
Investigator & Iceland


The ride back home was filled with silence as none of us wanted to initiate any sort of coversation.

The roads were hectic filled with heroes and police cars heading towards the Still burning fire.

But my attention was somewhere else.

I could feel the lingering feelings from when i held his face , the feeling of absolute control.

At that time ,I felt his consciousness and i crushed it like an ant but it wasn't the only thing i could do , the moment i touched him he ceased to be himself altogether, his body, mind, quirk soul everything.

Everything was under my control and when i took his quirk it wasn't just a simple DNA transfer no His consciousness and his entire soul was crushed and refined into its essence which subsequently became part of the endless swamp of [Pyro Sovereignty].

I could order his body to be a distant puppet , i could control every single cell that contained his DNA ,his thoughta his blood line , I could even see his ancestry, the inherited genetic code that contained instructions and evolutions that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

The control itself stirred feelings i would never have as a normal person, it felt exhilarating absolutely exhilarating, the disgusting smile on my face at that time would probabaly give anyone nightmares.

I am sure it was my own quirk influencing me but deep down a part of me knows that it wasn't just that , it was also me.

The me i push down under a facade of seriousness and rationality and i was scared that it might come out.

======>< [Scene break] ><======< strong>

[[Pov: Ryoshi Tachi

{Special Investigator}]]

Probabaly everyone in tokyo knows about the giant fire that erupted here two hours ago.

' The police has done a good job in barricading the scene before barging in and destroying any fragile evidence. '

' Thankfully i got here fast enough, using my quirk [ Spectrometer] i can trace considerable amount of Iron formation scattered around along with sodium aluminate and aluminium oxide , a

tell-tale sign of a thermite reaction. '

' Fe2O3 + 2 Na2O2 + 6 Al → 2 Fe + 4 NaAlO2 + 3 Al2O3 '

' The reactants required to jumpstart this reaction are not very easy to track , aluminium dust is fairly easy to aquire the only thing which can lead to potential leads is Sodium Peroxide , the process to make it is highly exothermic and requires precise machines and controlled lab environment to make.'

' There are fairly low amount of commercial outlets that sell this in bulk , but the perpetrator could just buy small amounts overtime , the time frame of planning could be from anywhere between a week to ten years for all we know. '

'There are no targeted casualties in this incident, Yakuza had no involvement since the property was a normal one which was seized by the Mitsubishi Financial Group as debt repayment.'

' Perhaps someone is targetting the Mitsubishi group? '

'But the question was who could it be.'

' This are has no functioning cameras , way to go for incompetency' i grumbled inside remebering the reason of dread of any Investigator

With the thoughts swirling in my mind i walked to the probable origin of this whole fire.

' The floor of this warehouse had a reinforcement of steel mixed with Titanium.'

'Titanium reacts violently when subjected to intense instant change in temprature but due to low conductivity it breaks part as the hot layer expands rapidly while the cold one's don't budge.'

'Judging from the way concrete exploded and melted around the epicentre of this hole.'

'Whatever was used reached intense tempratures within seconds and also contained considerable amounts gases since ammonia and other gaseous products are present here like a splash of paint.'

'More in one direction than others.'

' Possibly angled detonation'

The structure of the warehouse is roughly intact due to the thermally insulated pillars the only two remaining possibility of detonation is planned remote detonation or arial attack in an angled direction.

' Probabaly between 45° to 60°'

' Remote detonation is also highly unlikely considering the contentsof the detonator. '

' It contained gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen , Helium , the only way to rapidly gain such tempratures from them is to either use large amounts of energy to explode it. '

' Which again is not possible considering the nature of the pinpoint and small are of effect of initial charge. '

' Another possibility is to build an Inertial Confinement Fusion reactor which are quite large and too costly to waste so that is impossible. '

Crounching down and looking in the direction of the probabale arial attack , the still dark sky was slowly getting brighter.

I shook my head lamenting at missing yet another family night due to my work.

'This job will also last a lot longer'

Sighing a little at my woes , i started formulating the possible ways an Arial attack could be performed to trigger a pinpoint reaction like that.

'Its obviously a quirk , someone who can manipulate gases ? But it would require enourmous heat concentrated at the gas'

' Maybe someone who can control heat too ? Helping in hiding the trails further but who is the main question'

' Well thats not my problem to think about i will just give the police parameters to look for in the database'

' Now the only remaining question is Why?'

'The warehouse was a non performing asset of Mitsubishi if someone wished to target the group a different property should have been a better tatget'

'Some cultish villain group , giving some threats?'

'Unlikely , such groups always declare themselves resonsible to attaract members '

'The whole thing was just a giant fucking show'

'A show , a show , a show ! '

My eyes widened as i realised the truth of the situation

"Deputy call the station to alert police everywhere in tokyo , this is just a distraction" i yelled out feeling a sense of dread of what could possibly someone be targetting to needbsuch a large smokescreen?

' Well at the moment the only thing i can do is wait and watch which place would be hit and go on from there '

======>< [Scene break] ><======< strong>

[[ Pov : Narration]]

As Ryoshi, the astute investigator, pieced together the puzzle, a grimacing realization settled over him.

The revelation that his efforts to identify the nature of the explosion were part of a larger scheme dawned on him.

