
Mha: New Destructive beginining

Antares, Monarch of Destruction, killed by the Rulers and The Shadow Monarch What if, by fate, he gets iseakied into the world of heroes?

Powerboy1763 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

The King

'So this is death. I was hoping for something grand but it appears I was greedy' A man with deep voice said to himself while being surrounded by darkness from all sides.

That man was the Monarch of Destruction, Antares. He was the King of the Dragons, the Soveriegn of all that was Destructive and the Final threat to mankind.

'Hmmm what is this feeling? I feel... Peaceful. Like a great weight has lifted from my shoulders. Is this what humans feel everyday? I truly envy their blissful ignorance' For the first time in his life. The King of Dragons felt calm and happy.

He was truly enjoying this feeling. He smiled to himself as his body delved into the unknown darkness...

"Hmm?" Antares felt his body land on something. He then felt his muscles relax from tension allowing him to move them.

He then opened his eyes and found himself looking at a couple of trees in front of him. He raised his back and surveyed the area around him. Apparently, he was in a forest.

"What is this? Didn't I die?" Antares was certain he died. In his last moments alive he felt the blade of the Shadow Monarch peirce his heart.

Antares also noticed something else. His thirst for destruction has diminished, it is as if that it doesn't exist at all. He took some time to get look around him before he stood up.

He then began to walk around the forest while also checking if his powers are still intact. He then stopped for a moment before proceeding to jump real high in the air.

He used to ability to fly to levitate in the air. Antares then moved out of the forest in fast motion causing him to break the sound barrier in progress.

'If I'm correct, this is still earth and the country to the east is Japan' In a swift motion, he changed direction started heading towards the massive country known as Japan.

In 5 minutes, he has reached Japan and landed on of its buildings. However, it doesn't seem like it was the same Japan that the Monarch of Transfiguration told him about.

'I'll have to gather more information about this place' he said before disappeared from his place.





Antares can be now seen in a apartment laying on his bed. He spent a week gathering information from various places around Japan.

Apparently, this earth was different from the original earth he has been to. In this world, many people have superpowers called Quirks.

Due to the manifestation of these Quirks, a new profession has been formed called Hero.

Heroes are people who save other people in danger from various kinds of disasters.

While those who counter the good guys and cause problems are named Villains. But, enough about that back to our main protgainst.

Antares was now laying in his bed. Two days ago, he helped stop two people mugging an old lady and when I mean 'stopped' he quite seriously burned their bodies to a crisp.

He later found out the old lady was deaf and didn't understand the suitation. He then told her on a note that he saved her from a mugging and hid the bodies behind a garbage can.

Ever since then, he was getting used to his new appartment given by the old lady and was trying to get used to it. He even has learned a new skill, cooking as people would call it.

"This world is an interesting place. I wonder what more it can give me." Antares said as he smiled in a sadistc way

He then got up from his bed and exited his appartment and began walking in the streets. You're probably wondering why is the personification of chaos not killing everything in his way?

The answer is a simple one. Antares has lived a life full of bloodshed, murder and war. After his death, he was able to experience peace. True peace.

He has made it his goal to live a calm and a peaceful life. It's with this goal that he is able to act on his own accord and be able to live a leisureful life.


"Get out of my way!" A thief with a salamander features was running away in a fit of fear. He was current clutching a purse he stole.

Behind him was a woman with bunny ears, a fluffing tail, tan skin and amazing abs that make any body building man jealous.

Antares had a faint understanding of what is happening here and decided to do the most logical action. He didn't interfere.

The bunny girl then hopped in a fast and swift motion and kicked the theif into a nearby wall. His body flew so hard he crashed through a set of cars before his body stopped flying.

The bunny girl then grabbed the purse from the theif and gave it to a lady who looked like she was in her twenties.

Everyone then surrounded the bunny girl while also taking pictures and getting autographs. While this was happening Antares who had uninterested face contiuned walking.

Antares then got to visit many places around his neibourhood. He visted shops, malls and any other place with a colorful sign.

It was now night time and Antares held in both his hands bags filled clothes, foods and any other sort of average day item.


"Look what we have here boys." a man with a beard said as he brandished his knife into a rock.

"Say you there, would you like to donate whatever these bags has to us. We'll take real good care of them" The man contiuned to brandish his knife as couple of men began to surround Antares.

Antares soon dropped his shopping bags steped towards the leader of the group.

"You don't want this fight" his voice said as the some of the men began to question whether it was good idea to rob him.

"Oh and why is that?" As soon as he said that his whole Gang began to light like Christmas trees.

The leader, hearing the horrified screams, of his gang fell on the floor before Antares grabbed his neck and cracked it.

Antares then grabbed his bags once more before returning to his appartment. Little to his attention, a certain black mist was watching him

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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