
Chapter 3: Baby Monkey's

On another side of the UA high school, there room of the principal of this school, inside, was the principal himself obviously.

A small and white body, a mouse, a very intelligent one.

On the couch was sitting someone, a hero which wasn't really well known. He was looking trough documents of students he was gonna be a teacher of, but one of the students caught his attention.

"This is the number one examinee, highest score in both written and practical test, his quirk is..." The description made his eye widen a bit, "Is this information accurate?" Aizawa asked as he turned to look at principal Nezu.

"It is, I made sure." He said while drinking a cup of tea, meanwhile Aizawa was reading the documents.

"His quirk is really powerful, no wonder he has gotten the first place in entrance exam." he said while scratching his chin, Nezu smiled, "His potential is technically endless. Based on my predictions, he should be able to surpass most pro heroes before this school year ends." Nezu said with confidence as he held a smile on his face.

"Well, if you're okay with it I don't have any problem either, tough if anything happens I will not take responsibility." Aizawa said as he returned started returning the documents to their respective files.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be alright. Also go easy on him, he has awakened his quirk only a few months ago." Nezu said.

The documents of the said student was sitting on the table,

Name: Ryu

Surname: Shinrinmoto

Quirk: Mischievous Reversal

Description: Allows user to copy quirk of anyone they touch permanently, but the effect of the quirks copied are reversed. No hard limit known.

Aizawa walked his way to the class and the first thought upon seeing them was, 'A bunch of baby monkey's, although...' he glanced at the boy that had gotten his attention, 'It seems his score isn't high for nothing.'

He brought made them wear their gym clothes and then brought them to training ground to test them.

He tested them and made sure none of the think that they're in a playground, this was a war to become heroes, a spot where thousands upon thousands craved for it and only a handful could have, and said that the person who gets the place will be expelled.

A certain green haired kid and a certain blonde haired kid caused some trouble but it was resolved quickly.

Ryu unsurprisingly took the first place in a couple of the tests and 2nd in other's.

'A quirk that allows him to control friction and another which makes his attack more powerful the more time passes, he used the same quirks he used in the entrance exam, so my assumption is that he only has these two quirks copied, still, he is strong even with just two quirks in his arsenal, add some more and he will surpass even the top heroes.'

Aizawa glanced at him while he was talking to a couple of his classmates.

'He has already made friends huh, at least he isn't a trouble maker and can pull his own weight, plus he is smart and knows what's going on unlike most of them.'

After the tests ended, he showed them the results, Ryu was 1st after recording some amazing scores in the tests, gaining him a lot of attention from his classmates once again.

Aizawa looked at the green haired boy that had caused trouble a bit ago.

'I planned to expell him, but seeing him adapt so quickly, there might be a small chance for him to actually succeed.'

He told the that he lied about expelling them to make them go all out, then after giving them a quick reminder about picking up the documents about curriculum, Aizawa ended the class.

While he was going back to rest, he came to face with All Might who had been wathcing everything.

All Might knew Aizawa wanted to actually expell Midoriya, but he changed his decision.

"That boy Midoriya, you sensed his potential as well right?" All Might said with confidence.

"As well? He doesn't have no chance, that's all I can say, because if he had no prospects, I would've cut him loose. There is nothing cureler than letting someone chase their half baked dreams." Aizawa replied to All Might.

"Right... let's agree to disagree." All Might said.

"On the other hand, have you seen that student? Ryu Shinrinmoto, the one that broke your record in entrance exam." Aizawa said while he looked at All Might.

"Yes, I have, and you're not wrong, he is definitely exceptional."

"I will go get a sleep then, see you later." Aizawa said as he walked off.

Several days ago at office of principal Nezu, All Might was here because Nezu had told him he had found something that he might be interested in knowing about.

While All Might was reading the documents, his eyes went wide and he turned to look at Nezu, "Nezu, is this information accurate?" he quickly said to Nezu.

"It is, I have made sure, and no, it's not what you think it is, I did a background check on him, he is clear, and is an actual late bloomer." he said to relieve his concern was clearly relieved hearing those words, "But, this is still a powerful quirk, I can't believe such a quirk would appear just like this." he said while he was still in shock.

"I couldn't believe it either when I saw it, the probability of such a quirk appearing is extremely low, but it's here, a quirk that can rival All for One and One for All in terms of power." Nezu said as he sat in front of him, "I believe he can be an excellent hero." Nezu said with a confidence that surprised

"You're that sure of him?" All Might asked.

"I am, at least based on his background, he is someone who I believe won't get led astray easily, he is a smart kid Yagi, and not just school smart. I believe he could be the hope of the next generation of heroes." he said with a smile which made All Might, no, Yagi feel reassured, this was Nezu speaking afterall.

"Well, you're the one super intelligent one here, if you're sure about him, there shouldn't be any problem." Yagi said as he put the documents back in the file.

"Well then, would you like a bit more of the tea?" Nezu asked.

"Sure, also is this me being tired or the tea is more delicious than the last time?" Yagi asked while he waited for Nezu to pour more tea.

"It's a souvenir that I received from an acquaintance, I was surprised myself by how good it was." Nezu said with a wide smile as he showed a wooden box which the tea was kept in, what caught attention of Yagi about the box was the fox logo craved in the front, a nine tailed fox.

This is my first time publishing a Fan fiction, please share you opinions so I can improve on them.

RavenSwordmancreators' thoughts
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