
Hard Changes And Hard Lessons

(Police Department)

Kinzoku sighs as he waits for Izuku, Shoto, Momo, Kirishima and Tenya to come out of the station while thinking to himself "Shōhisha...were you being honest about all this?" He sighs as he thinks back on the events that transpired earlier with him having to turn her in so they can keep her under investigation due to her family's brutal murder and her potential involvement due to her spilt personality. Kinzoku breathes deeply "I really hope she doesn't lose herself but if she does...I'll do what friends do and end her suffering myself" he feels something tap him on the shoulder and turns to see Izuku and the others "Hey Kinzoku, you ok?" Kinzoku nods "Yeah, just thinking on what's happened" Izuku nods and the group head off to their homes.

(Kinzoku's Home)

Kinzoku walks into his home only to be hugged by his mother and father "We were so worried but we're so proud of you for being so brave" Kinzoku smiles "Thanks, though I wish things could have ended a little better for some" they nod and his father puts his hand on his shoulder "Ay but sometimes there are unseen consequences that you have to deal with in the moment, it's just life but that's why you must always be on guard" Kinzoku nods "Yeah, don't wanna get blindsided by something you didn't see coming" his mother nods "Indeed, you may not be able to account for everything but it's the thought that counts" Kinzoku nods and the three sit at the table at eat their food before Kinzoku goes upstairs and walks into his training room and growls "I need to let off this steam before I lose it".

(The next day)

Kinzoku and his father sit at the table playing cards when the doorbell rings, "I'll get it honey" his mother moves the lock and opens the door and smiles "Well what do we owe the pleasure of your visit" Kinzoku looks at the doorway confused until Aizawa and All Might walk in and Kinzoku gasps "Wait...what's this all about?" Aizawa sits down with All Might sitting beside him and Kinzoku's parents sitting on opposite sides of him "We came here Kinzoku to tell you about UA's changing system, now it'll be more like a boarding school. You'll have your own dorm along with your classmates and you'll be staying at UA for the rest of the year" Kinzoku's eyes widen while his parents smile "That sounds wonderful, he gets to have the support of UA twenty four seven and can always call in when he's on break to see us" Kinzoku nods "Yeah, I'm fine with this" All Might smiles "I expected that from you, you have a lot of fire and potential in you but remember Kinzoku you shouldn't overtax yourself so much" Kinzoku nods "I know but sometimes you don't really get a choice" All Might nods "Indeed, you don't always get that choice". Aizawa and All Might thank his parents for their time before leaving with his mother closing the door behind him before smiling "Right well get packing Kinzoku, make sure you have your weights, clothes and whatever else your taking with you" Kinzoku nods and rushes upstairs while his mom and dad look at each other "You sure sending him off to UA for the year is a good idea dear?" She smiles "Of course it is, as you said he's not a child anymore so we have to let him take care of himself, we can help him and support him but we also must realise that there will always be the air of risk not matter what...after all we know it to well" his dad nods "True enough".

(New Heights Alliance Dormitory)

Kinzoku sighs as he drags his stuff up with him and meets with the rest of the class and watches as Aizawa speaks "Welcome to your dorms for the foreseeable future, while you are here I expect you to still be striving to get your provisional licenses like we were trying to do at the training camp before however there's also the matter of you saving Bakugo...normally I'd expel all you that were responsible but considering your efforts and how they helped significantly I will not do so" everyone nods with Kinzoku thinking in his head "I'm gonna push as hard as I can to pass on the first try, hopefully I will...no I know I will".

(Inside The Dormitory)

Kinzoku sighs as he finishes setting up his room and picks up an old plastic cylinder covered in cardboard he opens it to reveal an old poster of the hero Metalmorph who Kinzoku idolised as a child. Kinzoku gasps "I forgot I even had this" he immediately hangs it up and puts it over his workout bench before looking around his room seeing his tv, workout bench, pull up bar, dumbbells, his metalmorph poster and his stash of metals that he uses to fuel his quirk. He then looks over to his desk on the left side near his bed with his books, notes and possible metal combinations for his quirk written in it as well as his suit design sketches. He hears noises outside and opens his door and peaks out to the left to see The girls looking into everyone else's room and Mina, Tsuyu and Uraraka approach his "Hey Kinzoku mind taking part in the dorm presentation contest?" Kinzoku chuckles "Fine if it'll get you all to chill out" he walks back into his room while Mina and the others gather and look into his room. Everyone marvels at colour and layout with his metallic steel wallpaper and his stuff all set out thoughtfully. Izuku looks at his poster "You have a poster of Metal Morph?" Kinzoku nods as everyone turns to him "Yep, he was one of my favourites growing up and he still is, he's the main reason for my armour design, he points over to the right hand corner of his room where a metal replica of his suit stands. Mina smiles "Your room is amazing Kinzoku" Kinzoku chuckles and rubs the back of his head nervously "Thanks means a lot, I just set my stuff out in a way I deemed suitable I'll probably change it around a lot as we go along" everyone laughs before they leave his room and Kinzoku thinks to himself "you know what I might change my hero name to Metalurge rolls of the tongue better then Metal Miracle".

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