
Chapter 1 - Mineta's Guidance and Uravity's Success

not mine all credit goes xxShiroyakshaxx, you can find Him/Her on hentai foundry at https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/xxShiroyakshaxx/51372/My-Heros-OnlyFans for the original post

Tags - Creampie, Hypercock, Moral Degeneration, Training, Anal Sex.


Midnight has a class for all female students: Marketing as a Heroine. They were tasked with the year-long project to market themselves and build a fanbase using their skills, talents, marketing abilities, and business decision making. It was not only a successful assignment in the curriculum, typically providing young aspiring heroes a boost during their beginner years in establishing themselves in this Hero driven world, but a highly entertaining one as well. Everyone seemed to have something in mind, figuring out creative ways to advertise themselves and create a brand, taking note from several other professional heroines who took advantage of their good looks and charms to benefit their image in the long run. There was nothing wrong in doing so, which was one of the lessons that Midnight wanted to teach.

Uraraka Ochaco, a rising heroine that was relatively known for her performances at the Sports Festival, as well as involvement in playing a role in defending some of the largest villain attacks in recent history, had ultimately come to the conclusion that her marketing strategy would be to create an OnlyFans. An online platform which had blossomed into the frontlines, taking the social media world by storm. If the task was to create a fanbase, then Uraraka figured that she'd also meet the quota for one of her other significant priorities in becoming a hero, which was none other than to make money. Generating profit while also accomplishing her curricular activities was like killing two birds with one stone.

While having never used or understood exactly what OnlyFans was, it was a widely recognized platform for heroines in the Hero World for the sole reason that the current pro heroes didn't shy away from creating one themselves. In fact, well known names in the U.A Academy posted pictures online of their own. Midnight, Mt.Lady, Uwabami, heck, even the Pussy Cat Dolls had joined the craze

However, there was a catch. While the beautiful, charming and good looking brunette was under the impression that OnlyFans was merely posting online pictures of themselves, she was too innocent to fully understand the primary reason it was so popular. Pornographic material wasn't something that she'd ever indulge in, and as a result, it never crossed her mind what the true nature of the App was truly about. A mistake that would bite her rear end in the meantime, although her plan seemed simple enough and flawless. On the forefront, it seemed low-risk, high reward. All that it required was a decent camera, and a cute looking face. She wasn't cocky or full of herself by any means, but even Uraraka knew that she was far from the ugliest girl. In fact, on several occasions, it felt like some of her classmates would try and hit on her, only for it to reach nowhere, of course.


"I don't get it…. Why are they dropping so much?..." sighed Uraraka, an adorable pout on her rosy cheeks as her eyes were glued to the screen of her phone. The mobile device that was her ticket to achieving success in the world of OnlyFans. A confusing conception that Uraraka herself didn't completely understand.

Her subscriber stats have been dropping heavily over the course of the past few days, losing fans left right and center, and things weren't looking green for her bank account, school project, everything. The thought of inquiring in other knowledgeable sources definitely crossed her mind, and perhaps she might have in due time, that is, until that fateful direct message popped up from an anonymous fan.

"This page is boring.. It needs more spice!.. You can't expect to post this type of content and experience success!.." one of the messages was read off her screen, there were several others similar to this, but for some reason, this one stood out.

Uraraka was already racking her brain as to why, and what she should do to help her situation. Since she needed some type of assistance in any shape or form, she shrugged her shoulders and ultimately decided to take the criticism head on, and ask for advice. Although it hurt to read some of the comments, and none of them were related to her looks by any means, Uraraka wanted to find out the root issue behind her lack of subscribers.

"I'm sorry!~... The truth is, I have no idea what I'm doing!... This might be too embarrassing for me to ask, but… Could you tell me what I'm doin wrong?..." asked Uraraka politely, attaching a cute smiley emoji at the end of her sentence. Only a few seconds went by before the now texting bubbles appeared, and she had found herself in the midst of a live text to text conversation with one of her fans.

Needless to say, it wasn't a brief one, the convincingly dedicated supporter highlighted all of the things that she was doing wrong, and Uraraka listened attentively as if he was an expert. After all, her goal was to please the consumers, and it only made sense that hearing one out would have been one of the most beneficial things she could do. He promised her out of the kindness of his heart, or at least that's how Uraraka perceived it, that he would transform her into a star. The only requirement behind this was that she listened to and followed all of his advice.

And thus, started Uraraka's OnlyFans training arc.


The reason behind her failure at maintaining subscribers was none other than her own cluelessness. All of the pictures that were available on her profile were cute, typical selfies of Uravity wearing her hero costume. There weren't any lewd, ecchi, sexy pictures for the voracious men that were her customers to sink their teeth into. Consequently, they felt as if they were scammed. After all, when a person subscribes to a woman's OnlyFans, they're expecting nudity, psuedo porn, erotic poses. At the bare minimum, bikini pictures! Uraraka didn't show an ounce of skin. Sure, her hero costume accentuated her fat ass and nice curves, but her pictures never captured any of that. Her face was on the cuter side, but still attractive as a woman, but that wasn't enough to sell the perverts lingering on the app.

"You can't wear the same outfit in every single picture!... You need variety!... We didn't pay to watch a whole album's worth of you wearing your hero costume.. Sure, you look great in it.. But we can already see you wearing that on TV!... You should start posting pictures wearing other things… Like your U.A uniform… Your school's gym outfit… Cheerleader outfit… School swimsuit!..."

Taking that advice to heart, as embarrassing as it might have been, Uraraka decided to test the waters and see if what he was telling her was correct. Amazingly, despite still acquiring the knowledge that this platform was popularized for porn, Uraraka noticed a positive spike in her subscriber count after posting pictures of herself wearing these different various outfits, even mixing up the poses she was in, sticking out her hips a little bit more, throwing up peace signs, sticking out her tongue playfully, etc.

"Wow!... Thank you so much!... I didn't know that a solution so simple could help me out that much!... It's the first time in a while that I've actually gained some subscribers over the week!..." typed Uraraka to her anonymous, loyal fan. Her smile was beaming and her mood was enlightened, it wasn't like she had become a millionaire or anything, but it was relieving to see that she had finally started making progress.

Now, the only thoughts occupying her mind was on how she could capitalize upon this growth, the crowd wasn't a respectable amount, but it was something. Uraraka was searching for that impact factor to carry her way through, the decision to switch up the outfits was a smart one, and now any trust she'd confided with this helpful client of hers increased twice fold.

"Hey, hey!~... What else can I do to gain more followers?.." asked Uraraka, laying flat on her stomach on top of her mattress, swinging her legs in the air as she excitedly awaited for this unknown person's response.

"Well… If you really want to make it big, then you're going to have to start changing some things… You have to become comfortable posting naked pictures!... I hate to tell you this, Uravity… But everyone's paying good money to see you naked!... Or at least, showing off your goodies… That's what all the Pro Heroes do, so what you're putting out now is like child's play in comparison… You can't compete unless you can put up an actual fight!...."

That paragraph of text made her blush heavily at the thought of it. If Uraraka didn't trust this guy's judgement as much as she did, she would have instinctively blocked his account on the spot.

"N-Naked?!... There's no way I can do that… Gosh, are all men really that perverted?... I didn't know that… Midnight and others were posting pictures of themselves like that online…" pondered Uraraka, unable to come up with a proper response as her fingers were frozen in place above the phone's keyboard.

"If you don't want to post full on nudes of yourself… You could always just post more revealing pictures with your usual outfits, but by showing your exposed boobs and butt!..."

