
Check up

After her examination Koko sat in the doctors office. Sitting next to her was an older woman her advancing age evident by her grey hairs. This woman was the head of the orphanage. Though she is a busy woman she always makes time to go with the children that have gotten Quirks. But this particular time she is rather worried.

"Aren't you excited?" She said, looking at the Koko who is calmly sitting beside her.

Everyone knew Koko was a silent child; it was practically part of her identity at this point. But, even a quiet child would be ecstatic about awakening their Quirk. The future prospect of becoming a hero makes them excited. Of course, that doesn't account for Koko. She never showed any interest in heroes like the others. The Matron never thought anything weird about this, "Not everyone wants to become a hero, even children." She would think.

"I am excited," Koko responded, her voice still flat and dull.

Hearing this the matron closely examined Koko's features, noticing the semblance of a smile slowly creeping up only to be shut down immediately by her facial muscles. What has gotten into her mind that she thinks it's not okay to smile!?

"It is okay to smile, you know." She said, placing a hand on Koko's shoulder.

Koko looks up at her, eyes wide. "Rea-"

She gets interrupted by the door to the office opening, through it a man walks in. He has a bald head, with a bushy broomstick mustache and hunched back. He dawns the customary doctor coat and unique green glass goggles with a golden rim.

'Kyudai Garaki' Koko thought.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kyudai Garaki." He said,

"Nice to meet you, Doctor. Have you found out about Koko's Quirk?"

"Yes, let me see here.." He pulls out his clipboard, "Alright, from our examinations it appears Koko has awakened a form of water manipulations."

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, well we can see that Koko can produce an unknown substance from the pores on her body."

"Unknown? It's not dangerous is it?" The matron asked worriedly.

"On that topic.. Well, we are not sure. The substance dissipates almost immediately whenever we try to test it."

"I would suggest she refrains from using it near people since it could be a dangerous substance."

"Okay, Doctor. Do you understand Koko?" The Matron asked, looking at Koko. In response, she nodded her head.

"Okay, that should end today's visit. If there are any problems please come back for another check-up."

"Thank you, Doctor," THe Matron said, walking towards the door, Koko's hand in hers.

"Oh! Her Quirk has been named Bubble."

Koko POV:

That visit is finally over. Good thing my Quirk seems unassuming. I don't think I'll have to worry about All For One knocking on my door. Good thing I can remotely dissipate my Bubbles

"Hey!" A child's voice calls out to me.

Looking back I see a boy, around my age, with spik blonde hair and a dangerous look on his face. I guess I've confirmed that I'm within the timeline.

"I just got my Quirk!" He says with a proud look on his face.


"Look at this!" He reaches out his right hand, palm up, and a tiny explosion begin to form dancing around his palm like firecrackers.

"With a Quirk this strong I'm definitely going to become the number one hero!"


He seems a little off-put by my lack of response. Probably expecting me to praise his Quirk or something. Yikes, even though he recently got it everyone around him must have been praising his Quirk to high heaven. Being a child he quickly recovers.

"You must be here for the same reason! What's your Quirk? It definitely won't be as strong as mine."

"Here." Stretching out my hand bubbles begin to form and pop around it. "Whoops!" The bubbles forming immediately stop. Breaking doctor's orders only 5 minutes after leaving? Shame on me.

"Ehh? Bubbles? That's really weak… Hey! I know! When I become the number one hero you could be my sidekick! LEt's meet up at the park and I'll introduce you to my other sidekicks."

…The audacity of this boy. One, I don't even want to be a hero. And two, the park is very vague but I'm pretty sure I know where the place he's talking about is.

As I'm about to deny, I notice Mother Matron, who is talking to his mom, looking at me expectantly, Sighing I agree, "Sure, I'll be there tomorrow."


"Alright, Koko, it's time to go." Mother Matron calls me.

"Cya, I'm Kastuki Bakugou by the way."

Stopping my stride I look back, "Just Koko."

Walking into the orphanage everyone looks at me with glowing eyes. Those eyes are practically screaming at me to show them my Quirk. Just as I'm about to give in, Mother Matron stops me. "Stop, you remember what the doctor said right?"

Oh yeah.

"Wait right here." She says walking out into the yard. After a short period of time she returns with a closed fist. Walking towards me she opened it to reveal a beetle. Dropping it on the ground she says, "Okay, use your Quirk on it."

Activating my Quirk I send a bubble over to the beetle on the ground.the bubble fully encompasses the better and begins floating around.

"Okay, it looks safe enough. Go ahead and show everyone."

Swiping my hand hundreds of bubbles float through the air. Causing the kids to jump around popping them with excitement. I'm gonna need to work on the amount.

A few hours later, once I'm getting ready for bed, Mother Matron approaches me.



"You're going to school."

I thought we didn't have enough money to send us all to school. The volunteers would take up most of our schooling.


"I know you're smarter than others. I heard the praise the volunteer tutor has given you. So I have no doubt you will get good grades. The reason I'm sending you is to make friends." I try to cut in but she continues, "Your siblings and the boy you met earlier don't count."

"..Okay." I sigh.

"Good no gets to bed your first day is tomorrow." She says before hastily walking away.

Wait, What! I was about to argue but she disappeared into the hallway before I could get the words out.

I wait a few hours until I'm sure everyone is asleep. Sitting up I slowly creep off my bed towards the window. Opening it I jump out into the yard. The orphanage is situated near a small forest a perfect spot for training without wanting to be seen.

Once I've made it far enough into the forest I create a bubble in my hand and closely examine it. Earlier when I used it on that beetle I felt something different, like I held its life in my hands. They said the substance was unknown so maybe it's interchangeable. I imagine the bubble becoming acidic, able to melt those before it. Sending the bubble over to the tree it melts a small indent on it before vanishing.

Oh. An adaptable substance now that's interesting. I wonder what other substances I could use. Maybe liquid nitrogen? I again imagine the bubble to be cold. No, not just cold. Freezing. Once I'm sure I've got it I send it over the tree again. This time I force it to pop, sending the liquid in a wider area. Droplets that hit the tree make a small layer of frost form over it. Not exactly what I was hoping for. I feel like I'm missing an important detail. But this will do for now. I need to head back.

Slowly creeping back through the window I shut it and get back into my bed as if I never left.


Gonna try and flesh out the world a little. Things should get more villainy soon.

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