
MHA: Shadowed Feathers

What would you give up to make a deal with a demon? Could you ensare it within you and control it or would you sucumb to the overwhelming force and never more exist in the mortal realm? Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. All rights belong to Horikoushi Kouhei

PenguinOfChaos · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

A Raven's Awakening

The streets laid barren, the wind swept over the city with a deadly calm. The bright moon covered half by clouds gave some light, but not enough to where anyone in the alleyways and small sideroads could be seen. In conclusion, this was a criminals perfect chance to stalk someone without being seen by the heroes who were roaming the streets and rooftops in this late hour.

A couple was walking down the main road. They were clearly intoxicated as their loud voices cut through the silence like a sharp knife. The woman wore a short dress most inappropriate for a cold evening such as this, her constant shivering being a testament to this. Nothing else about her was noticeable, the same could not be said for the man who was walking with her. The man was dressed in a collared shirt with a sweater over it, however what most people would first notice was the two antlers sticking out of his head.

This came from the trait in one's genes that was dubbed a quirk. It was first seen in China by a baby emitting light. But this mutation behaved differently from any other ever seen. The baby's genes didn't have to be passed down for others to have the same ability. Different abilities randomly manifested in people, some who were already fully evolved. This gave way to a society being based upon the power of ones quirk, and that was how heroes and villains came to be. Unluckily, some people didn't have quirks, and were treated as outcast or lesser human beings. But just having a quirk didn't mean you had a straight road to fame and money. As more quirks showed up and the difference in them increased, certain views were casted on different quirks. Some could be said to being that of a heroes and some were seen as villainous. Others found their power to be much better than everyone else's so they could be free to do whatever they wanted. 

This brings us back to the couple walking down the road. Due to their intoxicated state, they didn't hear the rustling from one of the alleyways or the yellow eyes looking at them. A man looking to be around 6 feet had just found his victims of the night. He was wearing a black hoodie to try to blend into the dark night, but it could be seen if you looked closely instead of where his right hand should be, was a shiny steel blade. He didn't take his eyes off the couple as they walked right past where he stood. Leaned up against the wall with his back, he waited for the perfect opportunity to strike.

A loud kraa rang out behind him. He quickly turned around in fright, his heart beating so fast it felt like it was about to jump out.

Rumours had been circling inside both heroes and villains circles that a new individual had appeared, who left his victims, both hero and villain alike, in an unconscious state with multiple broken bones, with only a pitch black feather left behind. Looking around he saw nothing. Shaking himself off of the unsettling feeling, he looked backed to the street. The couple hadn't seemed to notice the noise. Quickly he sneaked out of the alleyway towards the couple, not realising the red eye now staring at his back. 

The man walked quickly towards them without making noise. He deemed the woman the easier target so as he approached them he locked is vision on to the woman. When he was close enough he jumped. 

''Argmhmhm!!'' The woman tried to scream but a small cloth was put in her mouth stopping her from screaming for help. The man looked to his side scared. He saw a random man with a knife to his girlfriend's neck staring at him. 

''Why don't you be a good boy and hand over all your valuables or else.'' He wiggled with his knife hand making the threat clear for the man. 

''O-ok, just calm down-n.'' The man stuttered in his word fumbling inside his trousers to try to get his wallet. The woman, who now had tears coming down her face, looked frightened towards her boyfriend, her eyes begging for him to do something. The man threw his wallet and watch to him, landing on the ground with a light thud. 

''See that wasn't that hard.'' The man said with a smirk. The situation clearly pleased him. To be so overpowering that he could make them do anything. He looked to the woman's neck. 

''That's an awfully fine necklace you've got there beautiful.'' Hitting the necklace with his knife lightly almost scraping her neck with it. She cowered under him. His mouth turned into a wicked smile. ''Now now, I'm nothing to be scared of. Why don't we leave your little friend here and I can show what a real man can do.'' He laughed and his eyes became windows to his disgusting soul. The woman now didn't shiver from the cold, but 10 times more from the words the man was uttering. Her legs could barely hold her up, the mans hold on her the only reason she wasn't lying on the ground. The boyfriend hearing that burst with rage. His cowardice now gone, replaced now with dumb courage. He took a step towards the man holding his girlfriend, but the man was quick. He quickly took on a serious look and turned the woman towards her boyfriend. His knife hand now pressing against her neck. 

''I wouldn't do that if I was you, don't try to play a hero or she might just be out of your reach forever.'' This quickly shook the man up again. He was too stunned to realise the man had let go of the woman, who fell to the ground, and had leapt at him with his knife hand pointed towards his stomach. 

'BAM'. A fist collided with the man's jaw right before his knife would have hit the other man. A tall dark figure wearing a cloak stood over the now downed man. The boyfriend looked on from behind but couldn't see anything but a small red light coming from the cloaked man. The downed man however looked up to something that he could have sworn he had seen in a nightmare. A young man with pitch black hair covering one of his eyes, covered in some sort of body armour. But the frightening thing was his left arm. It wasn't a normal arm, but a red and slightly translucent arm. The fingers were like claws and what looked to be feathers made out of the weird energy covered his arm. Inside the arm it looked like eyes were looking at him, reaching inside his soul and seeing his deepest secrets and memories.

He looked up to the mans real eyes where only the one could be seen. It showed a great amount of disgust and resentment. He swung his leg back and kicked the man in the stomach. The man gasped for air as it all left his lungs. The cloaked man didn't stop but instead raised his demon looking arm. From all the claws tips came streams of the same red energy the arm was made of. The man screamed as he felt like he was being electrified from within. The electricity stopped but the pain lingered all over his body. He could feel he was about to pass out but the cloaked man still wasn't done. He hoisted the man up by the throat without choking him. They were now at eye level and the cloaked man with a toss of his head removed the hair that had been covering his other eye. A deep red eye met the mans yellow. They were just like the ones on his arm. His mouth remained a straight line not divulging his emotions. 

''Without this, you are nothing.'' The man spoke in a clear manner with a cold voice, whilst pointing at his knife hand. ''I could kill you now as you stand before me, but it would be much crueller to show you I'm right.'' With that the red eyed man let go of the other man, took his arm, where he had his knife hand, not meeting any resistance. With his own red arm he slammed it towards the knife hand. With strength way above the normal man, he cut right through the inner edge of his knife hand just scraping his flesh. ''Arghhhhh'' The man roared out in pain. What was left was a stump just below where his wrist would have been. No blood came out, the electricity from the man's arm had cauterized the open wound in almost an instant. 

The man took at step still with his back to the couple. The now knifeless man fell to the ground unconscious. 

''I suggest you take the young woman and find a hero who can deal with this. There should be one two streets down, they might already be on there way, he made quite the noise.''

With what seemed like a burst of wind, threw his cloak up as he walked away into a side street, only for a black feather to slowly descend towards the unconscious man serenaded with a ravens kraa. 


Hello readers, hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first time writing a fanfic and english isn't my first language, so sorry in advance for spelling mistakes or weak sections of the chapter. Very welcome to point them out so they can be fixed :)