Reading that line of text alone was enough for Uraraka to squeal and shove her face into the pillows, wondering what exactly she'd gotten herself into. Up until this point, the man wasn't lying by any means. So, she didn't believe that he was telling her this out of malicious intent. It took some heavy contemplation to think about, but if she decided to start an OnlyFans, she might as well have taken it seriously. After all, it was probably producing the most money out of anything she's ever had already, and she was just getting started. Although, her foot had only stopped at the doorstep, requiring that minor push to definitively come to an answer in her mind.

"Did you know, that many Pro Heroines continue their pro hero careers despite indulging in sex work on the side?... This is in the same field, but not on the same level as that!.. It's just a couple pictures, you can snap them quickly, post them online and move about your day!... Trust me, there's a lot of people that want to see your nice body, Uravity!... If Midnight and Mt.Lady can do it, then so can you!... You're just as, if not more pretty than them!..." His words of encouragement, while coming from a weird place, motivated Uraraka to put up with the discomfort and pursue her newfound dreams of becoming an OnlyFans star, searching up the statistics and revenue that one would make when striking gold in the industry.

Later that very same day, Uraraka took multiple risque pictures, including those that were created based off of her own ideas and creativity, searching examples online and following them. Needless to say, they were worlds above what she had already posted. The first nude that had graced many screens on certain individuals OnlyFans feed was Uraraka's pale, mesmerizingly thick and juicy ass meat that spilled out of her pants. Wearing her skin tight hero costume, Uraraka wiggled her hips and pulled them down until they hugged the underside of her butt, taking a timed picture and even placing both of her hands beneath the flesh of her ass to hold it up in an enticing manner, looking back towards the camera with a wink and blowing a kiss with her puckered lips.

That experimental post alone created a buzz around the Heroine known as Uravity. Her curvaceous figure was complimentary to her already gorgeous, adorable face. An ass so phat that the thirst revolving around her profile increased exponentially, reaching and destroying her previous best records, her subscriber count nearly tripling in size after the first couple hours alone. Groupchats, text messages, online direct messages, retweets on Twitter, the news was being spread that the hot female hero was posting booty pics online for a fee of roughly several dollars. Her eyes widened at the sight of the graphs exploding, taking off with the visual representation of her wealth skyrocketing had her heart thumping with adrenaline. Becoming a Pro Hero wasn't her only dream, making money was always her intention.

That's what led to the spiralling of hot, sexy pictures of Uravity's helplessly seductive body to be plastered all over the phone screens of hordes of horny men. The emotions she was feeling were inexplicable. To tell the truth, Uraraka was having fun. Posting a picture of her camera aimed straight down her cleavage. Wearing that swimming suit and taking a dip in the bathwater to create the imagery that she'd just went to the pool, meanwhile keeping that U.A Academy appeal, and stretching out her outfit with her fingers, slipping her nipples for the first time ever. The comments praising her body were flooding in, and Uraraka blushed while reading some of them.

"Oh my god, your ass is so fat!.."

"What a nice pair of tits!..."

"Jeez, Uravity is so fuckable!..." '

"The things I would do to you.."

Some were borderline creepy, and others made her heart skip a beat. Having never been on the receiving end of this crazy number of compliments, Uraraka felt a sense of thrill while snapping pictures of her special places and showing them off for the public to devour with their eyes. Their comments about her figure were far from romantic by any means, but they made her feel attractive, beautiful, and of course, sexy. That was a common word used to describe her pictures. Little by little, the more skin she showed, the greater risks she took, and the naughtier she had inadvertently become.


A couple days later…

Uraraka was basking in the success and glory of her OnlyFans funds, having never believed that making this amount of money could take such minimal effort. Several minutes a day she spent picking and choosing her outfits, striking a suggestive pose with her skimpy clothes, and her wallet would fatten up in the blink of an eye. The longer she kept up with the pictures, the raunchier and more comfortable she'd become. The image that nearly broke the internet was in front of the shower mirror, her arms draped across her breasts and covering her nipples as she stood in the reflection in all of her naked glory, revealing her clean shaven, tight pussy for the world to see.

"I can't believe I did that!..." wrote Uraraka, messaging her greatest fan after the fact, nearly shaking from the amounts of cash rolling in as well as the rush and thrill that enveloped her body. Uravity was not only a symbol of hope, but now a sex symbol as well. Her thickness, cute looks and increasingly slutty behavior were all significant factors in her marketing. She was becoming so popular that fellow peers and teachers had become aware of her status online.

"Why don't you start making videos?" asked her admirer and supporter, guiding her through it all. Uraraka was thankful for his help, and always ensured to reply to his messages first.

"Videos?.." she replied, unsure and hesitantly.

"Yeah.. I think it's time you take the next step!.. Pictures are hot in their own right, but videos give the audience an even more realistic view of what you look like underneath that hot hero costume of yours!..."

"Hot?.. Oh, stop it~... LOL… Anyways, I don't know!... I feel like taking pictures is way easier… Videos are…."

"Trust me!.. Have I ever lied to you?.."

"No, but-."

"I'm not asking you to make porn or anything, just film a quick sexy video and post it and see the responses!... You won't get anywhere being complacent… There's plenty of girls out there with hot bodies and pictures too!.."

"Okay, fine… I'll see what I can do…" conceded Uraraka after some much needed convincing.


After surfing the internet and gathering feedback and information from her followers, Uraraka decided to film an erotic exercise video located at the school's gym. Her choice of clothing was obvious, tights that clung to the firmness of her round booty cheeks, and a sports bra that showed off her navel and flat stomach, in shape from exercising regularly. It was times like this where her quirk could be put to use, having already done so several times when taking pictures. Uraraka used her ability to touch and cause objects to float for the camera to hover behind her, capturing the angle that her fans loved most, recording her backside as Uravity hopped onto the elliptical and "exercised". Purposefully and intentionally shaking her bubble butt as she did so, which looked so much hotter than normal as sweat gradually shone on her naked back, a hint of buttcrack could be seen with her tights worn low.

Her steps on the stationary bike were accentuated in a way that would highlight her big bum, which was her most popular asset. The size of her breasts weren't paltry by any means, in fact those tit pics attracted a crowd themselves, but none on a grander scale than her delicious, juicy ass.

"The more lewd the video, the more money you can sell it for."

That remark made by her anonymous coach rang in her head as she continued huffing and puffing, occasionally glancing back towards the camera to flash a teasing smile, cheeks red and gasping for air while lifting herself off the seat slightly to give the audience a better view. Uraraka didn't shy away from the comments worshipping her ass, almost finding it arousing. Oftentimes at night, she would scroll through her posts and read some of the things being said about her, having never realized the worth of her soft, bouncy cheeks. There were times where several of her classmates, such as Kaminari or Mineta talked about her in a perverted manner, but there was something different about strangers seeing these intimate pictures that lit a fire underneath her. Exhibitonist? Maybe not, but the possibility wasn't out of the question.

Glancing around briefly and scanning her surroundings, Uraraka established that there was nobody around. Her breathing was heavy not only from the exhausting workout and cardio burning, but from how overwhelmingly ecstatic she felt at this very moment. In a couple minutes, hundreds of men were going to be watching a video of her "working out", maybe even using it as fap material, and once again flooding her private messages and comments with praise and fantasies about her large rump. Apart from the money, that was the second stimulant that kept Uraraka hungry. Not necessarily a glutton for attention, but definitely not against it either.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this… I hope nobody walks in!.." thought Uraraka, casually lifting herself higher off the seat, and then slowing down her movements so it was possible to tug down upon her tight shorts, exposing her rear that was hardly covered by a single string of her exotic thong. Underneath her workout clothes, she was dressed as if to attend a strip club.

