
First Day

After hearing the message from Mandalya I went ahead in a moderate speed. When I reched the halfway point I descended and created some shadow birds. Looking at them I said "Fly around in the forest for the coming days, and if there's anyone othere than my classmates and the pro heroes in there come find me. Got it?"

They nodded at me and flee in different directions of the forest. Seeing them go I sighed and thought 'I've already set some shadow birds that can communicate me in emergency with Hana, mom, dad and Fuyumi.'

After that I just flew to the place were the camp will be. Reaching there I couldn't find Aizawa or the Pussycats there, so I went and sat down at the table that was outside.

Half and hour later Aizawa came with Mandalay and Kota in a car. Looking at me Kota said "You say you're a hero and here you are just sitting there looking at the sky while the rest of the idiots ture themselves out." Saying that he stormed into the building.

After he left Mandalay said "Sorry, he's not good with heroes."

"I'm alright with it."

"Thank you." Saying that she also went inside, mostly to tell Kota something.

Looking at me Aizawa said "I believe that you've done what I thought you at the internship?"

"Yes I did. Sent the birds in different directions, all of them are fast. So, if there's any intruder in the premises, we'll know."

"Good." Saying that he started to move into the building and said "If there is intruders, I believe that you inform us and not take action yourself. Right?"

"Yes sir." Nodding at that he went inside leaving me outside.

Sighing I went to the bus and took my luggage and went inside and asked Mandalay, where our room will be. She showed me where the boys will be staying so I settled my luggage there and went back to get the luggage of other's.

After all that was done I went to the hot springs, and I was the sole one inside it. After washing myself I got into the hot springs and relaxed. While doing that I thought 'I did told Momo about going ahead of them. What would be their reaction when they realise that I reached here within the three hour mark Mandalay set, when they reach here in the evening.'


Half hour before in the forest where the U.A students are fighting against the earth beasts Momo suddenly said "Guys, our eyes in the air has gone ahead of us!"

Hearing this all of them stopped what they were doing and shouted "" What??? What do you mean by gine ahead?? ""

"He said that he'll reach the camp first and on the way he'll destroy some of the beasts." Momo clarified.

"That shitty feathered bastard! I'm gonna kill him!" Bakugo said.

As soo as he said that an earth beast came down from the sky, which was sliced into pieces. When everyone saw that, there was a total silence. Right then another earth beast came down in the same state of the other one.

Looking at it Denki said "You know what if he's doing this up in the sky while going ahead I'm all for it."

"Yeah" The rest said.

Looking at them Fumikage who's been silent said "If we don't want to be left behind, we should pick up our pace and reach the camp before noon."

"He's right, let's do this Class 1A!! " Iida shouted at the rest.

"Yes!!!" The rest of them agreed to it and started to move in coordination to defeat the beasts in the forest.

Shoto will freeze the beast, Bakugo, Iida and Midoriya will finish it off as a team.

Fumikage, Sato, Kirishima and Denki will attack another one.

Mezo and Jiro would relay how many more bests are coming and in which direction.

Mina, Hagakure, Ochako, Tsuyu and Momo as a team supported the rest with their own attacks.

Seeing all this Pixie-Bob aaid to herself "So they can fight together if there's a goal to achieve huh? Good to know."

After beating the beasts in the forest they finally reached the camp after 3pm. Seeing them coming out of the forest one by one Mandalay said "Looks like you're late."

"That... forest.... can.... not..... be... cleared in.... three.... hour's." Ochako said while taking breathing break after every word.

Looking at them Mandalay said "True, what I meant my three hours is for us. But, you exceeded my expectations by coming way earlier than I thought."

"Anyway, kid's. Go inside and take a bath. After that food will be served. The training will start tomorrow." Aizawa told them.

Hearing the words rest, food and bath, everyone had star's in their eye's.

As Aizawa was about to enter he saw that the students were going to the bus, so he stopped and asked them "Where are you going?"

"To take the luggage sir." Iida said.

"Haruto took everything inside and placed it inside your rooms, so get in to the building." Aizawa said.

"" Yes Sir. "" The students replied in unison.

Looking at them Haruto thought 'So things are changing huh?'

Getting inside they all went to bath first and after that rested for quite some time until the food is served.

While waiting for the food Denki asked Haruto "Haruto, when did you reach here?"

"About, 11 am."

"You damn feathers! You left us there!" Bakugo screamed at Haruto.

Looking at him Haruto asked "I thought you were a solo guy."

"Who said that?"

"No one. Just thought like that after seeing you interacting with the rest."

"You shitty bastard what do you know!"

"Bakugo stop." Iida said.

As he said that Bakugo started to argue with Iida, seeing this Haruto laughed. As they were talking and screaming at ech other Aizawa opened the door and said "Food is read. In the dining room, now."

"Yes sir."

After eating food everyone went to sleep.

At the middle of the night, a black bird came flying into the boys room and sat on top of Haruto's chest, and started to peck on him.

Feeling that he woke up and looked at the bird. The bird nodded and went into his shadows. Understanding what has happened he layed down again and thought 'So they came. Even though Aizawa told me to inform him if there were any intruders, if my plan has to work I can only inform him five minutes before the attack begin.' Thinking that he slowly went to sleep.




-----------Chapter 58 End----------

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