
MHA:Broken God

----------------------- They betrayed him, they hurt him, they broke him...but they went too far ----------------------- Contains Cursing, torture, child abuse, rape, domestic violence, gore, self harm, drug use, alcohol consumption, etc. so if you are uncomfortable with any of them then don't read this No harem or yaoi Don't expect daily or weekly updates I would try to update as much as I can but it will most probably be 2 episodes per month I own nothing other than my OCs Cover is not mine but the artist is damn good. This is a fanfiction but webnovel decided to be a dick and out it into the novel category so i'm not even reaching my target audience ;-; hence if someone asks for an mha fanfic with op mc, then reccomend this shit to them. -----------------------

Good_Boi_5726 · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter 14 So we do a little trolling

It's been an year since I began the stage 2 and so far it's been a waste of time, in the physical training, they just make me do random exercises and spar with the brick dude, in quirk training that shitty quirk specialist makes me do random things without even giving me a challenge and as for the teacher, except for the history lessons and now biology lessons rest all were worthless.

When I spar I slowly start showing more of my abilities to prove growth and as for the quirk training it had no use as of now, in biology I learnt how quirks work in our body, honestly I feel like the quirk specialist should have explained this instead of making me do random shit and as for history I learned how the first quirks came to this world and how villains and heroes were formed and that's where the bullshit started, they started over-glorifying heroes and made villains look like demons who came straight from hell, as if it wasn't their own fault that villains existed, once a person was desperate enough they turned to the path of crime and instead of preventing these people from turning to crime the heroes instead beat the shit out of them once they become a villain and the public cheers for them like they are some saviours.

The amount of disappointment these people were giving me hurt even more that their torture from before so I decided to share some of this headache with them, I started trolling whoever I came across, and the best thing was that they couldn't even prove that I was the one who trolled them.

My trolling adventures went like this, everytime the brick dude came to spar with me I turned his undies to water mid-fight and he couldn't even say anything once I introduced this as one of my tactics, it was worth it seeing him stumble whenever his genitals got soaked mid-fight, one time he even started shaking himself like a dog to get rid of the water only to make it worse.

Then to the quirk specialist, whenever he gave a stupid order, I pulled some of the hair on his mustaches, using the air and everytime I did so he yelped like a mouse and the guards just looked at him like he was crazy, and the teacher, I made her sneeze like crazy by spamming clusters of dust particles down her nose.

And for the Madam President I reserved the best troll, in this past 1 year my domain recieved an explosive boost and increased to 50 meters in all directions and I made a valuable discovery, the association president's room lied on the way to my classroom where they taught me so whenever I went past her room I changed the words on her file to some random shit and converted her tea to the most disgusting alcohol I could make, Smoker's cough, it was basically an alcoholic drink made of mayonnaise and jager and it was absolutely horrible, only my second most favourite person in world is worthy of drinking such a thing.

Once she even confronted me questioning me if I had something to do with her drink but I just feigned ignorance and said that it must be one of her guards.


3 years later and I'm now 13 years old and finally the training started to actually prove to be a challenge to me, apparently the brick guy couldn't take it anymore and resigned and three other trainers took his place, they sparred with me together and absolutely didn't hold back, one of them had a quirk that turned his body into metal, the second one had two more arms and the last one could create thin wires of metal which would be impossible to see if not for my quirk, speaking of my quirk, my domain increased to 500 meters in all directions now.....yeah crazy.

The quirk specialist would give me somewhat challenging tasks like controlling a plank of wood and flying on it and when I reached the ceiling of the room he ordered me to jump off the plank and convert the ground where I landed to water, since he wasn't specific with his orders I decided to jump at his location and turned the ground below him to water soaking us both.

One day when I was walking to my classroom and passed through the president's room I took a quick peek at one of her files and it contained further instructions for the weapon project, still find that name cringe, anyway it said that my training would continue till I was 16 years of age, in other words they had to stick with me for 3 more years, I'm honestly impressed with their patience so far, I half expected them to try kill me in my sleep.

I'm half tempted to just leave already but I have planned to go out with a bang and I will get the perfect opportunity soon I just have to hold out for a little longer.