What she was about to do wasn't something entirely new to her, but definitely only had started thanks to the perverted comments she'd been showered with on OnlyFans. Uraraka, while attentively keeping mind to her surroundings, peeled down the thin fabric of her panties, which were soaked with transparent, sticky but shiny fluids that was a preview of her womanly arousal. Her body was covered in sweat, and her crotch was damp with juices, truly an erotic combo for those that fetishize atheltic women, a large demographic at that. This video was going to be an absolute hit, Uraraka could tell. All that she needed to do was not mess this up, and see things through all the way.

"Ahhn!~..." she let out a cute moan, that wasn't loud and boisterous enough to be heard from outside, but enough that the camera was able to pick it up. Uraraka wanted her audience to listen in on what was about to occur. Crossing a line that she hadn't, almost squatting and keeping her butt raised in a revealing position that allowed the lens to focus onto her glistening, throbbing pussy. The wet folds of her pretty pink pussy were almost perfect, they looked alluring, inviting and pure. Uraraka's vagina was tighter than any of the Pro Heroes flaunting their pussies around, because there hadn't been a man in her life to give her the action her body deserved.

Her slender, womanly fingers pushed against her entrance, gliding up and down her slit as she teased herself the same way she would late at night when she'd developed the urge to begin masturbating. Uraraka wasn't a sexual person by any means, until the entire OnlyFans fiasco started of course. The content that she used to get off wasn't pornography, but instead the many, sexual things that would be said about her. There was even a time where her trusted fan, the one that had been feeding her all of these helpful comments, made her cum when he went on a spiel about how incredible her ass looked in that tight g-string she'd purchased specifically to show off.

"Haa!~... Haa!~... That's the spot!~.."

Slick noises emanated from her apparent wetness, and her fingers started digging deeper into her cleft, emulating the sensation of penetration that had dawned on her mind on several occasions. Her clitoris was engorged and ready, and Uraraka learnt several things about not only herself, but her body during these amazing times. Teasingly wiggling her butt around, and then shaking it up and down to highlight the bounce, her pussy started spasming from doing such a perverse thing in public.


Faint voices could be heard coming from outside the hallway, and the voice was growing louder as well as the steps in their direction. Someone was coming, and very soon. A rational prediction would be that Uraraka entirely stopped what she was doing, and recollected herself and pretended as if nothing had happened. Instead, the approaching danger and the thought of the rumours that would be spread around if she were caught, led the busty brunette to furiously flick her clit and pleasure herself to a point that was nearly beyond return. Her legs started trembling in anticipation for the impending orgasm, and Uraraka's thickness was on full display for the camera to ogle, as the highly anticipated moment was soon approaching, the door swung open.

Uraraka froze in place, having to clamp her mouth within her palms to prevent any of her squealing moans to creep out, regrettably moving her hand away from her own greedy vagina, slipping her pants that were down her knees all the way up and clothe herself appropriately. Unfortunately, in a sick twist of events, Uravity wasn't able to finish the job, stopping dead in her tracks just moments before achieving a vicious orgasm. However, the fact that everything was recorded was a win, showcasing just how naughty and adventurous a woman she'd become, two attributes that were deemed immensely alluring in the realm of OnlyFans, where women were idolized and held in such high regard.

As expected, the video was posted upon returning to the comfort of her room. With her eyes glued to the screen, Uravity watched as her popularity skyrocketed, seemingly cracking the formula to success. Soon, her name was going to be put side by side along the likes of Midnight, the R-Rated Hero. The mind boggling amount of cash that poured in almost felt surreal. Who knew, that a few pictures and minutes long video of her working out and masturbating in public were the keys to success. What she was experiencing was akin to euphoria, it was intoxicating, it was addicting. Uraraka loved the feeling of being in the spotlight. It wasn't generally looked down upon, heroines were accepted for using their brand as a powerful means of gathering eyes to them, sexualising themselves if they were comfortable to do so. Who wouldn't fantasize about a badass woman who could not only save your life, but look incredibly sexy while doing so?


Ochako's fanbase online has been substantially expanding her fanbase not only as an internet OnlyFans sensation, but as a Hero too. It's already been several weeks since she'd first started, and the payment wouldn't stop coming. Money was flowing in from all avenues, she wouldn't label herself as rich, but in due time Uraraka might've gotten there. Becoming gradually attached to her phone, there were times where she'd search things up about the OnlyFans business and lifestyle, and to her surprise, some of the claims that women would hate themselves for doing it didn't apply to her situation in the slightest. Uraraka wasn't just having fun, she loved doing it. She couldn't help but shake the feeling that men were looking at her differently, not only through the internet but in person. There was an increased amount of gazes on her figure, and she could feel the pair of eyes focusing upon her butt whenever she'd walk past them. As long as they didn't try anything crazy, which most wouldn't based on the fact that not only was she capably strong, but a professional Hero for the greatest school in the industry worldwide.

"I think you should start interacting with your fans more."

That was the final piece of advice that Uraraka received from her helping hand, her partner in crime. An anonymous user who's username wasn't distinguishable from their real identity whatsoever. It was almost mysterious in way, and finding herself immersed recently in thrills and other shenanigans that would make her heart and stomach flutter. The truth was, Ochako had already been responding and reading messages from her fans. At times, given the nature of her work, it wasn't always friendly and polite comments. They weren't meant either, just hopelessly perverted. How else could you respond to someone saying that you have such a bangable ass? Or huge tits that they wished they could wrap around their cocks? Uravity wasn't so heartless as to leave her fans hanging, sometimes on occasion flirting back with some of the fans, teetering the line between setting herself up with a dick appointment and with playful back and forth.

"Thank you so much!~ 😘"

Lines such as this were common, always attaching a heart or kissing face when interacting with the people that granted her wealth.

"The things I would do to that ass should be illegal" were one of the comments she read.

"Really? What would you do?~ 😉"

This would generally be followed by a long paragraph that would actually make Uraraka feel flustered reading. It was quite the realization that hundreds upon thousands of men wanted her. No, they craved her desperately.

"What a tight pussy… Has anyone ever been in there before?" curiously asked one of the men.

"Nope!~.. I've never had a boyfriend."

Those that preferred or fantasized about their partners being virgins completely lost their mind.

Her interactions were frequent, but evidently it was impossible to cover everyone. However, Uraraka tried her best. Not out of obligation, but because talking to random guys about how badly they wanted to fuck her admittedly was arousing.

"Do you want to see my dick?... And if so, would you be able to give me a rating out of 10?.." asked one of her fans, it wasn't common that some wanted to send her pictures of their junk, but Uraraka never really considered it. Of course, when her back was against the wall and she didn't know how to approach the situation at hand, Uraraka turned to her guiding light, her self proclaimed superfan.

"What do I do?.. There's a lot of guys asking if they can send me pictures of their-... You know… They even asked me to rate it!.." texted Uraraka, finding herself casually talking to this unknown person that she'd actually grown to become fond of, despite being unable to attach a face to the helpful text she was receiving.

Only a few seconds later, a response vibrated her phone.

"I think you should practice being comfortable interacting with fans in that way.. Trust me, they would never be able to cancel their subscription if you accepted a request like that… You know, I'd be willing to help you practice getting used to this if you want?.." he said.

