
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 8

Dokeshi woke up to a knocking on his door. He looked and it was six in the morning. 'Who is here this early in the morning?' He grumbled in his head as he put on shorts and a T-shirt. He then walked to the door and opened it without looking threw the pep hole. He was startled to see that it was Shiozaki, fully dressed in the girl's uniform.

"Why are you here?" He said groggily being too tired to notice her face looking a little sheepish.

"W-well I just wanted to talk to you about something important." She replied nervously

That caught Dokeshi off guard. This was the first time since they meant that she wasn't being hostile towards him. Before he could respond she spoke.

"You should get ready for school, I will be waiting for you out here." She said with a small blush on her face.

Dokeshi only nodded and closed the door. As he got ready he didn't know why, his chest was feeling tight thinking about her face when she said that. He didn't like it. He had to dismiss those types of feelings, that was something he was taught at the HPSC. To only focus on fights and being a hero. So he splashed some water on his face and headed to the door.

Dokeshi opened the door and saw that Shiozaki was still in the same spot waiting for him. They made eye contact, dark green eyes meeting Amber. She almost instantly turn her head and said in an embarrassed tone.

"L-let us embark t-to school D-Dokeshi-kun"

Dokeshi had no idea why Shiozaki was acting like this. One day she hates my guts, the next she adds kun the end of my name. 'Maybe she's bipolar?" He thought as he walked beside her.

They were a quarter of the way to school when Shiozaki spoke.

"I am so sorry for the way I treated you." She exclaimed like she was holding it back and it just gushed out.

Dokeshi raised an eyebrow and said. "Oh? why are you now apologizing?"

"W-well after what Yaoyorozu said yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then when I got home I started to pray, and god told me I was wrong and should amend my mistake with you. So again I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart." she replied with teary eyes

See that his heart started to ache for some reason he didn't understand. But he knew he didn't like it, it felt like feeling this way was betraying the HPSC.

He pushed down this feeling and said in a monotone voice "It's okay I'm used to it."

That was not the right thing to say, she started to cry and said "I'm such a horrible person. you've done nothing wrong and people treat you like a monster, I treated you like a monster."

Not knowing what to do he put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up and looked into his eyes. She saw that there was no malice against her, but there was something else it was fear. Dokeshi stepped away quickly and went threw his bag until he pulled out a handkerchief. Dokeshi handed it to her and she took it. He quickly turned around and started walking towards U.A. Shiozaki grew concerned thinking about what she saw. 'Why did he have fear in his eyes?' she wondered while catching up to Dokeshi. All Dokeshi could think was. 'I can't betray Madam President' over and over again until they reached their homeroom.

Dokeshi opened the door to see only Ida, Momo, and Todoroki sitting in their seats. Ida tried to greet Dokeshi but Dokeshi just ignored him and sat down at his desk.

As people started to file into the room Dokeshi calmed himself down. He couldn't have a breakdown at the start of the day. When he was in thought he felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked to his right and saw that it was the pink-haired girl and the redhead. Dokeshi only raised an eyebrow.

"Hello! My name is Mina Ashido, It's nice to meet you." She said with too much excitement for how early it was.

"And my name is Eijiro Kirishima." He said with a big smile showing off his pointy teeth.

"My name is Dokeshi Takami, It's also nice to meet you too." He said monotonously.

"Well, we were wondering what exactly your quirk was. I know you told us that it was Null Energy, but what does that have to do with summoning a big sword like that?" Ashido asked.

"Ya it's confusing but so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed.

Dokeshi debated on how much to tell them. Then he noticed everyone staring at them waiting for his response. 'Well I guess they're going to find out eventually' He thought while sighing.

"Well I can use Null Energy to summon three different weapons that do somewhat different things, but they all relate to nullifying quirks." He said while looking around to see their reactions.

"That's so cool!" Said the blond-haired kid with a black lightning bolt in his hair. "My name is Denki Kaminari." He added. As he held his hand out.

Dokeshi sighed before saying. "And I can't touch anyone with skin contact because my quirk steals other people's quirk energy."

Denki quickly pulled his hand back looking stunned. Almost everyone was beside those who knew.

"How much energy do you take per second? Do your weapons also take energy? Can you pull out multiple weapons at the same time? Can you tell how much energy people have when you make skin contact with people? Does it hurt the people that you take energy from?" Midoriya said in one breath until he realized what he did and put both of his hands on his mouth, Going full tomato mode.

Dokeshi was stunned. He was not mentally prepared for this. Luckily for him, Aziawa walked into the door dragging his sleeping bag. He glared at the class, which made everyone go quiet and wait for what Aziawa had to say.

"Good, now until homeroom ends don't wake me up," He said while climbing into his sleeping bag

'How is he our homeroom teacher!' everyone thought.

Unfortunately, even tho they were in the U.A. High's hero course they still had regular classes. For Dokeshi it was child's play, 'maybe I studied too much?' he thought while looking out the window. That's how the day went by until lunch came around.

Dokeshi grabbed food from the Pro Hero Lunch Rush and sat down in one of the corners of the cafeteria. He was followed by Shiozaki of course. He sat down and Shiozaki sat across from him. They started eating when Ida came up to them.

