
MHA: The Darkest Hero

What if Izuku Midoriya gained the power of the Yami Yami no Mi before he met All Might? How will his path deviate? How will he cope with the power of the evilest Devil Fruit? Will he be the greatest Hero or may end up a Villain? But no matter what: This is his Hero Academia! ---------------------------------------------- For over 10 advanced chapters visit: www.Pat_reon.com/Joy_boy ---------------------------------------------- MHA and One Piece belong to their respective creators. Just the Original Storyline and Characters belong to me.

Ashmodai · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 18

~Outside the Central Plaza~

"What can you hear, Kyoka?" asked Izuku as they sneaked in direction of the Central Plaza.

"You were right! Sensei is in serious trouble. The others I could locate are either beating their opponents or stalling them and are in relative safety." Explained the punk Girl as she held her earphone Jacks against the ground, getting a better overview of the general Situation at the USJ. "But that large brain thing is currently beating up Aizawa-sensei. Sensei tried to erase its Quirk but it's supposedly close to All Might in strength without a Quirk." She continued as she gulped down fearfully.

"Shit, this is bad. So it's Quirk is probably not a strength enhancing Quirk." Cursed Midoriya, brainstorming a plan to save their teacher, "If its base strength is so high and it's their secret weapon against All Might. Then it probably has some kind of defensive or regenerative Quirk, in order to counter All Might's massive strength."

"Which means none of us will have enough firepower to neutralize it before it gets us." Finished Momo realizing the seriousness of the Opponent.

"Yes, it pretty much counters me. Since I am unable to hold someone so much stronger than me with the gravity of my Black Hole." Nodded Izuku, "And any approach to attack it even with lethal force, will put us in direct danger. And I don't believe Handsy will just stand by and let us do our thing."

"Not only us, Asui, Mineta, and Kaminari are also at the border of the Plaza right now. They came from the flood zone and are spying on the Villains." Added Kyoka updating her two friends on the situation as they couldn't see the Plaza from their Hiding Spot yet as they headed closer to the area.

"Yes! Good news guys. The Mist guy with the portal Quirk just appeared at the Plaza. Iida managed to escape and is on his way alarming the Teachers. There will be support here soon." Cheered Kyoka before stopping abruptly as her face turned grave, "Oh no… The three at the plaza are in danger. The Villains know they are there. I can hear Handsy's Heartbeat, he is about to hurt them."

This was enough for Izuku, to directly rush in direction of the Plaza readying himself for a fight. He wouldn't stand by and wait for his Classmates to die without trying to help them.

"Wait Izuku… " he just heard behind him Momo crying out worriedly as he sprinted to the central Plaza.

As the Plaza came into Vision he just heard the Villain with the many hands all over his body saying "Actually before that, how about we use this opportunity to take…" before the slim grayish-blue-haired man with a high speed ran at the three hiding students on the border of the Plaza. His hand was outstretched reaching out for Asui's face as the frog girl and the two others were too slow to react or frozen from fear.

'Shit, he may be the one with the decay quirk. Who destroyed the UA Barrier.' Assumed Izuku as he continued sprinting to aid his three classmates, while also instinctively stretching his hand out. Just as the slim man with hands covering his body and face was about to touch Asui's face he got pulled in another direction. "Black Spiral!" shouted Izuku as a dark Spiral formed in his Palm, pulling the Villain towards him saving the girl who came just now very close to death or a crippling injury.

As the Villain realized what was happening he instead started to grin madly, as he stretched his hand in Izuku's direction, "Oh, another mini-boss. The more of you come here, the more I will damage All Might's pride once you are dead."

Izuku too slow to react had a flashback back to his fight with the Sludge Villain, but instead of a mass of sludge that he could touch to directly erase its quirk, he actually was fighting a grown man with longer limbs than himself.

"Urrgh!" growled Izuku in pain as the Villain touched his elbow that he put in defense in front of him, the skin slowly began to turn gray and decay forming a wound on his forearm.

"Midoriya!" Midoriya-chan!" "We are all going to die!" cried out his three classmates worried, as they watched the gruesome sight. They were already preparing themselves that they would have to watch their classmate that came to their aid just now, die.

Izuku was aware and quick enough to use his other hand coated with his power of darkness to grab the Villain's hand nullifying his Quirk effectively stopping his Arm from crumbling to dust.

Unaware of the true cause of this the Villain with the hands said, "Huh, you are really cool Eraserhead!" assuming that the Eraser Hero just erased his Quirk while heavily wounded.

But Izuku knew better, he actually could see their Teacher who was since a few moments passed out over the Villain's shoulders. Knowing that he would have to survive here by himself, he spread the darkness below his feet while raising his hurt hand to punch the Villain into the black hole that started to suck Handsy into it.

"NOMU!" shouted the grey-haired Villain, as he realized the danger he was in as he began sinking into the pit of pure Black.

'Why did it react only after a command!?' Questioned Izuku mentally as the massive monster appeared in front of him, punching him in his side while he tried to absorb the impact with his powers but was too slow to protect himself completely.

Hit by the massive fist his black Hole disappeared below his feet freeing Handsy in the process as he flew with his now completely shattered Arm against a boulder. "AAAAHHH!" he cried out in pain upon impact.

"That was close." Said Handsy as he watched the pained teenager, "You are dangerous, well whatever-"

At this moment Momo and Jiro who ran after him to the Central Plaza arrived stopping the Villain from attacking for a moment.

"Izuku! Are you alive?" asked the worried tall girl as she appeared at his side. Trying to help him as good she could.

"I don't think so. My arm is definitely broken and probably I also have some broken ribs. But we have no time for that right now." Murmured the darkness User silently still staying Conscious as he leaned onto the tall girl who helped him up. Not letting his Eyes off the Enemies as the adrenaline flowing through his body suppressed the Pain for now. 'That thing Nomu, only reacts with commands. Or it would have helped Handsy earlier. The question is: Is he the only one who can control it?'

"More Brats appear one after another. This is getting annoying." Complained the blueish-gray-haired Villain as he saw Momo and Kyoka, he began acting more and more like a child, "Nomu! Finis—"

At this moment the metallic entrance at the top of the Stairs blew open as a giant bang interrupted the Villain's next Command.

Many of his Classmates in the surrounding area and at the top of the stairs had tears of relief in their Eyes as they spotted who exactly the Newcomer was.

The Sunlight shining through the entrance of the USJ revealed the tall and muscular form of Japan's current number-one Hero, All Might.

'He isn't smiling.' Realized Izuku as he watched in relief the tall form of his Idol with an angry fake smile on his face as he dropped his famous Catchphrase while entering the USJ.

"Have no fear. For I am Here!" He announced his arrival while stepping inside.

With a mad grin, the childish villain said, "Aaaaah- We have a continue!" as he stared with a hateful glint in his eyes at the top hero.


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