Uraraka abandoned any form of skepticism revolving around him a while back, fully buying into whatever he insisted.

"Okay… If you're okay with that.." she responded, albeit still nervous considering her hands were shaking.

It didn't take long, but several moments later, an image popped up in the chat. The contents were obvious, it was none other than a massive, humongous, thick monstrous cock that was the biggest that she'd ever seen. Pornographic videos, magazines, whatever, nothing came close. The length was absurd, to the point where it almost felt like it wouldn't fit on the screen. Uraraka's jaw dropped out of pure fascination. Magnetically drawn towards it, already horny from staring at it.

"How the heck could something grow to be that big?.." she thought to herself, gulping at the mesmerizing sight before her. The way that it was angled showed nothing but dick, no thighs, no feet, nothing. Just a towering erection aimed straight upwards towards the ceiling, standing in all of its proud, rigid glory. Veins popping as the masculine object looked fiercely intimidating. Uraraka needed to swallow her spit before her thumbs went to work and started typing a completely honest, glowing review.

"Oh my God… It's so big!~.. I haven't seen anything like it… It looks thicker than my arm… Wow… I thought I would be grossed out at first but, your penis is amazing… I can hardly believe that it's real…" gushed Uraraka, offering worthy praise for the man who was always complimenting her own figure and helping her out.

Her body had become scorching hot, and the urge to masturbate took control as she bit into the blankets sheets and started playing with her sopping wet cunt, staring intently at the image of his enormous, superior cock that truly held no match. His responses weren't read until after she'd completed her duty, cumming the hardest she's ever done from flicking the bean to a stranger's impossibly hung member.

After this, Uraraka opened up a new service. Dick pics were flooding her inbox, and with some extra payment, she would open them and rate them honestly. If there was anyone particularly small, she would exercise kindness and caution to not hurt their feelings. Regardless, much like how the rest of her career was going, Uraraka performed flawlessly. However, there were none that quite excited her as much as the manly, mammoth cock that was sent to her first.


It was almost the end of the calendar year. Ochako has become vastly successful on OnlyFans, rivaling the top competition which seemed unattainable considering her rocky start. In regards to the assignment given a year ago, it was clear that she would pass with flying colors. Not to mention, her wallet was packed with cash now. Wonderful times called for wonderful celebrations. In order to properly celebrate her personal success, Uraraka felt it was necessary to meet her biggest fan, her greatest supporter, and the man who possessed the greatest cock she'd ever seen.

Their date, if one could call it that, was designated at a local restaurant not too far away from U.A. Academy. This shocked Uraraka, meaning that they've they've living close the whole time. The choice of clothing that she wore was her traditional hero costume, perhaps to pay tribute to their time together.

"I'll be waiting at the table in the corner."

"Ah!~.. I can't believe it.. I'm actually going to meet him.. I have to thank him for doing so much for me!.. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be where I'm at today.. Not to mention, between his legs is…." mouthed Uraraka to herself as she quickly fixed her hair after looking the mirror, and then looking back at her ass and making sure that her pants were snug and tight around them, giving herself a playful smack as she smiled and hopped her way into the restaurant.

To put things simply, the muscular hunk, handsome face that Uraraka envisioned to match that glorious cock was nothing compared to the man awaiting her. It was an even worse experience than showing up to a blind date, and your matchmade partner being an overweight, forty year old man. The person that she'd become so close to and held such high regard for wasn't a stranger at all. In fact, things finally made sense, it always seemed like he knew her a little too well at times. The person that was sitting alone in the corner of the restaurant, awaiting his date was none other than her fellow classmate, the classroom pervert, Mineta Minoru.

"M-Mineta?!... Y-You were… No way… You're the guy that-... Oh, no, no, no… This can't be…" expressed Uraraka in total grief. The prince charming that had rescued her from the depths of OnlyFans irrelevancy was nothing close to the savant that she had in mind. Shocked to the core and embarrassed beyond belief, her face went pale and she had literally froze in place, standing several steps from their table as she couldn't move an inch, mouth dry and her voice failing to escape her, thinking back about all the things that were said between them, the sexual tension that was built, and the fact that she'd masturbated numerous times to what was supposedly his fat cock.

"Yo, Uravity~... Why the long face?..." called out Mineta, waving with a smug grin on his face. Sure, he wasn't expecting a friendly reception, but Uraraka was overreacting to the discovery.

"Y-You creep!... You faked everything, didn't you?.. And that.. That picture!... It was fake, wasn't it?!... There's no way that a tiny pervert like you could have such a-... big thing!...." accused Uraraka, pointing her finger out at him in betrayal. It wasn't like he'd done anything inherently wrong, but she felt disgusted that the man turned out to be Mineta, a person that she was never necessarily fond of, considering his reputation around U.A as that troublesome lecher, constantly peeking on girls and sexualizing them despite being way below average in terms of looks. All of that confidence he carried with him was seemingly stemming from nowhere. At least, that's what one would think.

"Woah, woah… How could you say that, Uravity?... I didn't fake anything… I helped you become a star, like I promised… Why does it matter who I am?... You wanted to thank me in person, didn't you?... It's kind of rude to treat me like this…." said Mineta, putting on a sarcastic pout as if his feelings were hurt.

"N-No… It can't be real!... That-.. That dick picture you sent me…" muttered Uraraka.

"Hey, that's really flattering that you think that was fake, but that's really my dick!... You even gave me permission to send it to you, so don't get angry with me because of it!..." stuttered Mineta.

"Liar…" whispered Uraraka, wanting to believe that none of it was true.

"Fine, I can tell that words alone won't be enough to get through to you… Sit down for a second…" he suggested, with the confused brunette begrudgingly listening, taking a seat on the desk while he lowered his voice so that nobody around them could overhear.

"I'll show you my dick… Today… In person… If I'm telling the truth, then you have to make a video with me… It's quite the offer right?... If I am lying, then I promise to keep everything a secret between us… None of this happened… All of those dirty texts you sent me, I won't show a soul… I wouldn't do such a thing anyway, but I want to make you feel like you're getting something out of this, and you're probably paranoid as hell anyway…" sighed Mineta, hoping that their friendly reunion was going to be less complicated than this.


"Whatever… Do as you wish…. You can show me that tiny dick of yours… I don't believe there's a chance in hell that-... that thing is real!... " She stubbornly agreed, Uraraka, with full confidence that Mineta was bluffing, and found that picture somewhere on the internet.

"Alright, then… After we eat some food, let's go someplace else… I'll have a room ready for us to handle our business…"

"Hurry it up!... I don't want to be seen outside with you…" complained Uraraka, still shivering from the fact that Mineta of all people turned out to be her favorite fan. They weren't even on the worst terms before this fiasco, as she generally ignored his gazes and sexual comments, but there was a level of disgust now that their online relationship had blossomed to what it had become.


Later, at a love hotel…

Mineta Minoru seemed to be enacting his ingenious plan which had scored him a chance to impress the OnlyFans superstar that he'd played a huge part in creating. Considering his laughable size in terms of height, the midget pervert needed to stand on the edge of the bed on his own two feet, staring directly towards the busty brunette in front of him who was covering her face bashfully, peeking through the cracks of her fingers as it still hadn't clocked in her mind that she'd just willingly agreed to see Mineta's penis. Her stomach felt as if it were twisting and turning, unsure if she was anticipating that behemoth erection that kept her up during several nights, or fearing the possibility it was real due to the person that was the holder.

"Are you ready, Uraraka?... Come on, come closer!... I'm about to show you your favorite cock, that's what you called it, remember?..." taunted Mineta, holding all the leverage considering he was owed a tremendous amount.

