

Daniel POV

I was sitting in class when the teacher walked up to the podium and said "Sooo, as third years student, it's time to think about your futures and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out your career aptitude test but" he paused as he threw a stack of papers behind him. "why bother we all know you all want to go to the hero track." he said

All the class except for Me, Bakugo, and Izumi are celebrating, but I was clap in my hands like a gulf clap.

"Yes,yes you all have impressive quirks but still no quirk use on school grounds." the teacher tryed to stop the students from using there quirks but failed.

The teacher was about to talk again but I beat him to it "you all know that some of you probably won't be let into a hero course because of it not being flashy or useful." I said as the class stopped using there quirks. They looked like they got punched in the stomach.

"Hey teach, don't let me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to be a sidekick to some busted d-lister. Ha!" Said Bakugo with her feet on her desk and a evilly smug grin on her face.

"You think you're better than us Katsumi?"the entire class except me and Izumi who was putting her head down trying to hide, so I patted her on the back because I sat beside her. This action made her look at me and blush like crazy.

"Let's go. I'll take you all on." Bakugo said with a cocky smile making the glass go crazy.

The teacher didn't bother settling anyone down just looked at papers "Huh. You've got an impressive test result. Maybe you will get into UA High" he said as the class shut up.

"She's gonna try for the national school?" "That school has a point 2% acceptance rate." "It's impossible to get into." The class started to whisper.

Bakugo got on her desk and put her fist in front of herself "That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me. I aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself and be the richest hero of all time. then people all across the world will know who I am and it all starts with UA High." She said as she laughed and grinned like a villain.

"Oh Yeah, Steele, Midoriya, don't you both want to go to UA too?" The teacher said making the entire class laugh at Izumi.

"Midoriya, you're kidding right? There is no way you're getting into the hero course without a quirk." One kid said throwing a paper ball at her hitting her in the head

I rubbed her shoulders "don't listen to them." This made her blush hard and smile.

"Actuality they got rid of that rule. She could be the first one." I said as she shook her head.

"Yeah I cou-" she was interrupted by Bakugo slamming her hand on the desk and exploding it.

"AARRGH!! Listen up, Deku. You're even worse than these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe. You really think they'll let someone like you in when they can have me?!" Bakugou yelled as smoke came from her hands.

I was about to stop her as Izumi said "Huh?! No way, you got it all wrong, really. I'm not trying to compete against you. You gotta believe me. It's just that I wanted to be a hero since I was little. I may not have a quirk but can still try my hardest, can't I?" She said as she scooted back against the wall.

"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best, you'll die in the exams, defenseless Izuku. The school's already crappy. You really want to embarrass it more by failing so hard." She said which made me get up and push her away from Izumi.

As I did Bakugou looked at me with anger "leave her alone Bakugo she can be a hero just like every one else because a lot of heroes don't have physical quirks, and besides all she wants to do is help people." I said defending my friend while starring down Bakugo.

Bakugo looked at Deku and yelled "If you try and get in I will make sure you are beaten and raped you hear me bitch" as she said this the entire class starts laughing but all I did was punch her in the face launching her across the room.

The class looked from me to Bakugo with fear but before she could get up the teacher looked at her "Bakugo go to the principals office now." He said with a shaky voice.

As she left she had a scowl on her face and looked between me and Izumi "you know Daniel is right you can be a hero just hope to be have a quirk in your next life and take a swandive off the roof." After that I helped Izumi up and get her to her desk she was crying waterfalls from what her ex-friend said to her. As I helped her I comforted her with her head in my chest and a kissed her forehead which made her stop and blush some more.

Somewhere in the same city

3rd POV

"AAAHHH!" A woman screamed.

A man runs a out of a store "stop thief" he yelled "someone stop that monster"

"HAHAHAHA! Scream all you want, sucker. This cash is all mine. HAHAHAHA!" Said a large green sludge man running down the street.

"Dude, where are all the heroes?" Said a kid on the side walk.

"It's weird. Normally, someone will swoop in right away. Maybe they're all still busy from that scene this morning." Said another kid as a skinny man walks out of a store with soda.

"Remember when we didn't have to worry about Rando's with quirks all the time?" Said a man next to the two kids.

"Seriously, there's nobody stopping him." Said a man freaking out.

Just then the skinny man started to grow "Yes there is." Said a deep masculine voice.