"May I sit here?" He asked formally

Dokeshi only nodded and went back to eating.

Then Midoriya and the auburn-haired girl asked to sit with them.

"Hello my name is Ochaco Uraraka. And your name is Dokeshi right?" She said with a bubbly smile.

Dokeshi nodded at her

"And My name is Ibara Shiozaki. It's a pleasure to meet you" Shiozaki said with a welcoming smile.

"I am sorry for my outburst this morning Dokeshi, I just get so excited about quirks and yours is so unique I couldn't help myself," Midoriya said sheepishly.

"It is fine Midoriya, I was just surprised is all," Dokeshi replied. "I'm flattered that you find my quirk interesting most people find it evil or villainess." He continued

Shiozaki looked guilty at her food.

"Why would they think that?" Uraraka asked innocently.

"Well mainly because of the whole stealing quirk energy thing," Dokeshi replied in a monotone voice.

"Well I guess but I don't see it that way, It can be really good for heroics," Midoriya interjected.

They continued to talk threw the lunch period while Shiozaki kept feeling more and more guilty. Then they went back to their homeroom.

Everyone was excited about the next class, Hero Basic Training. As they talked to each other wondering who their teacher would be. They heard stomping coming closer to their door.

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might shouted as didn't come through the door like a normal person.

Everyone was in awe about All Might being their teacher. Even Dokeshi felt some excitement about it. All Might told them that they were doing combat training today, he then pressed a button and cases started to come out of the all with numbers on them.

"These are your hero costumes put them on and head to Ground Beta!" He exclaimed, then ran out of the room.

Everyone excitedly grabbed their cases. The most excited were Dokeshi and Bakugo because they were doing combat training. Everyone got changed and headed to ground Beta. Once Everyone got to Ground Beta they started to chat waiting for All Might to start.

"Your costume is interesting Dokeshi," Shiozaki said while coming up to him.

She was wearing a white toga and Black boots.

"What do you mean interesting?" Dokeshi asked blankly.

Dokeshi's costume has black pointed metal boots that went to under his knee that layered over each other so that he will still be flexible. The bottom of the boots had a layer of clothing so that they weren't so loud. Red metal knee pads, Black and red striped pants tucked into his boots. A metal chest plate that went down to the bottom of his stomach with a black and red black clover in the center of it. Red metal Shoulder pads that what the same image as the chest. Black and red striped metal sleeves that were also layered like his boots, but no gloves. A black hood with connected to a jesters hat with red bells on the end of them, but they made no sound. And he had a white mask with a smile on it a black star under his right eye and a teardrop under his left.

"Well, it looks a like bit scary, to be honest," Shiozaki said nervously.

"Ah, that is very good. That is exactly what I was going for." He replied with a little chuckle,

Shozaki was shocked. This was the most emotional she has seen him before, and it was off-putting. 'It must be because he has a mask on' She thought.

"W-why would you intentionally make your costume scary?" She stuttered.

"Well, that's because I'm going to be an underground hero!" He said excitedly.

"O-oh, okay" She replied.

"I see that you also went for a fully armored costume too Dokeshi," Ida said while walking over to them.

Ida was wearing various pieces of armor, all in a pale silver color covering all of his body.

"But can you use your quirk still, I thought you need skin contact with your chest," Ida asked

Dokeshi then proceeded to put his hand on his chest, once he did his chest plate opened up to reveal his real tattoo.

"Oh, I see that is a smart way to keep yourself protected while allowing you to use your quirk still." Ida praised.

Then All Might got their attention. He started saying something about how most villain battles are indoors. As All Might continued Dokeshi got lost in thought about who he would be fighting. Once he started to pay attention again All Might had a script in his hands.

"The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes." All Might read from his script before putting it away

"Teams and Opponents will be determined by drawing lots!" All Might exclaimed. While pulling out a box for them to draw lots from.

Everyone walked up and drew lots. Dokeshi drew Team C, He then looked to see who else drew the same team. It turns out it was Momo. She walked up to Dokeshi and spoke.

"Looks like we're on the same team Dokeshi." She said calmly.

"Yep, I can't wait to see who we fight!" Dokeshi exclaimed in an almost sinister way.

If Momo didn't hear him talk earlier with Shiozaki she would have been shocked at his personality change.

"I hope we're the villain team, it seems more fun." Dokeshi continued in an almost dreamy tone.

Shiozaki had an almost sad look on her face when she learned she wouldn't be on the same team as Dokeshi. She got team F, with her teammate being the shy rocky classmate.

All Might then pulled out two more boxes that said, Villain and Hero. He put both of his hands in and pulled out the first team to fight which was Team D as the villains and Team A as the Heros. Team D had Ida and Bakugo, while Team A had Midoriya and Uraraka.

Dokeshi was very disappointed. The two people he wanted to fight were fighting each other instead, But no one noticed this because of his mask.

All Might told the rest to go to the monitoring room to watch the match.

(Here is the link I based Dokeshi's costume on. I do not own this art)