"E-Enough teasing… Just pull it out already so I can leave!.." sharply retorted Uraraka, trying to squint so that she wouldn't have to see the entirety of his member. There was no way that such a large object could be packed behind those hilariously purple grape colored pants, right?

Mineta dropped his pants and freed his junior for the world to see, his flaccid penis dangling in between his legs as Uraraka gasped loudly at the sight. It wasn't even hard, but it hung as if he possessed a third leg. It was completely disproportionate to the rest of his childish body. He lacked any significant muscle, he was the height of a dwarf, but for some inexplicable, ungodly reason, Mineta's dick was freakishly proportionate. With a cockstrucken face, Uraraka's eyes glimmered as she bit down tightly on her bottom lip in response, having trouble averting her gaze and concealing her inevitable arousal. It didn't perfectly match the pictures she'd received because of the fact that he wasn't yet erect, but based on the size alone when he was soft, it was obvious, this was the real deal.

"I-I… Ah… Oh… Shit…." exasperated Uraraka, incapable of finding the words to express herself.

It was almost like his manly tool hypnotized her, eyes clouded with lust as her mind wandered off into a faraway place. The experience was surreal, the moment where she finally laid her eyes upon that unruly cock that was the source of her innate craving for sex. The Pro Hero, Uravity, never once considered going all the way with one of her supporters, unless it was the man who this fat cock belonged to, hence the invitation as a celebration of her success, where her plans were to bed the person whom she held immense gratitude for. Now, the only favor she wanted to do for someone was to satisfy herself, putting her own selfish desires ahead which thankfully coincided with Mineta's.

"You like what you see?... Well, I already knew that… Considering all the text messages that were shared between us." boasted Mineta, feeling as if a laser was pointed towards his crotch from the piercing gaze that Uraraka was keeping. Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing off the floor as she fidgeted, sometimes attempting to glance away from feeling that her eyes were naturally drawn to his contrastingly beautiful member. The rest of his figure was unimpressive, but his cock was on a different platoon from the rest. Hundreds of penises have come across her cellular screen, but they all paled in comparison to the monstrous appendage before her.

"Gosh… It's so-... Oh my god…." muttered Uraraka, talking to herself more than anything, covering her mouth after a surprised gasp as if the most groundbreaking revelation had been made, watching as Mineta's already ginormous man meat gradually reached even greater lengths, pumping with blood from how erotic the blush on Uraraka's face had become, being exposed in front of one of the sexiest girls that happened to be his classmate. He remembered all those times he spent purposefully walking behind her, wanting to get a better look at that fat ass, popping numerous boners to her curvaceous figure that was destined to be his.

In an instant, Uraraka dropped down onto her knees. It didn't seem like anything was happening in that brain of hers, a stupefied, cockhungry look on her gorgeous face. Her mouth was literally watering in anticipation, spellbound by the most tempting cock in history. Her hands, that were used to maintain her sexual urges and keep them at a healthy bay, gravitated towards the large pouch that was his nutsack as well as the elongated shaft standing tall before her, a potent smell emanating from his private areas as the captivated whore scooted closer in his direction, wanting her grand prize.

"Not so fast, Uravity~.. You remember what we agreed to, don't you?... Grab the camera first before we do anything... You're surprised, aren't you?... You didn't think that little old Mineta would be packing this much heat?... Don't worry, I'm used to that… It's not fair that none of you girls ever give me a shot, because I know for a fact that I can please you far better than any of the other guys can!..." he grinned, standing tall as if he felt like he were Superman, but instead the only thing that was tall about him was his super cock, that defied human expectations.

Nodding her head in complete obedience, Uraraka pulled out the camera that had been the key to her success, casting her quirk's powers upon it, acting as the switch inside of her that was flipped, revealing her true colors as the persona of Uravity came to light, a horny vixen that fetishized male attention and wanted nothing more than getting impaled by a huge, fat cock. Money, power, reputation, whatever. None of that mattered in the current moment apart from Mineta's large organ, which had reached full mast and was perfectly prepared for the ensuing nighttime activities. Her horniness had become so controlling of her emotions that it never crossed her mind that Mineta was going to become the guy that was her first lover, everything else seemed irrelevant, obscure, worthless. The record button was clicked, and her mindset had been locked into work mode.

"Hello~... I'm sure you all know who I am, but in case this is your first time here, welcome!~... My name is Uravity, a pro hero…. And a pro slut too…." the words escaped her lips in a seductive manner, showing her entranced eyes to the camera as she spoke to it, floating and capturing numerous angles as if there was a real cameraman in the room with them. The latter comment made her squirm at the confession, as if it wasn't already known how much of a dirty whore she'd become along her journey in Only Fans.

"It's been a whole year now since I've started this… And to commemorate our time together, I, Uravity…. Will start filming sex tapes… The first man that will take me will be no other than my biggest fan… I hope you enjoy watching me…" she spoke, blowing a kiss to all of her supporters, before redirecting her attention to the elephant in the room. Crawling like a seductress in heat, which was exactly what she'd become, Uraraka gave her hips a teasing sway as she approached him like a cat stalking its prey, her marshmallowy ass popping out within her already tight pants, giving the fans a view of her famous rump before the camera panned towards the spectacle that everyone came to see.

"You want to suck my dick, Uravity?..." cockily grinned Mineta, crossing his arms as he comfortably sat down on the mattress, which was hardly indented from his lightweight frame, most of his pounds seemingly coming from that hefty cock of his.


"Then say it… Tell the people how badly you want to suck my dick…"

"Ooohh… I want to suck your dick so badly…. I want to taste you all over with my tongue…." purred Uraraka, sliding her tongue in circles around her lips, leaving it glossy with her own saliva.

"Who's dick do you want to suck?" commandingly asked Mineta, whose voice was growing deeper with lust, surging with confidence from being in full control over the highly coveted woman, Uravity.


"No, say it clearly."

"Mineta's!~..." she cried aloud, the camera picking up her pupils following every movement of his musky scented dick, with Mineta grabbing the base of his shaft and waving it around like a windshield, watching as she panted like a dog wagging its tail, feeling her hot breath against him due to the close proximities of their reducing distance between her soft, strawberry lips and his rough, engorged member.

"Good.. Now, I give you permission to suck it." bragged Mineta, looking right at the camera as if to say that he was on top of the world. Uraraka, or perhaps she should be called, Uravity, started her descent into the cesspool of shameless cock worshipping. Her eyes remained open and glued to his slightly stinky, and yet perfect manhood, pressing her face right up against it and inhaling the scent of his impure musk. It smelled like a man, and Uraraka was the type of woman that he deserved.

Her tongue slowly rolled out of her mouth, and her body jerked slightly when she had finally made contact with his salty, soft and yet impossibly hard skin, processing the overbearingly powerful taste that graced her taste buds. Taking long, hungry licks at the veiny underside, Uraraka's butt started shaking and twerking slightly while she demonstrated copious affection with her voracious mouth that sought to devour Mineta whole. The broad motions of her wet muscle sought to try and tame this mammoth sized, cheeky prick that was too big for its own good. The way that his enchanting member casted a shadow upon her face was helplessly arousing for the viewers to see. After eventually working her way all the way to the peak, Uraraka swirled her tongue around the precum plastered head, in long, wet circles that aimed to properly clean him of all that spunk, her spit slathering up the massive bellend as it trickled down onto the rest of his pole of meat.

