Natsuo replied

"Tomioka…I understand that you're current state isn't an idea-" Endeavor started until I cut him off, "No-I'm fine. I understand why you may think that Todoroki but…I'm fine now," I told him

"Really? From what I saw it seemed pretty intense for you…you looked broken," he told me truthfully

"Of course I was, I thought my friend was back to me and still alive but…turns out it was a plot of All For One…even then, I can't just give up," I said as I looked over to Giichi who was playing with Fuyumi

"I have something even more important to protect now…and that's what counts," I finished

"That's good. The last thing we need is more heroes quitting and…giving up on themselves and the people," Endeavor told me, "We all need people like you Tomioka," he said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Yeah…I've been told that," I said, my mind going back to my conversation to Makomo, "Tempest did that for Giichi and…he wonders where he's gone…he needs him,"

"Well…we're going to hold a public speech soon, my health is just about to be cleared and I'll be out of this bed…it's chaotic out there Tomioka," He said to me

"Yeah, I know," I said looking out the window, "Hey…about that advice," I said again, handing him some raisin bread

"Where did you just get that from?" He asked

"Mmm mmm mm," I told him

He sighed heavily, leaning into his bed more as he massaged his head, "Not again,"

~~~1 hour later~~~

"Thank you, Enji," I said as my son walked over to me getting ready to leave

His head seemed to have grown multiple veins and he looked extremely tired. Maybe talking was too taxing for him…who knows? *Bite* I took another bite of my raising bread, eating it quickly

"Bye Giichi," I heard Fuyumi say as my son ran to my right, holding onto two of my fingers with his hand

"Bye-bye Auntie!" He shouted to her

"Mmm?" I asked him

"Oh! Raisin bread!" He shouted, taking it from my pocket and eating some

"Mmm?" I asked him again

"Mmm mmmm, mmm mm mmmm mm," He said as we walked out the door

I gulped down my food at the same time he did, "It's because I can't talk with my mouth full," "Sorry Daddy! I can't talk with my mouth full!" We said at the same time

"There's two…Oh God, there's two!" I heard Enji shout, his voice muffling at the end as I closed the door

"It's okay son…so, Auntie?" I asked him

"Ah! Aunt Fuyumi! She is kind! She is an elementary teacher! She taught me how to count to one hundred!" He shouted to me

"Oh yeah?" I asked as we walked down the halls, some people looking at us in either shock or confusions

"Mhm! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14…ermm, what comes after 14 Daddy?" He asked scratching his head

"What happened to 8 and 9?" I asked him

"Well, 8 ran away! And 9 disappeared!" He shouted to me

"Why is that?" I asked confused

"Because 7 8 9!" He said to me laughing

"Funny joke," I heard a robotic voice say to our side

"Ah!" Giichi shouted out in surprise as he hid behind my leg

"Hello Hawks," I said to him, noticing the neck and face protector he wore, causing him to use his phone to communicate

"Hello, Tomioka. You know, after all of our small interactions at the Liberation Army, I never would've guessed that it was you under the mask," He said to me

"It came as a shock…like a loose thread in a nice, expensive pair of jeans," I heard another voice

I looked up to see Best Jeanist round the corner, the four of us now stood at this hospital corner

"Tsunagu," I said to him

"Tomioka," he replied

"Oh! Hawks and Best Jeanist!" I heard my son shout in admiration

"Hey, there little guy!" Hawks said bending down

"Are you friends of Daddy as well?! From what I've heard he doesn't have lots of friends…and people don't like him very much," Giichi said so innocently I couldn't get annoyed at him

"Daddy?" They both said in unison, looking up at me

"That's right," I replied to them both

"Would you look at that? Giyu Tomioka…the man with no face, has a kid," Hawks said

"No face?" I asked him

"Ah! Hmmm, well…your face doesn't change you know? You sorta just…sit there with no expression all the time?" He said, trying to sort his words

"Yes, it is true. There are a lot of people who don't like you, so they gave you that name," Best Jeanist piped up

I just stood staring at them for a moment. How had I only just figured this out?

"People like me," I told them

"Of course they do!" Hawks' phone voiced as he started patting me on the shoulder, sending off a feather for Giichi to play around with

"No they do-" "You have loads of people that love you!" Hawks cut Jeanist off from whatever he was saying

"I've seen lines of fangirls that wait just to get a glimpse of you at a crime scene!" Hawks desperately rushed to type on his phone

"That is true…one time there was a huge crowd of fangirls near my office as you were nearby. One woman even tried to use her quirk on you to pay attention to her…if I hadn't been there to stop you…the way she looked as she stared at you…her hair looked like a cone…her dress sense…her eyes looked like…like a rhombus…I…" Tsunagu (Best Jeanist BTW) shivered constantly as he reminisced through his words

"Tomioka…I have to ask you a question," Hawks said to me

"What is it?" I asked him, taking my eyes away from the shivering Best Jeanist

"Are you…" he trailed off his eyes becoming sharp, "Still a hero?" He asked

"Of course he is!" Giichi shouted from behind me

I turned to look at him. He was currently sat on one of Hawks' feathers, holding into the front with a huge smile

"Daddy is my hero!" He shouted to them; I turned and nodded to them as confirmation

"Is that so? Good," Hawks said, his shoulders slouching slightly as he went back to his normal attitude

~~~Makomo POV~~~

I awaited Giyu from outside the hospital as I stood next to my car, he should be here in a minute. I truly hope that he and Giichi have bonded well…it seemed that they were. Giichi has wanted someone to look up to as a father figure for so long

The only way I could supply him wi that was through the stories of Giyu and Sabito. Small tears began to appear at the corner of my eyes as I closed them, bringing my hands up to wipe them

Without warning, a small but warm feeling reached my eyes as I heard a voice say, "Why are you crying?"

I looked up to see Giyu, "It's nothing…I'm just happy," I told him

"Hehe! Mummy! Has lots of super awesome friends! I wanted to meet All Might as well but…" Giichi trailed off, I looked up to see him perched on Giyus head like a bird

"But what Giichi?" I asked him concerned

"Don't tell anyone but…he has a super-super-secret," he told me in a whisper; I looked up to see him having a cheeky smile

I gave him a soft smile and said, "Well…you can't tell anyone can you?" I put my finger to my lips as I said this

"Nope!" He shouted in response, "Mummy! Please get me down from here! Daddy has a bumpy head!"

"Okay, okay!" I said, grabbing him from Giyus head and placing him in the front seat of the car, wrapping the seatbelt over him as he was jumping up and down as he sat

"Makomo," "Giyu," we both said at the same time, resulting in me giggling slightly

"I-Well…I hope to see you soon? I've got your phone number so…" He said

"Why are you saying that like a question?" I said, giggling at him again; After all these years he was still able to make my heart flutter

"I'm nervous to talk to you. You've just…you've become so beautiful since I last met you…I…I've missed you," He admitted looking away slightly

My heart skipped a beat as my body moved on instinct, grabbing his cheek gently, turning his face, placing a soft kiss on his lips as I murmured, "Thank you,"

I then quickly got into the car, wrapping the seat belt around me as I began to drive away, my body feeling warm

"We! Mummy and Daddy did naughty stuff!" Giichi shouted

I smiled slightly as some heat rose to my face, looking out of the side mirror to see Giyu stood there, his fingers of his arm reaching over his lips

"I love you…Giyu," I said to myself, driving away, feeling hopeful for the future


Go ahead and check that auxiliary if you want to

This is my first time doing this kind of chapter…kind of filler? Is it?

Hope you liked it…I hope

I might start Tokyo Revengers soon…IDK

NotSoBigShlongcreators' thoughts
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