As people looked to see who it was they say all might "Uh?!" They said as they got excited.

"You know why?" All might said as he came into the light. The sludge villain looked behind him and his eyes grew from shock. "Because I am here!"

Back at aldera junior high

Izumi POV

"Oh Yeah! We should go to the Karaoke tonight." A girl said to a boy as they walked out of class.

"Sure, nothing better to do." The boy said to the girl.

"The incident this morning is all over the headlines! I wanna hurry up and go home so I can write it down in my notebook." I say to Daniel as I was putting it in my bag but he grabbed it.

I looked up at him "Listen to me Izumi you need to becarful, I fear for you you know I don't want you to get hurt." He said making my heart flutter as he looked into my eyes and I his.

I hang my head low "I know you do but I want to help people and become a hero and I want to save everyone with a smile on my face" I said as I look up into his eyes.

"Good now I want to see become an amazing hero because I know you have a kind heart and that is what makes a tru hero, a tru pro." He said before kissing my forehead making blood rush to my face making me cover it. "Here is your hero analysis journal." He said handing it to me and walking out of class and I followed soon after and headed home while remembering something.


Midoriya residence

3rd POV

"Mom, hurry! Come on, mom. It's computer time~." Izumi said as She ran into the kitchen with her all might action figure.

"Already?!" Asked Inko looking down at Izumi and stops doing dishes.

"Faster. Let's go!" Young Izumi said bobbing her head back and forth in a chair in her room.

"Geez, I think you added 10 thousand views to this one yourself, Izumi. I don't know why you like it. I think it's scary." She said starting the video smiling at Izumi.

"HUUUUM!!" Izumi hummed as the video started.

The video that Izumi loved was an old one. Disaster footage from a long time ago but more importantly, it was the debut of the greatest heroes the world has ever known. It also is the video Daniel showed Izumi that got her into heroes.

"Who are they?! They started saving a hundred people at least and it hasn't even been 10 minutes. This... This is crazy! I can't believe it." Said a man on the computer as a crunch of metal was heard.

"Haaaah~" young Izumi got exited for what was coming.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The laughs from a man and woman walking up a bus were heard.

"LOOK AND THEY'VE GOT MORE!!!" The man said

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fear not, citizen. Help has arrived." Said the woman laughing.

"Because we are here." They said the man.

"They're the coolest of the universe. And once I get my quirk, I'm gonna be a hero just like them. HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Izumi said while laughing.

Doctors office

"Sorry Kid, it's not gonna happen." Said a Doctor, Izumi just dropped her all might action figure in response.

"Oh dear, so you really think there's something wrong then? Most of the other kindergartners in her class begun to show signs, already." Said Inko as she started to pull Izumi's toy towards herself.

"My record says you're a fourth-generation quirk user. What power do you and the girl's father have?" Asked the Doctor.

"Nothing too special. I can float small objects towards me and my husband breaths fire. They're useful enough, I suppose." Said Inko as the toy came to her hand.

"Izumi should have already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both but after viewing her X-rays, I don't think she's going to. You see, when superpower first began appearing, there are many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a link between a bone in a person's foot and there likely hood of develope a quirk. People with powers have only one joint in their pinky toes. Their bodies have evolved into a more stream-like version of the human form. You can see here that Izumi has two joints in her pinky, like, roughly 20% percent of the population these days. Based on the research that's available, it's safe to say that your daughter isn't going to develop a quirk." Said the Doctor as Inko looked sad and worried for Izumi.

Midoryia residents

Izumi's room

"Who are they?! They started saving a hundred people at least and it hasn't even been 10 minutes. This... This is crazy! I can't believe it." Said a man on the computer as the crunch of metal was heard.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The laughs from a man and woman walking up a bus.

"LOOK AND THEY'VE GOT MORE!!!" The man said

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fear not, citizen. Help has arrived." Said the woman laughing.

"Because we are here." They said the man

"See that mom, there's always a smile on there face no matter how bad things get. Even when things seems impossible, they never gives up." Said Izumi with a cracked voice and tears running down her face sniffling. "Do you think...I can be a hero too?"

"I'm sorry, Izumi. I wish things were different." Inko said as she walked over and fell to her knees hugging Izumi.

