
Aizawa's Not happy

Gang Orca stood up and rubbed his chin looking at Bullet, grinning "Protecting the injured victims, eh? Nice choice but you can't stop us all, Hero!" Bullet stood back up, his face looked bored and annoyed as he said "Just go somewhere else. Not in the mood. Seriously."

Orca's goons laughed, "Mood? Who cares!?" Bullet let out a breath and said "Fine." before throwing out his cloth, pulling back and kneeing one of them in the stomach, dropping them to the ground. He kicked them behind him, saying "You actually heal these next ones."

Gang Orca tilted his head as Bullet charged into a group of his goons, shooting out his cloth and pulling them around to block their cement guns while also beating them all up really bad.

He knocked every single one of them out.

Bullet threw out his cloth and grabbed a few guys trying to go for the victims, pulling them back and slamming them into the ground. He turned and leaned back from a fist, shooting his leg up and smashing a guy's chin before wrapping him in cloth, spinning him around and shooting him into a wall.

Bullet leaned back on his hands and shot out his legs, spinning on his hands before pushing off and landing on a Goon's shoulders, backhanding him and knocking him out.

He tossed the injured Pro Sidekicks to the healers one by one as he finished them off while dealing with the others.

So far, of everyone Bullet sent there, none of them were conscious…

Bullet suddenly punched the ground and pulled up a massive stone with his metal arm. An ultrasonic wave smashed the stone to pieces as Gang Orca shot towards Bullet, punching through the stone pieces only for him to be gone.

He turned his head and Bullet punched down at his head with his metal arm. Orca let loose a sound wave and Bullet stared at him, pressing his metal palm out first.

It blocked a bit but Bullet was hit with the aftermath.

He tilted slightly as Orca punched at him.

Bullet raised his arm and punched, hearing a creaking noise from his arm.

Orca slashed his arm out and Bullet turned his palm, a bright light exploding from the palm. Orca closed his eyes but there was no laser, only a flash! Bullet disappeared and stomped down on the two goons going for the victims.

He knocked them out and threw them inside before turning around to Orca, who turned to him, saying "You're not bad, kid. Who are you?" Bullet said "Nameless" as he shot towards Orca, swinging his metal arm forward at Orca, who also punched.

There was a loud snap as Bullet's metal arm cracked all over, the plating fell from the arm, leaving the creepy robotic bits left.

Bullet clenched his fists and fought punch for punch with Orca, who was wearing the compression weights to weaken himself.

Bullet and Orca stood still, throwing punches as the time ticked down.

Bullet lunged under Orca and pressed on the ground, shooting his leg up, nailing Orca in the chin! Orca flew up and Bullet jumped up, throwing out his cloth and spinning in the air, shooting Orca back down to the ground before pulling himself at him and throwing a punch right at his head.

The timer went off and Bullet punched through the ground next to Orca's head, blasting out a fist sized hole.

The Metal arm emitted smoke all over as Bullet took his arm out and walked away, the bored look on his face remaining.

He walked out of the stadium and went to the locker rooms, passing by Himiko on the way, not even looking in her direction. Himiko smiled sadly and turned around, leaving.

He got undressed and changed back into his school uniform, walking out and standing outside in the sun, having all his weapons back.

He tucked his mask in his shirt pocket and sat on a bench, waiting in silence.

A while passed and a stage was set up. Bullet sat there and didn't talk to anyone.

Aizawa frowned and stood next to him, looking at the screen before saying "You passed." Bullet snorted in response. Aizawa let out a breath, "Don't forget to smile on your Provisional License. You might be upset today but you won't be the next day or the one after that. Momo told me what you said."

Bullet didn't answer but frowned slightly, Aizawa sighed and said "This is the way things are. Not all heroes are like that. Some are, of course, but I'm not like that and you're not like that. So why even bother? Whatever he said, just ignore it. People have different motivations for being heroes, you're not going to see everyone being a hero for the same reason as you. I understand your frustration, however, to blow up like that is really out of character for you…"

Aizawa glanced at him with his arms crossed, "I don't know what else happened to really make you angry or upset or whatever, but the way you acted in the second half… I have half a mind to take your License away myself." Bullet clenched his fists and Aizawa turned back, continuing "Are you a Hero or a child? Separate your personal feelings from your hero work. Don't make me say it again, Bullet."

Bullet nodded softly and went to go get his license.

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