
Chapter 4 : The Unshackled One

This is beautiful..

A blue azure world tilted with gold, they were nodes which looked like stars. The stars which were faraway for me were intertwined with golden rivers. They were everywhere, in the sky, in the land everything around me was blue. Close to me, they looked like like snowflakes, fragile but beautiful with golden strings linkind them together. It's like looking at Van Gogh's "The Starry Night". The feeling that i got when looking at that painting left me mesmerized for minutes but this is far above anything i ever experienced. Even more mesmerizing than my meeting with the One Above All.

I tried to touch them at first but my hands would pass trough them like it was a big illusion but everything looked so real. I felt like i was missing something. I smiled nevertheless at the spectale of lights in front of me. I could see everything around me, even behind the fences of our house, nothing obstructed my vision.

I then turned to look at my parents. My mom looked like she was floating in a golden river. A queen with a golden crown and a golden dress. Is this because of her power ? She never spoke about it, nor how she felt when using it. Does it feel as good as how i am feeling ? Mom, nodded at me and her eyes seemed to glow even brigher in gold and seemed to gaze at me more intensely. Then, the strings seemed to grow bigger and transformed into a dress.

Something clicked in me, seeing how my mom manipulated the strings. I willed a few of them to flow through my left arm and take the appearance of a bracelet. Her eyes widened at this moment and i walked toward her with my bracelet shining.

My dad who was next to her, smirked and then shined with a gleaming blue. His eyes glowed and a star appeared beneath his feet and seemed to move behind me. I followed him with my eyes and turned toward his supposed direction, he suddenly jumped toward another star who was toward the tree to my right. I still followed and turned towars his direction. Wanting to do the same, i jumped on a star that was close to me and willed like a hoverboard towards him.

I appeared in front of my dad and his smurk turned into a full blown laugh.

"HAHAHAHHAHA, My God we created a monster"

My smile widened, i understood. The blue stars represents Space and the golden river was Time. My newborn quirk is the sublimation of my lifelong desire and hope.

The path towards Absolute freedom.

Soon after, my view returned to normal and then went dark. I couldn't remember anything until i woke up in a hospital bed.

My mom was sitting next to me, looking at with a smile on her face:

"Welcome back, sleepy head"

I smiled back, " I am back, did i lose consciousness ?"

"Yes you did, and more importantly you worried your poor mother" as she finished talking, she bonked my head lightly.

"Hahahaha, sorryyy", as i scratched my head awkardly.

"So what did you see ?" My dad walked in with big steps and came to my right, next to mom.

Remembering the starry night, i said "an azure sky full of stars and golden rivers flowing everywhere. I couldn't wield every star to come close to me nor the river to flow around me, just a flew nodes and strings. The only thing that i felt is that i was swimming and i didn't need to hold my breath. I felt like i could go everywhere whether it was in space but in time too. I was floating without direction at first and then i saw you both shining in gold and blue. I had an inspiration from watching you, the stars and the river started to listen to me from all of a sudden. I was so happy."

My eyes were glowing and i ask them if they saw the same thing when they use their powers.

My parents laughed and shook their head, my mom could only see golden rivers around her but starting from 50 m, she couldn't see any gold. My dad could see blue stars around him in a 10 meters radius, they would form every 10 meters instantly.

Dad seemed proud puffing his chest : "My son, we can't see as much as you. The fact that you could see everything without any restrictions means that you have surpassed us. You have in you, the best of our quirks and even more. You were, remain and will be my greatest pride."

Mom added "with a little bit of help, there is nowhere you can't go, whether it is in space or in time." She became more serious and put her hands on my shoulder "Although, you need to control your power to the fullest, because it can be dangerous. You can stay trapped if you don't know where to go"

I nodded my head fiercely, easying my mother worries, still i felt like even if i teleport in wall, nothing will happen to me. The power of my quirk freed me from any worries.

It was in this moment, that the doctor came and asked me to describe my quirk. I was about to tell him everything, but knowing the darkness behind the scenes and the puppetmaster behind all named All for One. I thought about revealing my power, i could say the truth but i was too young, too inexperience with handling my quirk. Nothing would be wrong to reveal the truth when i will enter U.A. My father seeming to understand what i am thinking, said you can reveal everything : you have nothing to fear. Your mom and I can handle anything that comes our way.

I thought : (What a fool i am ! The top 3 hero who can teleport and cut space itself and the world's best surgeon who rules over her domain like a queen.

I sighed with relief, God gave me this quirk to achieve my deepest desire.

I will not bow down to anyone, nor will i be scared of anyone.

I described the power of my quirk and the doctor widened his eyes in shock and looked at my parents who nodded and confirmed what i said.

He rubbed his nose and took off his glasses, "well kid, i never heard of any quirk like yours. In this type of cases, you get to name it. So what do you choose ?"

The choice was obvious, it feels cringy but so f*cking awesome.

"The Unshackled One"

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