Flashback end

Izumi POV

I griped my notebook "I made a decision that day, and a promise to Daniel. No matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself and I'll keep smiling just like them." I said to myself as I walked under a small bridge waving my notebook around.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" As I walked under the bridge I heard something behind me "Urgh..uRgH..." as I looked at what it was I saw a green liquid with eyes and a mouth. "a VILLAIN?!" I yelled as it looked at me."Urgh..."

"You'll make a perfect skinsuit for me to hid in, kid." It said as it leaped for me as I began to run.

The villain began to look down at me "Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body. It'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back. It will only hurt for a minute. You'll feel better soon." It said as it was going in to my mouth and reaching into my pants slowly reaching my asshole and vagina.

'I can't...breath, I don't want this plz...' I thought to my self as I started grabbing at it to make it stop.

"Grab all you want, my body's made out of fluid. Thanks for the help. You're a real hero to me, kid. I didn't know he was in the city. I gotta get out of here fast before he tracks me down." It said as its liquid made it to my asshole.

'My body...getting weak. I...I...think I'm dying. No way... this can't be the end. Somebody... Help...' I thought as I saw my notebook on the ground and beyond that I saw Daniel appear out of nowhere with a look of horror and anger on his face.

Daniel POV

I was walking to my house listening to thing happening around the city when I heard Izumi say 'a villain' and it tell her 'you'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in kid' so I reacted and I ran in the direction of Izumi's voice. As I got there I saw a green sludge villain and was angered beyond belief and my eyes glew red from my heat vision.

I started walking towards them "Hey stop that this instant vill-" I was interrupted by the man hole cover flying up and hitting the bottom of the bridge.

"Have no fear, you're safe. Now that I am here, that is." said a man crawling out of the sewers as I was about to take action I realized it was all might.

As the sludge villain tries to attack all might but he Dodgers and pulled back his fist "TEXAS SMAAAASH!!!!" He yelled as wind blew from his hand breaking apart the villain.

"A...All-might" I said as he turned around and looked at me.

"Ah young Steele" all might said as he cocked an eyebrow "what can I help you with."

"Actually you just helped a lot" I told him as I pointed to a unconscious Izumi "you just saved my friend before I could thank you." I bowed.

"Ah yes I thought I heard your voice before I came out of the sewer" he said as he put his hand on my shoulder "that's why I originally chose you as my successor but you turned it down but remember the offer is still open"

"Thank you but no thanks" I told him "as I said before it would be better to have two more all might level beings around" as I said this I pointed at Izumi "I said it before my friend Izumi Midoriya deserves it more than me she has a true heart of a hero." I said as he looked at her.

"And I have promised you I would keep an eye on her but sadly I haven't" he said looking down a little "but as of now I will" I helped him clean the Villian up, as well as asking him to sign her notebook which he did, he then went over to her and started rapidly tapping her cheek "Hey... wake up...HEY!! Uh! Though we lost you there"

"Ughhh!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Was all she could say as I Tried to hold back a laugh because I was the same way.

"Well, looks like you're moving around all right. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to get you caught up on my justice-ing. Usually, I pay more attention to keeping bystander safe. But it turns out the city sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate HAHAHA!!!" All might laughed as he put his Pointer and thum above his eye brows.

"Ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah..." was all she could say as she stared at one of her idols.

"Anyway, you are a big help, thank you." He held up two bottles with the slime Villian in them "I've capture The evildoers." He said.

She stared at him for a moment in realization. "Holy crap. I gotta get an autograph. I gotta have a pen around here somewhere. Ha!" I handed her her notebook. "Please, sign my notebook. AAAAAH!" She screamed as she looked at his signature in her notebook. " HAAAAA! Thank you so much! This will be an heirloom, a family treasure, past down for generations to come. Aahahahaha." She said laughing and bowing profusely.

"HuHU!" He said flashing a thumbs up with a concerned look on his face. "Welp, I gotta take this guy to the police so they can take care of him. Stay out of trouble, and See you around." He said doing stretches.

"Wait, you're leaving?! Already?!" Izumi asked as she looked at all might.

"Heroes are constantly fighting time as well as enemies." All might told her now doing squats.

"Now stand back." Izumi took a step closer "I'm taking off." He said as he jumped and Izumi grabbed on as I trued to stop her but failed. "Thanks for your continuous support." I hear all might say as I watched them fly away with a deadpan look on my face.

'Really Izumi' I thought to myself "well Izumi will be ok with all might" as I started to walk home, but I remembered I need to go to the market and get some food

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