
Kurayami's Fighting Style


[Monitor Room]

Everyone became speechless for a moment as they watch the building transformed into a haunted building in a matter of seconds.

"Er... is the hero team going to be okay?" Sero said as he looks at the screen with a weird expression.

"Everything is okay, Young Kaito just explain to me about this technique, this one have no dangerous element at all!" All Might said as he trying to reassure the other students.

"No dangerous element he said..." Sero said as he looks at disappearing rooms and hallways. "Of course..." he continued somewhat sarcastically.


-The match-

As soon as they heard All Might's announcement, Kaminari and Jiro quickly entered the building through a window cautiously. Looking left and right for any attacks. But after a few moments of silence, Kaminari begin to lower his guard thinking that the villain team are only going to defend the objective, not to confront the hero team like Bakugo did in the first match.

"Fuh~ Looks like they're not going to attack us then." Kaminari said in relief tone.

"Idiot, don't let your guard down! That Kaito can move through shadows! I will try to find them, guard me for a second." Jiro reprimanded him before plugging her earphone jack to the wall, trying to find the villain team location. Unfortunately, the only thing she can hear is some kind of loud scary theme musics somewhere inside the building. She can't focus on the other team location with all the distractions.

"Tch, I can't find their location like this, I guess we can only do this the hard way then." She said frustrated with the strategy that the villain team employ.

"What's wrong?" Kaminari asked her looking at her bad mood.

"The other team set up some loud songs somewhere inside the building, I can't find their exact location like this, we need to find them by ourselves and seize the objective." She explained the reason she can't find the villain team to Kaminari.

"Oh! You don't have to worry, we can find them easy-peasy, the building is not that big and once we do found them, I will use my quirk, zap and capture them immediately!" He said confidently as his hand produced some electricity as he continued to walk through the hallway.

"This... okay then, we do as you said. It's not like we have other choices at the moment." Jiro said after hesitating for a moment before following Kaminari.





Just as they walked away... a shadowy figure suddenly appear from the shadows of the hallway looking at their backs.

"He let his guard down... What a rookie mistake..." Kurayami said to himself. He then press the communication device in his ear. "Momo, they're on the way to second floor, do you mind if I end this by myself."

"...Sure" come the reply from Momo after she thought for a moment.

"Good... ready your capture tape." He replied back.

"Alright, good luck." She then turned off the communication device.

"Hmmm..." Kurayami hummed as he slipped back into the shadow silently following the hero team.


[Monitor Room]

"Damn, looks at Kurayami man, casually stalking behind the hero team. And they don't even notice him at all. He's like an assassin." Sero said as they watch Kurayami appear and disappear casually nearby the hero team.

"Shadow..." Tokoyami said in awe as he looks at Kurayami as he display his shadow quirk.

"Look! Yami made his move!" Mina said as she pointed out the screen in surprise.


[Battle Building C]

As the hero team walked through the hallway looking for the villain team and the objective. They slowly find out that some of the rooms and the hallways had disappeared. Shadow mist also started to appear randomly in the hallway disturbing their views.

They also started to hear the loud scary songs wherever they went.

Then suddenly Kaminari heard a faint movements in front of him. Excitedly he charge up his quirk and rush forward, thinking that they have found the villain team, leaving behind Jiro for a moment.

And just when Jiro was about to follow Kaminari, she noticed that her movements were restricted. Her eyes widening, realizing that they may have fallen into a trap but unfortunately she can't even opened up her mouth right now to warn her teammate. She can only watch as Kaminari's back disappear, chasing something that's probably a bait.

"My my... how reckless." She heard a faint chuckle behind her. From the corner of her eyes, she faintly saw a figure smoothly rise up from her shadow revealing itself to be Kurayami.

He put his hand on her shoulder as he was about to pull her into the shadows. "You might want to close your eyes for a moment. Shadow Realm or that's what I called it, is something that you probably don't want to see at this stage yet. You're not ready for it." He warned her seriously as he looks straight into her eyes.

(Note: I'll explain more about his "Shadow Realm" in the next chapter)

Sensing the seriousness in his voice, she followed his advice and closed her eyes tightly. After seeing that she already closed her eyes, he covered up her eyes once again with his hand as a precaution and pull her into the shadow as well.

The next thing Jiro know, she was tied up to a pillar with the capture tape in a conner of a room. She also noticed that Momo is inside the room with the objective surrounded by a bunch of turrets, the door is barricaded heavily and there is also numerous kind of traps surrounding the objective making her pale slightly.

"Er.. hey Momo..." She said awkwardly after a moment. Immediately after that several lasers begin to land on her body. The turrets, sensing the movements of the opponent immediately lock on the target, which is her. She became even pale looking at all the lasers on her body.

"I'm sorry Jiro-san, but I must take this combat training seriously. Please give up." Momo said seriously as she looked at Jiro.

"Alright, okay I give up..." Jiro immediately give up seeing that she got no chance escaping the room or getting the objective.

