
Quirk Evaluation

We made our way to the hospital in silence for the most part, however there was an occasional excited comment that slipped out. Or imaginative comments about what I could do with my new found quirk. I on the other hand kept my thoughts to myself. I couldn't help but compare my quirk's ability to another anime's protagonist. Shinra Kusakabe. The young protagonist shot flames from the bottom of his feet and heel. When he activated his pyrokinetic ability, he often left scorch marks in the shape of a skeletal footprint with a flame at the heel. Those marks had come to be know as the devil's footprints due to a rather unfortunate nickname of his.

My thoughts churned, wondering what the odds of it being a coincidence are that I would receive such a mutation of Endeavours quirk so that it would match up with powers I'm already somewhat familiar with. This gave me an even greater advantage. Already having an idea of what route I should take, specific moves and fighting styles, how I can train my body to better suit my quirk gave me an even better head start.

Immediately I began plotting. Learning Taekwondo would be a great boon in learning how to use my powers with technique and skill, rather than just spouting fire everywhere. I would have to train to walk bare footed until a piece of gear could be made, while also making alterations to clothes or plainly just wearing shorts the majority of the time. I would have to work on my balance and core stability, so that flying in any orientation would be possible. And possible find ways to work on my own spatial awareness. Flying at speed within a closed building while being unaware of my surroundings is just asking for injury.

We soon arrived, and on account of my fathers status we certainly didn't have to wait long. Anyone could see the greed in the doctors eyes as they began evaluating ways to suck up to us. As a result, I was treated with overbearing politeness, and spoken to in sickly sweet tones as if I was heaven sent.

The usual questions were asked, such as "how old are you?" and "when did your quirk awaken?" before finally I was asked "would you mind explaining your quirk to us?" in that same sickly sweet tone.

"I can shoot fire out of my feet." I respond coldly. The doctor just smiled nervously, took me to another room, and finally asked me to demonstrate for him.

Immediately I started to take off my socks and shoes that I had put on before we left. I had also been forced to put on a new pair of trousers too, as it would be "improper for one of my children to be dressed so poorly." When I had removed my what I needed, I also rolled my trousers up as best I could. It would be a waste to scorch and ruin another pair of pants on the same day.

Finally, I gave a little burst of fire out of my feet. Like a warning shot. This would be my time to experiment. On my next burst, It was like flooring the accelerator of a care. I felt myself firing on all cylinders, no pun intended, and waves of flames rolled out from under my feat. I even found myself lifting more and more as I pushed harder and harder. The roaring of the flame drowned out the doctors yelp of surprise, and his shouts of "That's enough.". I finally gave one last push, tilted myself so I was at 45 degree angle and rocketed forward, skimming across the ground. Thankfully the room was extremely large, because I propelled forward far faster than I thought. In my panic, I cut of the stream of flames, and forget about a key law of physics. Momentum carried me forward, while I simultaneously dropped, landing on the balls of my feet, extremely off balance, and tumbled almost to the other wall.

Despite the dull ache I felt spreading across my torso, I shot up to my feet, a grin splitting my face and shouted "That was amazing!" between ragged breaths. It was fair to say I was experiencing child like glee fitting of my body's age. But who could blame me. You try flying by your own power and tell me that it was nothing special. The possibilities for movement and agility enhancement was practically endless.

However, despite how excited I was, I couldn't help but notice the draw back to my quirk. My breath was ragged after just a minute of activation. I felt like I had just done a 40 yard dash. It was to the point where if I felt the typical lactic acid build up in my legs, I would've been tempted to believe I had ran across the hall instead. I immediately let the doctor know and he suggested that my quirk relied on the oxygen in my blood to use as fuel for the flame, and quickly called for a nurse to prepare an oximeter while taking me away from the testing room.

His hunch proved to be right. My blood oxygen was lower than normal, although it seemed to be recovering quickly. Now that I understood this principle behind my quirk, I would have to incorporate cardiovascular training and perhaps even breathing techniques.

"I guess I'll be doing a lot of running and swimming." I muttered to myself.

Unfortunately I had become rather self absorbed during this evaluation, and missed the slight gleam in Endeavours eye.

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