The attention to the detail that went behind making love to his cock through the use of her mouth was intense, passionate, almost romantic. Loud, exaggerated lip smacking noises could be heard as her plush lips slowly trailed around the girth of his thick, struggling to accomplish even that. Uraraka marvelled at the fact that her lips couldn't properly cling around it, having never stuffed her mouth with something quite as large. The smell and taste wasn't pleasant by any means, but it certainly was intoxicating. Uraraka was acting like a woman possessed, inhaling heavily through her nostrils, face flushed with arousal, as her pussy started producing juices that soaked the fabric of her tights.

"That's it!~... Good job, Uravity… This is your first time, isn't it?... Come on, suck that dick!~... Show your fans how good of a cock slut you really are~..." taunted Mineta, reaching forward and possessively holding onto the top of her head, guiding her descent into his crotch, hanging her jaw as wide as humanly possible to accommodate for her oral cavern stretching out to welcome in Mineta's throbbing meatstick.

"Nnghh!~... Gaahhh!~.. Oohnnggghhooo!~..." the lewd noises that crept past the tight seal of her lips were impossibly erotic, leaving Mineta grunting profusely as his tiny fingers clenched the sheets underneath him. It truly seemed like his dick might have been longer than his actual legs, and Uraraka was persistently trying to swallow it whole, fuelled by her salacious desires, popping a squat and bouncing her ass up and down while forcing herself forward, refusing to retreat. All of the preparation of practicing on purchased dildoes wasn't enough for the real thing, cheeks hollowed out as she sucked on him hard like a straw, suctioning like a vacuum with slight tears watering her eyes from the intrusion of her throat. Her gentle fingers fondled his ballsack in appreciation, thanking them for existing as her goals shifted from achieving monetary success into milking this fat pouch dry of cum.

Inch after sloppy inch slipped from her clenching gullet, deepthroating his foot long member that made up a third of his size, a gooey trail of saliva coating his impressive inches as obscene noises filled the room. Uraraka thrusted her head onto his cock faster and faster, and Mineta moaned as he clutched onto the sides of her head, fucking her face as her esophagus opened up for a substance that wasn't her food.

Gggh! Sllrp! Slpk! Gghh! Mmhmm

"I can't breathe!~...." a panicked sensation washed throughout her entire being, eyes rolling to the back of their sockets as Uraraka experienced an oxygen-deprived orgasm, shuddering slightly as her clothes were soaked in cum, spit flying everywhere as well as drool dripping down her chin, face streaked with slim trails of tears as her body shook and writhed beneath him, as Mineta looked down condescendingly upon the cockstarved whore that has been fantasizing about this very moment for months.

"You're going to make me cum, Uravity!~... You sexy bitch, take me further down your throat!... I want you to take the whole thing!~..." he demanded, ordering and bossing her around as he'd always imagined.

Uraraka nodded her head frantically, staring up at his goofy looking face, increasing the momentum of the jerking motions of her head, sloppily leaving his cock shining with spit from top to bottom, letting out a deep animalistic croon that vibrated deep within the depths of her throat, preparing for a final venture down as she inhaled heavily through her nostrils, fingers gripping onto his small thighs, his hips pushing forward with his back bent to meet her mouth wrapped around him and kissing his pubic bone, nose shoved into his pubes that were thankfully cleanly shaven in preparation for tonight. The complete engulfment of his perverted dick that was devoured as if it were delicious sent him over the edge, a blissful expression on his face as if his soul had left his body and soared into heaven, the impact of his firing ropes of semen forced Uraraka off his spasming erection after consuming several loads worth down her stomach, letting out an exaggerated gasp for air as the deluge of semen continued without a hitch, hosing down her face with rope after thick, stringy rope of jizz from his erratically emptying cockhead. His testicles were bloated beyond belief, perhaps saving himself for this moment, refraining from jerking off in order to store as much dirty cum as possible.

Each differently shaped and sized worm fell atop her face in what seemed like an endless barrage, coating and covering her skin and disgusting whiteness deserving of a whore she'd become. Uraraka savoured the leftover globs landing onto her tongue as she opened her maw and tried catching whatever she could before it hit the floor, not wanting to waste the treat that his godly cock had delivered her.

"Uuuggghhh!~.. Uunnngghh!~.. Aaahhhnn!~..."

"Don't worry, I still have more!.." he announced, stroking himself off with his tiny fingers, aiming towards her ample bust after ripping apart her top, exposing her abundant cleavage that was eventually drenched and dripping with man fluids as was the rest of her body.

Uravity's face was a mess of cum by the end of it, her flushed red skin was barely visible at all beneath the viscous slop, slowly slipping off from her puffy cheeks and chin in gooey, slimy fashion. Mineta's cum held an abnormal texture, a glue-like cream that created a bridge between her tits, trailing down onto her flat belly. Her image had been completely defiled by Mineta Minoru. She wasn't close to finishing yet, either. This was only the preview, making a show out of the way that her slim fingers slowly reached up onto her covered visage, pushing some of the chunky, creamy gunk down towards her opened mouth, exuding her warm breath as she gulped the thick slop down her throat, reuniting with the rest of it that was residing within her stomach, humming slightly while now taking both hands to collect and scoop whatever else cum lingered on her body, caking her face with it while her outstretched, wet tongue slid in circles around her mouth, open palms with her joined hands serving as a plate for her meal.

"You're unsalvageable, Uravity…" commented Mineta, having never expected Uraraka to fall to this extent. Licking all of it up no matter where it landed, even going so far as to clean it off the floor if it didn't land on her thighs or stomach.


"Finally…. We're really going to do it… I'm going to be taking your pussy, Uraraka… It's all mine!~..." murmured Mineta, nearly forgetting that their intimate moment was being captured on film.

Before he proceeded, with Uraraka now joining him completely stripped naked sitting on the bed, Mineta stood on his toes to barely reach the floating camera and brought it lower towards the mattress, now set up to see Uravity's fat ass after he carefully laid her onto her back. Uraraka was far too gone mentally to always remember about the filming, enraptured by the glorious cock that was primed to enter her body. Chest heaving with her pendulous breasts lifting for a moment from her deep breaths.

"Mineta… Hurry~..." she urged, splaying her legs far apart as he positioned himself directly between her legs. Uraraka's inflamed, sopping wet quim was begging for attention, and Mineta lightly tapped his heavy, sturdy cock onto her stomach, showing her the size comparison between them, and how absurdly deep he was going to reach. It made Uraraka mewl, gushing and fangirling over his heroic member, what he lacked in terms of physical appearance and personality was all made up with his inhumane size, thickness and length.

"Say hi to the camera!... Don't forget that we have fans watching." instructed Mineta, drawing his hips back and nudging against her tight entrance, watching as her wet folds opened up and showed the velvety pinkness underneath.

"Hi everyone!~... Right now, I'm going to get fucked by a huge, massive cock!~..." panted Uraraka, mouth naturally forming to produce a beaming smile, throwing up a peace sign as a tiny man with an obscenely mammoth cock penetrated the thick, curvy adorable girl that moaned like a harlot in heat. Her gushing snatch squirted violently from the rough insertion alone, spreading and forcing her folds apart as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Mineta carefully planned every position that he wanted to cover, starting with one of his favorites, a mating press that symbolized what his body naturally wanted to do with Uraraka. There were no condoms standing in their way, that protective rubber wouldn't be able to prevent the floodgates of semen that painted her earlier from filling up her womb. However, her career as an Only Fans model might be in jeopardy if such a thing were to occur, and out of the kindness of his heart, decided it would be best to put her on the pill after the fact, saving the desire to impregnate her for a later date in their relationship.