"Good..." Momo breath out as she press a remote in her hand, turning off all the turrets.

"Now, we wait for Kaito-san to capture Kaminari-san." Momo said as she stand nearby Jiro, keeping an eye on the captured girl's movements.

"That idiot..." Jiro muttered under her breath as she remembered how Kaminari charge straight into to a trap.


"This way, Jiro! I heard somethi- Jiro! Hey, Where are you?!" Kaminari excitedly said before turning around and noticed that Jiro have gone missing.

"Hey?! Jiro!" He continued to shout her name, looking left and right trying to find his teammate.

"Kaminari." he heard someone called him and as he turned around he saw Kurayami at the end of the hallway gazing at him... menacingly.

"Kaito..." Kaminari said as he looks at shadow quirk user in surprise.

Before he can say anything else, Kurayami suddenly said "I already caught Jiro. It's your turn or, you can just give up. Like her."

"Heh, or I can defeat you and Momo, then seize the objective and win the match." he said trying to look brave as his body started to emit large amount of electricity.

"You're going down! [Indiscriminate Shoc-] Urgh!" Just as Kaminari was about to launch his attack, he saw Kurayami suddenly disappear in the distance and appeared in front of him. The speed is really astonishing! He can't see Kurayami's movements at all. In a blink of an eye, Kurayami suddenly appeared in front of him and launched a palm strike on his stomach causing him to reel in pain, canceling out his Quirk.

"[Bind] [Spikes]." Kurayami said after he [Flash Step] and executed a palm strike to Kaminari. Shadows in the hallway immediately transform into tendrils and snatch Kaminari's body and successfully disrupting his concentration. And the next second, shadow spikes came out of the shadows surrounding Kaminari's body threateningly.

"Give up." Kurayami said as he looks at Kaminari as he suspended in the air and surrounded by shadow spikes.

"Okay, okay, I give up, man... Put the spikes away please..." Kaminari said sweating profusely as he looks at the shadow spikes surrounding his body.

"Good." Kurayami said.

["Villain team... winss!!!] They heard All Might announced signaling the end of the third match.

"Fuu~ you're so scary man, also how the heck you move that fast! I saw you went 'Wooshh', the next thing I know, you're already in front of me. That's awesome!!" Kaminari said excitedly after Kurayami put him down and cancel out all his shadow techniques including the [Haunted Building].

"It's just a fluke." Kurayami said simply as he walked away. That's true though, it's a risky move on his part. He just instinctively used the [Flash Step] as soon as he saw Kaminari trying to use his quirk. Luckily, he managed to pull that off.

"Let's go, All Might and the others are waiting for us." He said to Kaminari as he walked out the building.

"Yeah, let's go." Seeing that Kurayami doesn't want to elaborate, Kaminari decided to dropped the subject and followed him as well.

The boys also meet up with Momo and Jiro and they decided to walk together to the Monitor Room.


[Monitor Room]

-After Kurayami take out Jiro-

'Shadow Realm? Is it a place where Young Kaito usually went when he travels through the shadows?' All Might can't help but wonder after hearing what Kurayami said towards Jiro about the "Shadow Realm".

'And also, 'You're not ready for it?' What does that mean?' All Might wonder as he looks at Kurayami as he pull Jiro into the shadows while covering her eyes with his hand.

"Looks like the hero team is going to lost. Kaminari is alone now, he can't win. It's hopeless man..." Sero said as he shook his head looking at Kaminari as he try to find Jiro.

"They're already fated to lost the moment shadows begin to filled the building." Tokoyami said 'mysteriously' to himself.

"I want to defend Kaminari but in this case, with Kurayami still active and with all the traps along with Yaoyorozu-san guarding the objective. It's kinda impossible for Kaminari to win this alone." Kirishima said as they watches confrontation between Kaminari and Kurayami.

"Oh! He still want to fight?" Sato said as they saw Kaminari charging up his quirk.

But what they saw next was even shocking than Kaminari's quirk. (Note: Bruh...)

They saw how fast Kurayami move and how he "eliminate" Kaminari in a matter of seconds.

"Damn! What was that movements!?" Sero said in disbelief as look at Kurayami's [Flash Step] towards Kaminari.

"Woah, Kaito-kun is awesome, he's so fast!!" Hagakure bounce cheerfully looking at the screen.

Even Todoroki was caught off guard by Kurayami's movements. He clench his hand tightly thinking that there many people he have to surpasses to become No 1.

After hearing Kaminari's give up declaration, All Might announced through the speakers "Villain Team... Wins!!!"

He then turned towards the other students and said "Now, we wait for them to get here. Then, we will discuss what their mistakes together."

"""""Yes, sir."""""


Yey, I got the time, so I just went *swish* and *boom* and decided to finish this earlier.

They must be some mistakes here somewhere so I'll edit it later on tomorrow... I want to sleep. I'm freaking exhausted man.

Ciao! Have a nice day everyone!!đŸ‘‹đŸ»

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