
Sole fire

The evaluation ended with the Doctors telling me that there was no record of a quirk like mine, as I was quite an odd mutation. As such, I was free to name my quirk as I see fit. As such I decided to give my quirk a pun like name. "Sole fire." While I was tempted to name the quirk Adolla burst, I found it to be unfitting for what the quirk actually is, as well as the fact that my flame may not be "pure". This quirk name however, created a clear picture of where the fire was produced, along with the fact that it contained the name Sol, the sun god. The pun came in the fact that it sounded like soul, linking back to being pure flames.

With my quirk having been recorded, and officially named "sole fire", we made our way home.

"Shoji, you will begin your training tomorrow." Were the only word spoken during the entire car ride. A part of me looked forward to the training, while the other shivered slightly. However, all of me was completely taken aback by that statement. Being purely a fire quirk, I didn't think Endeavour would deem it worth his time to train me.

When we returned, Endeavour announced his decision to my siblings. All their faces became coloured with surprise, and for a moment they seemed happy for me, until it dawned on them what could occur. However, despite their looks of concern, I smiled at them, trying my best to silently reassure them that I would be okay.

For the first few days, Enji had me testing my limits. How long could I hover above the ground, how fast could I move, how large of a flame could I produce and how hot. All the while he used this opportunity to see Toya's progress.

During Toya's show it became increasingly obvious that Toya's body couldn't handle the power of his own quirk. He would have to taper his flames off before he could reach his hottest temperatures because his skin was burning, and he became tired at an alarming rate. It was to the point that even Enji showed concern on his usually stoic face.

Finally, those dreaded words came. " Toya, I will no longer be training you." The news was brought down like a sledge hammer. Toya's face drained of colour. The poor boy couldn't even begin to get any words out in protest before Endeavour crushed his reasoning.

"You have your mothers constitution, training any harder will become increasingly risky for you. You need to stop." He remained silent for a moment before continuing softly. "I'm sorry son."

Tears threatened to fall from Toya's eyes as his lip quivered. He quickly ran inside, as if to hide himself from our view.

"When did I tell you to stop?" Enji's harsh voice rang out, and I quickly returned to my kicking drills. I had been awakened for about a week and a half now. Just like I had, Endeavour realised the importance of learning kicking, as such he took me to Taekwondo classes for an hour or 2 each week, and would have me practice what I had learned in class back home.

His schedule was extremely rigid, having my day mapped out entirely. He had decided I would be home schooled, which was something I was perfectly fine with. While I didn't mind being around Shoto, that was a different situation. I treated him like a younger brother, and he was definitely more quiet than most kids of that age, so the majority of the time it was me that started our conversations. However, other 4 year olds would be a pain to deal with. The constant screaming, the over excitement, not to mention if they ever found out I was the son of the number 2 hero I would never hear the end of it.

With my busy schedule came a reduction in time talking to my family. Even still that didn't stop me noticing that Toya often disappeared. I wanted nothing more than to help, however the solution eluded me. No matter how old I was mentally, physically I was a 4 year old. What were the chances Toya would even listen to what I have to say about such a situation. And that was assuming I could come up with anything in the first place.

I soon settled on a simple sentence. When he finally arrived home from who knows where, I simply told him "Please be careful Toya, and please keep coming back home safe." And hugged him as best I could. He simply smiled and patted my head for a while.

I had never felt more powerless.

In the grand scheme of things, I haven't been in this world for a long time. However, I had come to care for my siblings and my mother. So knowing what would soon happen to Toya, tore my heart to shreds.

After having my quirk for a month, Shoto finally displayed his. The grin on Enji's face could have been framed in a museum of madness. He had finally gotten his hands on the quirk he had been desiring for so long. Calling the look on his face "mad" wouldn't have done it justice.

Even still, I couldn't help but feel excited for Shoto. In a sense he would be my life long rival, and training partner. Shoto's awakening revealed all you needed to know. His quirk would be extremely strong in the future. One could tell even without knowing the events that will take place in 11 years. In terms of raw firepower and out put, it would be fair to say we were on equal terms. However that wasn't accounting for the ice side of his quirk. In terms of pure destructive power I would have to give the edge to Shoto. But in terms of duelling and fighting potential, I would have to give myself the edge purely because I could incorporate a fighting and dancing style (for example break dancing) that would augment my quirk. Along with the fact that I would become much more mobile than Shoto.

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