
MHA: Logan

A 20 something year old shut-in dies while watching Logan. What cruel destiny does fate have in store for him? TLDR; Man dies then wakes up with powers of wolverine. =•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•= **WARNING THIS FANFIC HAS ALREADY BEEN DROPPED CHAPTERS** As I stated before, after working on this fanfic for a while I realized that the powers of wolverine are fairly boring in the world of MHA, as such this FanFic has been scrapped. (I felt it was a waste for all my work to go to waste so I decided to upload this anyway) Enjoy 5 chapters/week while I work on my other Fic! ————————————————— I do not own any of the MHA/Marvel franchise characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All MHA/Marvel characters and original storyline belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Martin Goodman/Stan lee respectively. I do not own the cover artwork used on this FanFic either.

TheBaldWizard · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Practical Exam (In the Beninging) || 1.5k Words

The battle center's gates opened with a loud clang, sending a wave of adrenaline through Logan's veins.

He dashed out of the entrance and leaped onto a nearby building, his feet barely touching the roof. Not wasting a single second, he scanned the area around him for villains, his eyes sharp and alert.

He quickly spotted a group of five robots: three worth one point, and the others worth two and three points respectively.

They were the standard models for this competition, designed to challenge the contestants' skills and speed. But Logan was not an ordinary contestant. He was still wearing the "present" that General Steele had given him, a suit that made everything much harder to do.

It was supposed to slow him down, restrict his movements, and limit his senses. But Logan didn't care.

He had trained for this moment for years, and he was not going to let anything stop him from dominating this competition.

With a giant leap, Logan unsheathed his claws as his body propelled itself onto the 3-pointer, a tank-like robot that could shoot missiles from its back. The robot sensed his presence and tried to turn around, but it was too late.

Logan landed on its metal body with a loud CLANG, digging his claws into its armor. He ripped open its back panel and tore out its wires and circuits, disabling its missile launcher. The robot shuddered and collapsed, unable to retaliate.

A huge robot in the shape of a scorpion suddenly appeared in front of Logan, swinging its tail at him. 'A two-pointer.' Logan thought, dodging the attack with ease. He smirked as he saw the fear in the robot's red eyes.


The robot could only watch in horror as its tail was detached from its body by Logan's claws. I

It tried to back away, but Logan was faster. He plunged his claws into its face, hitting its eyes and mouth. The robot screamed and exploded, sending sparks flying.

Slicing the two pointer in half, Logan rushed at the closest one-pointer to him.

All three of them began shooting rubber bullets at him, but to his trained eyes they were nothing but dodgeballs that he could easily shake off.

Nothing worth dodging.

He ran towards them with a roar, his claws ready to strike. The robots panicked and fired faster, hoping to slow him down or hit a vital spot. But Logan was too agile and too experienced. He knew how to avoid their shots and how to exploit their weaknesses.

Quickly slicing the first one-pointer's head off, Logan turned his attention to the other two one-pointers who had resorted to rushing at him, both cocking their arms back at the same time as they got ready to attack him.

A mistake.

Logan jumped over both their arms, grabbing their heads as he smashed both of them together with a loud CRACK.

Total points: 8

Time left: 9 minutes 43 seconds

>> 2 Minutes Later <<

Landing on the ground, Logan scanned the horizon for more villains.

He had just finished dealing with a couple 3 pointers, picking them off alone was so simple he'd resorted to sheathing his claws just to make things a bit more difficult.

He saw a large building that looked like it had some activity inside.

He decided to check it out.

Logan jumped off the rooftop and landed on the side of the building, digging his claws into the concrete. He climbed up to a window and smashed it with his fist, sending shards of glass flying.

He entered the building and found himself in a large hall filled with hundreds of red dots which all turned to him simultaneously.

"Looks like I hit the jackpot," Logan grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

He charged at the nearest robot, a two-pointer that had already shot its tail at him. "

AH!?!? So you are approaching me?" The robot said in a robotic voice, trying to sound menacing.

"I'm here to kick your ass." Logan said with a smirk.

Missiles and bullets had already begun launching themselves at Logan as he grabbed the two pointer's tail, quickly spinning it around. Logan used the two-pointer's body to block all the missiles which had been shot at him by other robots, before launching it at a small group of one pointers.

The force behind his throw destroyed it and the one pointers in the process. Taking a moment to calculate his next move, Logan's mouth formed into a grin as he stared at the dozens of missiles that had been shot at him.

He could feel his heart beat speeding up as he formulated a plan.


This was fun!

Lunging at the missiles in front of him, Logan's body twisted and turned as he grabbed two missiles from the air.

"Too slow."

Spinning his body, Logan released the missiles at just the right angle for them to land on two one pointers, each on opposite sides of the room.

He laughed maniacally as he landed on the ground, watching the robots explode in flames. "COME ON YOU BIG HUNKS OF METAL! I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!" He shouted, challenging the remaining robots to come at him. He was ready for anything. He was unstoppable. He was the best.

|| Teacher's Conference rooms ||

Hundreds of computer screens were mounted to the wall, displaying the live feed of the entrance exam. The teachers and staff of UA High School were watching the hundreds of examinees with keen interest. This was the first batch of students and things were already looking interesting.

"It looks like you'll have no need to expel anyone this year, Eraser Head!" Principal Nezu chuckled as he attentively watched the hundreds of screens in front of him, not missing a single detail. He was a small, furry animal with a high IQ and a cheerful personality. He was also the headmaster of the prestigious hero school.

Eraser Head could only sigh, rubbing his tired eyes. He was a tall, thin man with messy black hair and a scarf that he used as a weapon. He was also a pro hero and a teacher at UA. He had to admit the students did look promising, but to him they were nothing but trouble.

'Especially those two.'

Eraser Head's eyes wandered to two monitors sitting closely next to each other. Logan Howlett and Katsuki Bakugo.

Both had managed to amass over 30 points before even half the time was up. At this rate, the only thing slowing them down would be the speed at which they could find their next opponent.

Eraser Head watched as Bakugo used his explosions to fly through the air, blasting away any robot that came near him. He was a blond boy with spiky hair and red eyes. He had a fierce and arrogant personality, and a powerful quirk that allowed him to create explosions from his sweat.

Eraser Head then looked at Logan's screen, where he saw him jumping at the dozens of missiles heading straight at him. He was a muscular boy with black hair and green eyes. He had a confident and adventurous personality, and a mysterious quirk that gave him claws and enhanced senses.


'Jumping at missiles?'

"NEZU! Tell Recovery Girl to head towards Examinee 2677 ASAP!" Eraser Head jumped up from his seat, alarmed by what he saw. While the missiles weren't necessarily deadly, they would still hurt, and who knew what getting hit by a dozen of them would do to a student.

"Calm down, Eraser Head." Nezu could only smile at Eraser Head's reaction. He would have had the same one if not for knowing what Logan was capable of. "He has everything under control."

"What do you mean he has everything under control?!?! There are five three-pointers in that room alo-" Eraser Head was cut off as he watched the giant screen in front of him in awe.

The screen showed Logan, skillfully jumping through the air as he dodged missiles and simultaneously grabbed two of them from the air. Spining his body as he released them at two one-pointers situated on opposite sides of the room, causing them to explode in flames.

He then landed on the ground and charged at the remaining robots, smashing them with his fists and throwing them around like ragdolls.

Even All Might watched in awe as Logan ripped through the dozens of robots in front of him without breaking a sweat.

"Who exactly is this kid?" All Might wondered aloud.

























While editing this chapter I realized I wasn't really... feeling the fight scenes if you know what i mean.

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