"This girl is already smitten with me, and I haven't even shown her my full potential!.." he thought, swinging his hips all the way back without slipping out, then filling her tight, narrow insides to the brim without exercising any caution. This was too much for a relatively pure pussy to handle, leaving Uraraka screaming at the top of her lungs as her nails dug into his skin and clawed at his back, leaving a mark as her eyes drifted apart, a state of pained elation as her pelvis rolled against his. His short stature conveniently placed his face near her breasts, cupping the supple, soft mountainous flesh within his groping, tiny hands as he wore a perverted blushing grin and watched as her erect nipple bounced with the rest of her flesh clapping from the force of his hips.

He pummeled her with the battering ram that was his impressive, sizable erection that converted her into a moaning mess. Unbridled pleasure coursing throughout the furthest recesses of her body, feeling an electric shock even in her fingers that dug against his back, needing something to hold onto while her pained grimace morphed into euphoria, wrapping her womanly legs behind his knees and attaching onto him for dear life.

"Mineta!~.. Mineta!~.. Oh!~.. Oh!~.. Fuck me, it's way too big!~... Oh, Oh!~.. I can't believe this… You're actually fucking me!~..." yelled Uraraka, boisterously loud to the point where they could be heard throughout the hallways.

The dense, heavy shaft of his virile fuckmeat disappeared into the wet trenches of her clinging pussy, that was juiced up and leaking from the abuse. Engorged and red, her spine arched as inconceivable pleasure took control of her entire being, orgasms cascading through her nervous system as a foot long member wrecked her from the inside, rearranging her guts as her foot pressed against his little bum to urge him deeper. His fat, hard cockhead pummeled against her womb with every shove, and the feeling was addicting, sending jolts of shocking pleasure into her voluptuous figure, that bounced and jiggled from the force of his thrusts. He mustered every ounce of strength in that compact body he had to give her the greatest fuck possible, the wild, unrestrained slams reached a fever pitch that signaled their combined release, as Mineta groaned like an animal and grinded against her molten, velvety walls until the point of no return.

"Agghh!~.. You fucking whore!.. Who's pussy is this?!.. Whose pussy does it belong to?!.." yelled Mineta, feeling extra confident from the tune of her moans.

"Yours!~.. My pussy belongs to you, Mineta!~..." cried Uraraka, her toes curling as they mated in front of the camera.

"Then I'm gonna cum inside of it!~.. Let everyone in our class know that you're my bitch!... They'll probably use this to jerk off to later…" he snickered, latching his lips onto her sweat glistened boobs, pushing on needier against her groin.

"Cum in me, baby~.. Give me your cream!.. Shoot me up full with your baby batter!~... Ahhhnn!~.. Aaahhhhhh!~..." she screamed under the throes of an orgasm, her legs flexing and straightening as slight tears of joy watered her eyes, shuddering uncontrollably as her thighs shook like jello, an eruption of scalding hot seed entering her womb, flooding and pumping her full of his essence to the point that it was already trickling out of her tight hole without pulling out. The amount was uncharted, somehow even more potent than what he'd unleashed onto her face, breasts and body. Uravity, the depraved gravity hero, was dripping with cum from the inside, leaning on her elbows with her head tilted back, singing with her sexy womanly moans, voice briefly silent as her mouth hung open and a turbulent orgasm ravaged her senses, a delayed orgasm that came with a jut of Mineta's hips that intended to shove his spunk deeper within her vaginal cavity, suckling on the bud of her nipple hard before pressing against the bed to pull himself out of the greedily clinging and convulsing pussy that was pouring with juices, the indecent amount leaving a thick trail of creamy semen connecting from his slit and her hole, with the maximum capacity being reached within her cunt as it pushed out and oozed the remaining cum, combined with her own honey sweet juices that soiled the mattress they were laying on.

"You're an even better fuck than I imagined, Uraraka…" he spoke to her not as a fan, but a lover. None of that sappy, romantic sentiments, but in terms of being capable of bringing out the best of her body, and properly making love to it.

"Mineta~... Mineta!!~... Oohhnngghhh… You let out so muchhhh!~..." she purred, staring down at the results of the magnificent creampie, her stomach feeling full of it, swearing that she could feel his seed swimming inside of her.


Uraraka is delirious from suffering a number of orgasms of that magnitude in such a short span of time, hardly capable of thinking as Mineta flipped her over onto her front, lying on her stomach while he snapped her awake by spanking her naughty ass and making it ripple, telling her to wake up as he planted the camera into her hands.

"Point it at your face.. Make sure to show everyone what I'm about to do with this fat fucking ass of yours.. I'm sure everyone that's your fan has dreamt about doing this before…" smugly grinned Mineta, sitting on his knees while lining up his large, erect organ with her puckered hole after spreading her asscheeks with his hands, squishing the meaty rump as he ogled her naked behind and relished in its delightful softness, massaging it with his little palms and fingers that sunk deep into the flesh, all of this was slightly being captured in the back view, mostly her face being captured by the camera but her plump booty still finding its way on the screen.

"Hnnghh!~... Ooohhh, fuuucckkk!~.." she cursed aloud, capturing a high definition, close up first person view of her ahegao face, tongue hanging from her mouth from the violent moan that reverberated through the walls of the room.

Mineta stuffed her rectum with his foot long, ludicrously hung fuckrod. Still flecked with sperm from their previous session, dominating her every hole that Uraraka willingly offered to him. Her back arched perfectly and provided him with the greatest cushions to hump while he worked himself towards unloading within not one, or two, but all three of her fuckable holes as the wildly erotic, depraved faces she were making provided wonderful fap material. His fingers gripped tightly onto her meat and held the jiggling flesh apart, wanting to see how his dick travelled into her unexplored asshole, conquering her sexually without leaving a single one of her firsts available for another person to steal for themselves. Mineta was using her thick body like an onahole, and had full intentions of turning her into an obedient cockslave, a convenient masturbator for his Alpha cock.

They fell into a miasma of passion, unrelenting in their thrusts, squeals, grunts and moans that enveloped the room of this expensive, luxurious love hotel. Mineta went all out in charming Uraraka, seducing her easily with the sight alone of his colossal cock. Her lungs wailed for oxygen as so much of her energy was sapped from the anal sensation, having never imagined something so large could fit inside of her butt, cumming incessantly in front of the camera with the amount of times in which she'd achieved her climax notable based on the expressions of her face alone. The foreign pleasure left her trembling and soaked in sweat, the lens close enough to see inside of her mouth with how far it would open during her crazed moans whenever pussy would spray onto the mattress, creating even more of a mess as their combined scents filled the room. The way that her asshole could barely fit his fat cockhead was alluring, providing different sensations compared to her pussy, it was intriguing to switch between both holes.

"Uravity!~... Your big fat butt was built to get fucked like this!~... You like this, don't you?!... I can tell from how dirty your moans are!..."

"Uuhnnhuuuhhhh!~... Aaagghh!~.. Shoo much dick!~-... In my asss!~..." her voice vibrated as the mattress creaked wildly underneath them, Mineta wasn't strong by any means, but his thrusts certainly were.

He had longed for this moment for a greater proportion of time than how Uraraka dreamed of getting hammered by his cock, and as a result, his impending release came about quicker than expected. Mineta's balls contracted, as his flailing hips lost their momentum as he clutched onto her bouncy cheeks and dug his thumb against it, roaring a loud grunt as his entire lower half spasmed simultaneously with his cockshaft, unload and emptying yet another thick load, coating every inch of her insides with his fresh jizz, achieving his mission in completely taming every single one of her holes.