Finally it's time, I am 16 now and news came that All might has retired after his fight with all for one, the world is in chaos without their symbol of peace.

It was time to carry out my grand escape, I woke up and washed my face and waited for the guards to come, soon they were here and I was escorted to my first class, the physical exercise, I did a quick warmup and got ready, they rushed at me and for the first time in 7 years, I didn't hold back.

I made a 100 meter deep pit below the three of them and filled the bottom with hundreds of sharp spikes, they didn't even have the time to scream before they fell to their deaths, I walked over to the door and crushed it open, outside were a dozen guards, relaxed standing against the wall, the moment they saw me they tried to shoot me but with my enhanced reflexes I turned their guns to acid before they could even react, as the skin on their arms was peeling off I made swords of steel, one for each of them and impaled their throats.

'So satisfying.' I thought.

Then I walked down to a room I was all to familiar with, the association president's office, I sensed inside and she was sitting on her chair with about 20 heroes protecting her, I just chuckled at her futile attempt and kicked open the door the heroes rushed at me using their various quirks but I impaled them all with stone spikes coming out of the ground.

I walked over to Madam President and said,

"Quite a lovely day for a massacre this is."

She glared at me and stood up with a gun in her hand and fired at me.

I stopped all the bullets in mid air and let them drop to the ground.

"Tch, tch I was only trying to talk to you, *sigh* why are women so troublesome." I said as I shot blades of condensed air at her and cut off both of her arms.

She screamed as she sat back down on the chair, I created two ball of fire, a neat little trick I learned which consisted of vibrate the air molecules so fast that they get set on fire, I could do the opposite by making the molecules be completely still to create ice.

I shot the two balls of fire at both her arms and burnt the bleeding wound shut causing her to scream more.

"Don't worry nobody will disturb our quality time with each other, I made sure to block all sound going out." I said since sound waves basically travelled through a medium and if I had complete control over that medium I could amplify the sound or completely silence it.

I then tied her to the chair with metal chains and made the chair float, Then I carried the chair behind me and flew up on a stone slab.

I made a hole in the ceiling enough for me and the chair to pass through and flew straight up.

Seeing the sun for the first time after so long caused me to shut my eyes for a bit to allow them to get used to it.

I then bolted the president's chair to the ceiling and stood in front of her.

"Hey, do you know how a nuclear bomb works?" I asked with a slight smile on my face.

Her eyes widened as she stared at me in disbelief "Wha-" she muttered.

"Don't sweat the details just enjoy your last moments with me." I said as I floated up a kilometer away from the facility, I got a good view of my surroundings, the facility in which I was at was in the middle of a jungle surrounded by nothing but trees as far as I could see.

After breathing some fresh air I got to work.

With my domain now of radius 1 km I could sense the facility at the edge of my domain.

'Hmmm a simple gun type nuclear bomb should be enough.' I though as I got to work, I created a hollow metallic jacket to house the uranium as high up as I could, then I created two bodies of uranium 235 one in the shape of a hemisphere hollowed out in the shape of a cone while the other smaller one in the shape of a cone. I then placed the hemisphere shaped one at the front of the casing and the cone shaped at the end and dropped it above the facility.

I watched it fall and time seemed to slow down, just as it was about to touch the ground I slammed the cone shaped uranium into the hemisphere shaped one as fast as I could and my whole vision went white.

I quickly shut my eyes and flew away but the shockwave still hit me, thankfully I stabilised myself in time. once I felt like I was far away, I opened my eyes and saw the destruction, Nothing was visible for miles except for a giant mushroom cloud of smoke, my ears were still ringing thanks to the explosion but I didn't sustain any damage except for some minor radiation poisoning which I quickly treated before it got worse.

The trees within a few kilometres of the explosion had either been burned away or uprooted and flung away, i snuffed out any remaining fire to prevent a forest fire.

I knew this land won't be usable now for generations to come due to the radiation but it wasn't my problem as I quickly flew away to the nearest city from here.


Author's Corner

Finally Association arc is done \(0-0)/

If you have any suggestions then feel free to comment them.