
The Talk

At the Todoroki's house we can see that Shoto, Natsuo and Touya sitting around Fuyumi looking at her intently. Fuyumi was not even looking at them she would turn her head everytime they were about to make an eye contact.

A couple of more seconds later Touya spoke "So you were having a relationship with my first friend... "

"My best friend at school." Shoto continued.

"The kid who turned Touya-nii from being a training maniac." Natsuo also chimed in like this since he doesn't personally know Haruto.

Fuyumu who heard this just nodded her head.

"He said that you two have been in a relationship from your last year of high school. That means he was in middle school." Touya stopped by saying that and looked at Fuyumi with more intensity than before and asked "Fuyumi, you've to truthful about what I'm about to ask."

Taking a deep breath he asked her "Are you a shota-con?"

Fuyumi froze in her seat when she heard that and turned her towards Touya with some tears in her eye's.

"Ptfffffaa hahah hahaha ha ha" Suddenly all three of the siblings started to laugh after seeing her face like that. Seeing this Fuyumi pouted and turned away from her brothers, because of their teasing.

A couple of seconds of laughing later, Natsuo asked a serious question.

"You know, from what I during the sports festival I thought he will put up some fight with father. But he just dodged his punches and tried to restrain father using his shadow. And most importantly, how many quirk does this guy have?"

"Two actually." A fifth voice was heard from the corner of the room. When the siblings looked at the source they saw Haruto sitting straight by supporting himself on the wall with his back.


"Yep. Angel physique and darkness."

"So that strength and speed you showed in the sports festival was only part of it?"

"In a way, yeah that just sums it up."

A second of silence later Haruto asked "How long was I out?"

"You were out cold for about twelve hours man." Touya said. Hearing this Haruto had a panicked face but after hearing what Fuyumi said he calmed down. "I called your mother and told her you were staying over." Fuyumi said.

"And she agreed to that?"


*Knock* *knock*

"Alright kid's leave him alone for some time. You father wants to speak with him for a moment." Rei told her kids from the other side of the door.

Hearing that Touya stood up and looked at Haruto and said "Good luck you need it."

Natsuo also went out wishing luck, Fuyumi just gave me thumbs up and went out.

Shoto was the remaining one looking at me Shoto asked "Is this your backlash after using that move?"

"You figured it huh. Well yeah it's the backlash of that technique."

"For how long?"

"It's one and half days. I can only use 5% to 10% of my power while I'm in this time period."

"Well. I just hope that you don't say that to dad. Or he'll make you fight with again today." Saying that he also went out

"Got that."

A couple of minutes later Endeavor and Rei came in and sat down on the floor and looked at me for some time. I didn't shy away from his looks and looked back at him. Then he started to speak "Well, you got guts, I'll say that. But why didn't you use the strength that you showed in the sports festival?"

"Do you want the truth or half truth?"

"The whole truth."

"Okay, so it's like this. I can enhance my strength with the darkness, but I can only use it for almost five to six hour's, and I can't do that move again for ten days."

"So that's why you didn't use that kind of strength huh?"


"Mmmhmmmm. Then on to the next matter." When he said that the heat in the room started to increase little by little.

Rei started slowly bringing down the temperature to the normal level with her ice powers.

"Are you serious about my daughter?" Endeavor asked me.


"You do know that you're underage right?"


"And you know for dating my daughter you need my permission right?"


"Mmmmmm. I will allow it." Just as he said that "Yayi" was heard from outside.

"But, you won't be going out on dates. Either you come to our home or she goes to your home when at least one parent is present. If you're not okay with it you can leave now."

"I'm alright with that."

"And one more thing." He called me forward so I leaned in and Endeavor leaned in and said in a whisper in my ear "Don't do anything to her until you are 18, got that? If you disobey what I've said right now, you'll have nice little chat with prominance burn." After saying that he sat back where he was sitting and I leaned back to my original position. And he said "Don't do anything that will hurt her. If you do you will know the full might of the Todoroki family."

"He's right about that." Rei also said that and suddenly half of the room was in high temperature and the other half was in lowest temperature as possible seeing this I said with confident "I won't make her hurt in any way. You don't have to worry."

After hearing my reply they nodded and the temperature returned to normal and after a small talk about family they left the room.

As soon as they left l, Fuyumi entered the room and came near me and hugged me tightly.


After eating breakfast I left the Todoroki house. It didn't take me that much time to reach home thanks to Fuyumi dropping me in her car. Since she can now go out with me without any rejection from her father and brother.

Before going out I looked at her for a second. Seeing me just sitting in the seat without getting out she asked in confusion "What? Did you forget something?"

Instead of saying anything to her, I just leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips and said "Not anymore." After saying that I got out of the car and went to my house after giving her a goodbye.

Inside the car Fuyumi just sat there in her position repeatedly thinking 'He kissed me! He kissed me!' and drove back to her home with a silly smile on her face.

As soon as I walked in I was met with my sister flying in front of me with fire in her hands. 'Ah.. so the serum activated huh'. Thinking that I spoke to her "Have you seen my sister, miss angel? She's about this height, have big round eye's and a cute face."

"Brother." Saying that she flew straight towards me with fire in her hands, so as soon as she reached me I hugged her and said "You got your quirk?"

"Yep. I have wings like brother and I can make fire." She said that with a cute smile and put her head in the crook of my neck.

Seeing us mom spoke "She got the same as you in the physique and instead of darkness she's a pyro."

"Thanks mom." I smiled at her after saying that.




-----------Chapter 42 End----------

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