"I'm gonna bust a huge, fat load into your slutty ass, Uravity!~..."

"Do it!~... Fucking do it, Mineta!~... Make this big, fat juicy ass yours!~..." responded Uraraka, her terminology stemming from the type of comments she read that were used to describe her heavenly ass.

Mineta toppled onto her and hugged her from behind, panting as if he was at a loss for air, sliding his hands underneath the mattress and cupping her bountiful breasts, the camera handling shaking messily as their frantic breathing grew louder and louder, the pressure boiling up within his bloated cumvein that had reached it's physical limits, Uraraka howling in ecstasy as her rear entrance was exploded with cum, defiled and sullied with his extract, gasping as her eyes once again rolled to the back of her head, recording herself as she was inseminated within all of her holes, tongue lewdly sticking out to the camera before collapsing onto the mattress, tired out to the point of briefly losing consciousness.

"Holy shit!~... That was a lot!..." He complimented himself, pressing himself up off the mattress and carefully peeling his dick from out of her asshole, leaking all over it as his sticky gunk left her a complete mess from her lower half downwards.

The camera was currently looking at the top of Uraraka's head with her face submerged into the mattress, as Mineta grabbed onto the device and took control of the filming.

"I'm going to do you guys a favour, so check this out.. Look what I did to Uravity.." he boasted with his chest puffing out, zooming in the camera onto her ruined holes, starting with her big fat cummed on booty, before turning her around and showing off her pristine pussy that was still packed with his jizz, still seeping out of her outstretched holes.


Uraraka was dead tired, if she wanted to, she probably could have laid down and fallen asleep in an instant. Her eyes were half opened, her stamina had been nearly fully depleted. Her body was aching, sore throughout various areas including her hips, legs and stomach. Never in her life could she imagine anything feeling this good. The decision to agree on Mineta's terms, and consent to getting dicked down was the best choice of her life apart from following his tips concerning her Only Fans. There wasn't much happening in that head of hers, in a near mindbroken state with drool hanging from her chin, a noticeable limp to her step as Mineta dragged her in front of a mirror, having already placed a chair in front of it when she was distracted, recovering on the comfortable cushions of the love hotel's bed.

"And now for the finale~... We could keep going for longer, but I'm afraid little ol Uravity here seems like she could pass out any second… Looks like I have to train her better to handle my cock… I don't blame her though, I'm not sure any guy out there has got a dick like mine!..." he cheered, wanting to advertise himself in case there were any women that happened to come across this video. Mineta was capable of incredible things, sexually satisfying any woman that he so desired, that is, if they had given him the chance. He looked like a little boy, his face and height are lackluster, but he fucked like a champion. He wanted to show the world that, as well as revealing his slutty companion's excessively erotic figure.

He stood up on the chair, making up for their difference in height, as Uraraka needed to bend her knees to properly bend over, bracing herself against the wall as Mineta aligned his hulking member with her divine, claimed snatch once more. This time, however, he was the one holding the camera. Mineta started ravaging her pussy again, from behind, and recorded from his point of view. The mirror positioned in front of them showed Uraraka's disheveled appearance,ruined makeup, sweat silken strands of hair glued to her forehead, running mascara, and dripping cum pouring down her legs. Standing up alone was quite the challenge, managing that on top of Mineta's callously hammering hips was a totally different story.

"Oohhn!~.. Uungghh!~.. Aaahnn!~.. Aaahh!~... Kyaa!~..." yelped Uraraka, when Mineta used his free hand to unleash a barrage of spanking slaps onto the cushion of her elasticy juicy ass. He wanted to provide the real time experience of what hitting Uravity from behind really felt like, so he ensured to properly check out and fondle her booty meat so everyone understood what he was working with. It was so fat and thick, soft and squishy, rippling wildly from the impact of his colliding hips that was met with a slamming movement of her own as she tried desperately to keep up with his onslaught. He obsessively held onto her hip, while keeping the camera titled down towards the wobbling, jiggly bubble butt that captured the Only Fans world.

"Why don't you take a selfie for the video ad, you massive whore!..." yelled Mineta, swinging his arm all the way back, and crashing it upwards against her sweat clad flesh, noticing the sheen of sweat coating her back as her pendulous heavy breasts swayed from side to side, completely visible from the mirror as he continuously, brutally spanked her cheeks and left them reddening from the abuse, marking it as his territory as any dominant man would. He knew he could get away with anything, that's how much Uraraka loved his cock.

"Yesh, daddyyy!~..." screamed Uraraka, perhaps picking up that type of vocabulary from watching boatloads of porn and imagining that she had swapped positions with the woman getting railed, his ball sack swinging and slapping against her creamy white ass. Striking the most absurd face he'd seen, a complete mess with her shaky trembling lips cracking a lewd smile , the aftermath of being relentlessly pummeled by potentially the greatest cock on earth, carried by the worst possible holder.

Moments later her beaten, engorged pussy gave out, gushing like a fountain that was conveniently captured on film. Mineta increased the blistering speeds of his thrusts and let her huge booty freely ripple and bounce from the collision of his hips, with Uraraka squeezing out whatever strength was left behind to push back against him, her wailing moans turning feverish as her legs fell limp the instant the shockwaves of her cascading, noisy orgasm finished travelling through her entire being, dropping onto the floor as her mind was left in an empty headed state. It was only a matter of time until the unhealthy number of ejaculations caught up to her, literally passing out as a result.

"Hey, that's a bit rude, isn't it?.. I haven't even finished cumming yet." spoke Minete, barely capable of holding onto his own thick appendage, aiming it directly at her ass that was still sticking up high in the air, despite her face resting on the ground. He jerked his slippery, slickened length without wasting a single stroke of motion, grunting like a madman when he let out the final spurt of seed of the night, throwing his hips upwards as he showered the cockstruck, defeated woman underneath him with his virile, gooey white slop that travelled from his piss slit as if he were peeing on her.

It took him a near minute to complete his unnaturally copious cum shooting session, leaving her milky ass completely covered and dripping with his bodily fluids, landing all over her back, hair, legs and arms as she was relishing in a sex induced slumber.

"Well, looks like that's everything, folks!.. I'm sure this won't be the last video you watch of us, so stay tuned!... God damn, Uravity is packing ass!.."

He clicked the red button to stop recording, and made sure to snap a final picture of the marvelling sight for personal usage, and to post on her page.

"What a fucking video!... I'm gonna fap to this whenever I'm not balls deep into her guts!.."


After calming down for a couple minutes, Mineta scurried around the room and grabbed her phone, accessing her Only Fans account and linking the phone to her professional camera, posting and uploading both the pictures that served as promotional material for the video. Immediately, he saw the interactions blow up as a result, a flood of questions and comments rolling in. It almost crashed the app itself, but he didn't have time to respond in Uraraka's stead, scrolling past and achieving his second task of the night.

"Should I make more videos like this as I pursue my career as a hero?.." was the question he typed, submitting a poll and waiting a couple seconds to see the results, a resounding yes was the feedback, as there was a storm of hype taking over her profile to watch the video, people on social media begging fake accounts to leak it, even though the content hadn't even been uploaded yet.

Finally, he located the profiles of Midnight and Mt.Lady, sending them private messages under Uravity's name and asking for a collaboration. Mineta was basking in the afterglory of his first success, and he wasn't satisfied just yet.

Next chapter