
Chapter 6

Going inside, I was met with her sitting down on the chair with a coffee on the table.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" She said while looking at me, I look at her eyes with a serious expression.

"There is a friend of mine that is getting abused by her parents. Can we take her in here?" I asks her with a serious expression. I really want to get himiko here. She is getting abused by her parents and forcing her to not be herself. I can understand their feelings, but they should love her regardless of her personality.

"This orphanage is for children who doesn't have anywhere to go to, I can't take in a child that has their own parents since she still have her own parents. We can't take her in without her parent's permission and we can't just join in on their family problems as well" she explained me with an honest expression. Hearing her words I was disappointed that we can't just take her in.

"I understand, if I get a permission from her parents then, will you take her in?" I asks her with a serious expression.

"If that is the case then we will take her in, or if she is really getting abused as you said we will naturally take her in this orphanage" she said while sipping her coffee, I smiled brightly at her words then gratefully left the room.

The next day, I went to school to tell her about the news and that we are gonna convince her parents to let her get in the orphanage.

Getting in the classroom, I waited for himiko to go in but she didn't went back to school.

"Where is she?" I thought while I look at the door...

*chime bell

Soon the chime for the first period rang, the door opened and it's himiko. Her face is red, she seems to be struggling to walk.

"Are you okay?" I asks her as she sat down next to me.

"I-I'm okay as long as I can see you here" she said while she rest her head on my shoulder. I put my hands on her forehead to check if she is really alright.

"Himiko, you are sick, why didn't you rest for today?" I asks her while I feel her hot forehead.

"I told my parents that I'm sick, but they didn't care about me" she said while struggling to breathe, the teacher came in and we greeted him.

"Teacher! Can I take himiko-chan to the infirmary?" I asks the teacher while raising my hand.

"What happened?" He asks me.

"She has a fever and I want to take her to the infirmary" I said then stood up with himiko.

"Okay you can go" he said then let me go with her.

"Let's go himiko-chan" I said then grab her hand to go to the infirmary. She looks at me with a warn expression.

"Thank you..." she muttered, soon we got to the infirmary. I knock on the door and got in as soon as I got a permission to go. The nurse asks me what happened and I told her everything.

"Okay, drink this and go to rest in the bed" the nurse said then gave himiko a medicine syrup that will help with her fever.

"Thank you" I said. I went with her in the bed while I sat down next to the bed.

"Akuma-kun, don't leave me..." she said while breathing heavily from the fever.

"I won't" I said while I pat her head.

"Aren't you gonna go to your class?" The nurse asks me, I shook my head in disagreement.

"Haa~I know you are worried about her, but you shouldn't neglect your studies" she said while she rest her hand on my shoulder.


Congratulations! You got your new quirk!

Manseur quirk unlocked!

Congratulation akuma, now you can have your own quirk!


Suddenly I got a notification from the devil, I read it and frowned, since I'm quirkless and the doctor told me the same thing....



In a room that is full of skeletons, devils, and other scary monsters. Three people are kneeling down towards to someone that seems to be an overlord.

"It seems like he got his quirk, his dad sure is persistent" he muttered while looking at two screens. The other one is akuma and the other one is someone chained up with his head down. Around the room is full of blood mixed with pee and shit, if someone came in they would be disgusted by it. If akuma sees this he would start crying and swore that he would kill whoever did it.

A/n: from here is the story of his father after his arrest.

After akuma's father got arrested.....

Inside a damped room, a middle age man that seems to be in his limit is screaming endlessly from the pain.

"Tell me....villain, did you really think that we are gonna let you go? My crush! you stole her from me!" A guy said while he whips him, if akuma is right here he would recognize him as the guy who arrested his father.

"All I did was help her, I didn't even know that my quirk has those side effects!" He said while he resist himself to scream, since he wants to tell him something.

"Shut up! You stole the woman that I liked and had a child with her!" He said then started to whip him.

This continued for years and years, scream after screams could be heard as sound of whips resounded.

-Back to mc-

Looking at the panel I was confused, since I don't know how to react. This is my father's quirk and it's the same, I don't know how I manifested it, but I'm pretty excited.

I look at the nurse then wanted to test it, but I don't know how I can convince her.

"I don't want to go... I want to stay with himiko chan" I said while I hold himiko's hand. As soon as she felt my hand she smiled even though she is already sleeping.

"Then...don't blame me if you have a failing grades" she said then went back to her chores.

"W-wait! Can I give you something in exchange?" I said while I look at her innocently, she looks back at my eyes then sighed.

"Well...what is a kid like you gonna give me as a thanks?" She said as she treat me like a kid.

"Is there anywhere that hurts in your body? I could massage it." I said while I look at her with an innocent eyes.

"But you didn't have a quirk like your dad, right?" She frowned while looking at me, she seems to know a lot about me and my father.

"Yeah, I want to help heroes just like my dad through massaging!" I said with an innocent tone, well all I want is to know what effect my massage have.

"Ok..." she said while trying to entertain my idea, her face is telling me that she won't feel anything from my tiny hands. Which is true, maybe I won't be able to use it like my father.

A/n: support me on my patreon:

https://ww w.pa treon.com/join/bentento?

Also please check the auxiliary volume!

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