The significance of Pyrich's death remained minimized , In the eyes of both the police force and the media, it became little more than a trivial occurrence.

This reaction was exactly the part of Takahashi's simple plan, the disappearance of a hero become insignificant in the wake of the threat of larger attacks.

In a frenzy tokyo police aided by the heroes turned every corner looking for some clues but the results were inconclusive.

Because the wild goose chase was exactly what the perpetrator hoped for.

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[[Pov : Takahashi]]

' It has been a week since i took The quirk[Pyro-Maniac], my growth in muscles plateaud in the past week and over all the only thing i did was upgrade my durability by overusing my quirk.'

Which damages my skin nerves and some muscles forcing my body to heal and become better.

I also found out a litlle more about the tools available to me , not that it helped in increasing my power, but i can trace back the physiological ancestry of any person's quirk i take meaning i can change my physical potential by modifying my own genetic code with respect to the people in a particular ancestry.

Although the range is not that far in the past and the older a genetic instruction is the vauger it becomes.

But it did help my aesthetic physique , adaptability and metabolism.

Despite being immortal all my bodily functions do their work just fine and aren't frozen , in fact they affect me in multiple ways that are completely harmless and do not lead to death in some way.

Like my muscles grow back by consuming the fat present in my bady as fuel but even if i reach zero fat i won't get affected adversely in any way.

Its weird but , hey screw biology when its not in relevance.

After the week long search of police ended in no results i became somewhat confident in the fact that i had succesfully hidden the true crime which can adirectly be connected to me.

The attack on Pyrich was labeled as a random villain attack and a search warrant was put on the red suit guy but alas the suit is now purple and of a different design.

I can't do this everytime i make some moves like that , only two to three more quirks till its enough to more than handle 99% of the verse except all might and all for one.

But i don't have to fear them, in about one year they will self nerf themselves and then i would have somewhere between 10 to 11 years before the canon even begins.

Considering the recent trends , if the birth rate remains constant at 18.5 births per 1,000 people per year, there would be approximately 1.42 billion births over eleven years.

However after the birth rates climbed up during the quirk advent there has been gradual decline over the years with an average decline of 9.8% in the last decade.

If in the next decade i consider that the annual birth rate declines at about 17% annually the total number of births over eleven years starting with a population of 7 billion is approximately 945,706,905.0

If i consider the possibility of a child being quirkless being 20% then the remaining possible children with quirks are about 756,565,524.

Considering the chance of having any type of fire quirk being one in a million we have about 756 potential quirks with varying abilities.

Thats not how probability works but its a good enough approximation considering that weak fire types aren't that common and birth rates are affected by a multitude of factors.

Fortunately i don't need the source quirk to be strong i just need for it to be different than the one's before and even if its not different i am still taking as much as i can since i really want to test the ancestral line theory which has been in my head for some time now.

Ignoring the blabbering in my mind and considering the fact that Big Might and Generic Isekai quirk Collector will probabaly have a showdown in the next year i have decided to move to Iceland with mom.

It took me zero convincing to do since she already put in the resignation letters at the work and was looking for a new country to move to.

Japan may have been a safe country in 21st century but shit has been real uncool since quirks emerged.

My recent kidnapping only aided her decision to move to another safer country.

I only suggested iceland because there is a family that lives there which interests me a lot.

The eldursson family ,Its a family of heroes, the only active hero from it has the ability to produce lava from his arms its called [Eldgjós] which means Lava glow.

But its not this quirk which interest me, its the quirk of his parents which interests me.

His mother Helga Eldursson also called Eldvörður as her hero alias , has the quirl called [FlareNova ] which grants her the ability to transfer solar energy into fire in a way that allows her to elementalize makes her a skeleton, she is a literal walking Ghost rider without the hell powers and a budget escanor.

The Eldursson family is a family that has produced heroes for three generations now and all relevant members are fire quirk users.

Helga worked as a hero for five years before suddenly retiring at a young age but considering the influence heros and powerful hero families can weild its no surprise she was pulled into a quirk marriage because of her quirk's potential and potency.

Plus who would want to work when they have billions to spend while the only work you have to do is raise a child strong enough and take a few backshots.

Her husband is nothing impressive and useful to me , he has some kind of rock manipultion that i didn't bother to research about since he was gonna die soon anyway , his parents probabaly wanted to create a strong lava type quirk by combining their quirks [Metallurgy] and [Fire Bands].

Alas all it created was a disappointment who was forced to retire after 6 months , probabaly by his family, even though his quirk is actually kinda strong.

The entire family is a treasure waited to be reaped and their wealth is just an added bonus.

Just thinking about it morphs my face into a grin that joker would be proud of.

I was brought out of my evil monolouge by the shout of my mother

"Takahashi come down and help me pack" she sounded frustrated , but who wouldn't be ?

Packing for a whose change is so not cool.

======><[Chapter End]><======< strong>

#2181 words

Planned to do 3000 but the story is designed in packets of time skips so it really won't be doable until large arcs come in action.

Anyway i have about 116 avid readers right now so i can safely conduct a poll for the Mc's appearance


Changed up monolouges a bit to be less complicated, at least for the Mc.

Charachters like the investigator have different thought process so the monolouge style would be different in some ways.

All suggestions are welcome and do comment please 🙏 it reassures me about wether i am doing good or not.

Stones.... ?

Next chapter